fake prince

Chapter 1170

Chapter 1170
The emperor took this "Meiyuan Essay" and read it carefully under the lamp.

Contrary to what many people think, even if it is a serious record, the establishment of categories such as "Miscellaneous Notes" and "Cong Tan" has become a common practice, and it is generally regarded as "a surplus of materials", with the function of preserving trivial materials. After free repair, it lost its original interest.

Therefore, "Miscellaneous Notes" has preserved many street talks, anecdotes and anecdotes.

The author of this book is a person from the former dynasty, with few talents and reputations. He is quite prestigious as an official and diligent in politics, but his official career is not smooth. , most of which are instructive stories, but there are also some weird ones.

The reason why the emperor rummaged through this book was because he had read a story many years ago, and when he found out that the Jiulongyi had changed, he suddenly remembered it.

But many years have passed, and he has long forgotten where the story is, so he can only search page by page, and finally found the specific content.

"The fate is so strange!"

The emperor read it carefully, and found that the content of the story was similar to what he remembered, and the details made up for the gaps caused by time.

In general, the story looks a bit flat, without any thrilling plot, and there seems to be no climax from the beginning to the end, and it only tells a small story calmly.

It is said that there is a person whose destiny is Jinxiu. A fortune teller friend once asserted that the family has a lot of shade and virtue. Although it was a little late when he passed the Jinshi examination, his blessings are all behind him. Your life!
The old man was only a seventh-rank county magistrate when his life was cut off. He had just passed the Jinshi examination for less than three years, and he was already forty and nearly fifty years old.

Later, as my fortune-telling friend said, although the official career was not very smooth, it was steadily improving, and finally reached the fifth rank, which was more stable than most of the same subjects I was acquainted with.

As a result, when he was about 55 years old, the old man suddenly fell ill.

It's just that he contracted the wind and cold, and he couldn't cure it for a long time. In the end, the whole person was weak, and he couldn't see it.

A fortune teller friend came to visit, and when he saw his face, he was shocked: "How could this be?"

It turned out that his illness actually changed the fate of the whole person!

"You could have lived until 91. You were a third-rank official before returning to your hometown at the age of 70. Although you became an official, the emperor valued and rewarded you. It can be said that you returned to your hometown in fine clothes, and you could enjoy leisure and wealth for another 21 years. In the end, you died without illness. After death, he will receive a beautiful posthumous posthumous title, and his life will be very fulfilling."

"But with your illness, everything has changed. If you don't die this time, I'm afraid you can only live for another three to five years, and you can only stop at the fifth rank!"

"This disease has actually wiped out most of your life, regardless of your life expectancy or your wealth!"

The friend of the fortune teller was very moved. At this time, the only son came in to serve the soup. The looker became more and more surprised when he saw the son of his old friend.

"Although most of your life is withered, you have more wings!"

"When I came to see you back then, your son only had a life of wealth and honor, but no official life. He could only pass the exam, and he couldn't make it any higher."

"But looking at it now, your son actually has the title of the gold list. Although the ranking will not be too high, I am afraid that he will be able to win the Jinshi in the future. It can be seen that the number of heaven is not more than one point, not one point!"

Hearing this, the official immediately understood the reason. Although he was depressed about his own fate, he was relieved that there were successors in his family.

This story, that is what it is about, is nothing more than moral education, neither good-looking, nor exciting, and the reasoning is not surprising.

But the emperor read it carefully several times, and suddenly read aloud.

"Could it be that this time, I didn't hit the grandson, but gave him more destiny?"

"Or, because of your existence, my fate has naturally shifted?"

With just one thought, the emperor felt that he was a little more tired, and his breath was more rotten.

"No, I am the Son of Heaven, I am the Son of Heaven."

The emperor established this grandson because he hoped to raise a dragon for his own use, but how long has it been since he became a grandson?With such an achievement, the ability to accumulate [-]% so quickly should make the emperor happy, but how could he be happy?

The emperor just felt gloomy and seemed out of breath.

Taking a deep breath, sparks flashed in the emperor's eyes, then he calmed down and said to himself: "Forget it, let you know, it's not easy to govern this beautiful country... Come on!"

Following this sound, the eunuch on duty who had been waiting carefully outside immediately opened the door and came in. This is a eunuch in his thirties, who looks very capable, and is waiting for orders with his head down.

The emperor glanced at it, and said lightly: "Call out the file about the grain depot on the [-]th of last month last year."

"Yes!" The eunuch immediately responded and walked out quickly.

"Go, in the internal file, call out the file for the ninth day of last month, and send it here quickly!" As soon as he went out, the eunuch immediately ordered the little eunuch.

All the files reviewed by the emperor were managed, and after a while, the little eunuch found this file and handed the files to him on a tray.

The eunuch entered the imperial study again and handed the thick stack of papers to the emperor. The emperor took it, opened a page casually, and saw his own ink pen for marking at first sight.

The emperor didn't look at it, walked slowly, and murmured: "Father has won the world, day and night are like walking on thin ice, get up early at five o'clock, and stay with the light at night. After only 11 years in office, Long Yu passed away."

"Since I succeeded to the throne, I have been working hard day and night, and I dare not be negligent in the slightest. There are still many incomplete things. Being an emperor is really hard."

"But I work so hard, but others still refuse to let me relax, always looking for trouble for me!"

When the emperor spoke, the eunuch bowed lower.

"Oh, that's all, you know I've sinned against me, it's only Chunqiu, you step back!"


These are all the things that have been reported to the emperor on the [-]th of last month. Basically, it is more important to keep a file with the emperor.

There are good things and bad things among them, but there are a few copies in this day's file that are obviously bad things. The emperor looked through it, took out one, and looked at it carefully.

A few eunuchs stood guard outside, and it was not surprising to see the eunuchs come out after a while after entering.

"You continue to guard here." Because the time was up, the eunuch did not continue to serve outside, but let someone replace him, and hurriedly left after a few instructions.

The eunuch just left the palace in front of him, so he took a detour and went to a remote courtyard.

The person who lives here is the former governor, Eunuch Zhao.

Because Eunuch Zhao’s Dugong position was occupied by Ma Shunde, and he dissuaded the emperor because of raising a son to make trouble before, he was first angered by the emperor, and then he was appeased but no longer used. His status in the palace plummeted. It was even worse before being reactivated.

At first, everyone thought that there might be a comeback, but now many people think that this time, Eunuch Zhao must have completely lost his Sacred Heart.

As soon as the eunuch came in, he found that there was no one in the courtyard, and the door of the main room was ajar. He knocked lightly twice, and a familiar voice came from inside: "Come in."

"Oh, Grandpa Zhao, I greet you, are you reading a book?"

Because the charcoal was burning in the room, Eunuch Zhao was only wearing a robe, tied with a belt, and sat in a bright place by the window with a book in his hand. Looking at the situation in the room, a flash of light flashed across the eunuch's face. Surprised, he took a step forward to say hello, and said.

This eunuch has a deep relationship with Eunuch Zhao. Not only was he promoted by Eunuch Zhao, but he was also favored by Eunuch Zhao, which saved him from death. Although he did not recognize Eunuch Zhao as his godfather, he also They have always come to visit from time to time, and will make preparations for what is lacking. It can be said that the relationship between the two is closer now than in the past.

"It's you, Hu Huai'an." Eunuch Zhao's eyes sparkled and he waved his hands: "Yes, this is Xu Mo's poem from the previous dynasty. It can be said to be unique in the world. The emperor once gave it to me, but I rarely read it in the past. Now that I read and research carefully, the benefits are really small.”

Hearing this, the eunuch couldn't help admiring him secretly, and his eyes flashed strangely.

(End of this chapter)

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