fake prince

Chapter 1171 Treats me as a humble dog

Chapter 1171 Treats me as a humble dog

"I can't see any resentment at all." Hu Huai'an came in and took a closer look.

This is a small house, decorated elegantly and simply, with expensive mulberry paper on the wall, a couch next to the wall, and a bookshelf on the wall, with hundreds of books on it.

Eunuch Zhao was not as embarrassed as he was at the time. He still had some injuries on his head, but he was still in good spirits. On the wooden table were inkstones, ink, ink, and several volumes of books. There was still steam rising from the tea bowl beside him. He waved his hand and said lightly: "Why did you come here suddenly? Shouldn't you be on errand?"

Hu Huai'an smiled apologetically, and seemed to be exactly the same as before: "Grandpa Zhao, I came here to tell you something, so..."

He whispered what happened just now.

Eunuch Zhao frowned when he heard it, and after listening to it, he thought about it and said: "Our family remembered, this is the matter of Chai Kejing, the magistrate of Yulin Mansion, right? He is an unlucky ghost. I lost [-] stones due to mildew, and I was reprimanded for this incident."

This happened a month ago, even Hu Huai'an, who is much younger than Eunuch Zhao, thinks he has a good memory, but he doesn't remember these seemingly insignificant things so clearly, he usually remembers a few something more important.

Before today, who could have thought that this matter would be revealed today?

He came here temporarily again, and this incident happened just now. There was no one who tipped off Eunuch Zhao to know about it earlier, so Eunuch Zhao remembered this incident after thinking about it for a while. The errand is really very attentive.

As soon as I said it, I remembered, this point really made Hu Huai'an admire.

Such thoughts also appeared on his face. Eunuch Zhao couldn't help sighing after seeing it: "You came here this time, but you came here by mistake."

Hu Huai'an looked at Eunuch Zhao, and he heard that Eunuch Zhao disagreed and said, "You and I have a relationship and love, and I don't deny that."

"But in this palace, rules and duty are the most important."

"You have been promoted to be a great eunuch. The first thing you think about should be the rules, your duty, and how to serve the emperor."

"From now on, don't come to me again, don't run to me all the time, you have to be loyal to the emperor, don't be half-hearted, something like today is just this one time, and it won't be an example."

"In this way, not only your duty is fulfilled, but mine is also fulfilled."

"But..." Hu Huai'an wanted to say something, but Eunuch Zhao stared at him, and finally he could only change his words: "Yes."

"However, when the file was handed over, the emperor read it carefully, but he didn't comment. I also wanted to ask you for advice because I didn't understand."

Eunuch Zhao just shook his head and served tea, which meant that the emperor didn't comment, so what can he say for an eunuch like him?

Seeing this, the eunuch could only resign and leave.

After Hu Huai'an left, Eunuch Zhao's expression gradually became gloomy, he looked at the closed door, and after a long silence in the small room, he took a sip of the tea bowl he had brought up, and put it down again as if holding a mouthful of bitter medicine.

"so bitter."

"Grannium? Your Majesty must have a purpose in uncovering this matter again!"

"The granary is a stubborn disease of the past dynasties, and it has a wide range of implications. It can only be cured in the past dynasties, but it cannot be rooted out. The emperor has been the emperor for 20 years, and he knows it."

"Originally it was just beating, and then deal with a few according to the law."

"But if you take out the booklet from a month ago, it's not the usual regulations. Could it be related to the grandson? Could it be that the emperor is going to send the grandson to deal with this big problem?"

Eunuch Zhao understood the emperor so well, he got up and walked a few steps in the room, and when he thought of this, he stopped and realized something.

Hu Huai'an, who left Eunuch Zhao's small courtyard, went back the same way, but instead of returning to his own courtyard, he went into the imperial study.

As soon as he entered, he knelt on the ground and said to the emperor: "Go back to the emperor. The servant has already been there. He has nothing else to say, and he has no comment on this matter. Instead, he told the servant not to go again and again, but to be loyal to the emperor."

After finishing speaking, he said every sentence clearly, and then bowed to listen to the order.

The emperor nodded, without any expression, he just said: "I understand, step back."

Hu Huai'an quietly raised his eyes to look, or because of psychological effects, he felt that although the emperor had no expression, his eyebrows and eyes were still opened.

With this sound, Hu Huai'an immediately retreated respectfully.

After the eunuch retreated, the emperor looked at the algae well on the top of the hall, and said for a long time: "It seems that this old man is still a bit enlightened."

At this time, there are not many people who can be trusted. Even if it is Meng Lin, the emperor does not completely believe it, let alone the courtiers.

The emperor suddenly thought of the previous dynasties, not to mention the later dynasties, starting with Emperor Taizong, they would trust eunuchs more than courtiers.

When I was young, I felt that those emperors were fatuous and incompetent, and I didn't understand what they thought, so they gave their authority and trust to some eunuchs.

But thinking about these things now, the feeling is different.

"Children and grandchildren are hard to rely on."

One edict governs the lives and deaths of hundreds of millions of people in Kyushu. Unless you have tasted this taste, no one can resist it. Even the emperor, when he is old and sick, his children and grandchildren are young and strong, no matter how popular and powerful they are. It was enough to make the emperor feel uneasy like an old tiger.

Are there still few incidents of father and son killing each other in coups and mutinies in the past dynasties?

"It's hard for a courtier to be loyal."

Most of the courtiers have families and family members, not only for themselves, but also for future generations and families. In terms of loyalty to the emperor, it is inevitable that they will be burdened by these things.

It's not that there are no loyal ministers, but in the end, sitting on a high dragon chair and looking down, how can you tell who is loyal and who is half-hearted?

Being able to be a courtier, especially a close minister, has always been able to figure out the holy will, and can even pretend.

"Even I have suffered a lot."

Not long after the emperor came to the throne, he still felt that he had always had full control over his courtiers, and those he trusted would dare not betray his trust.

But what happened next gave the emperor more than one slap in the face.

"I've solved these problems, but I didn't expect that my biggest enemy is the Lord, the Lord of the World?"

It's not that the emperor didn't understand that many people were loyal to the country and finally Dazheng.

"But to me, not a pure minister."

Even the chief assistant whom he has always trusted is like this, how can others guarantee loyalty?

"For the sake of Dazheng, for the sake of the country, do you regard me as a humble dog? When you can use me, you will be devout, and when you are old, you can throw it away?"

"What kind of pure minister is this, loyal minister?"

There was anger in the emperor's eyes.

If you think about it this way, eunuchs who have no descendants, or even the concept of a country, are indeed the main group of people who can be used when they want to do business and private affairs.

Different from the courtiers, these eunuchs are still available at any time and can be killed at any time. They don't have to have all kinds of scruples when they want to kill. They can be said to be the best people to drive.

The emperor originally vented his anger on Eunuch Zhao, and felt that the old man had a second heart.

But when the anger gradually subsided, thinking about the previous things carefully, although he was still very dissatisfied with the old man who blocked him at that time, he also knew that although the old man had gone beyond the limit at that time, he was indeed dissuading him for his own sake.

After today's trial, he felt more at ease about it.

"It's good to have no resentment, otherwise, even though there is love, I can only kill you in advance."

(End of this chapter)

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