fake prince

Chapter 1172 There is great terror between life and death

Chapter 1172 There is great terror between life and death

Hu Huai'an came out of the palace, couldn't hold back his ups and downs, shook his head, and said quietly: "Hey, Grandpa Zhao, it's not that I'm ungrateful, it's you who have always taught us to put righteousness first and loyalty to the emperor."

"It would be best if you have nothing to do, but if you have something to do..." The following words were hard to come out, Hu Huai'an thought for a long time in a daze: "Every year, I will never forget to offer you a stick of incense."

A few servants outside are cleaning the sanitation of the palace, because the emperor is in a bad mood recently, and he is more picky about the living environment, and if he is not satisfied at all, he may lose his temper.

The little servants working here are even busier.

One of the servants wiped the floor tiles, wiped them, and then went outside to clean the steps.

Then he suddenly clutched his stomach, and said to a servant who came out together: "I suddenly have an unbearable abdominal pain, please leave for a while."

"Go, come back quickly." A little servant looked around cautiously: "Don't be caught by the superiors, last time the little roller was beaten with thirty sticks, and now it's lying down!"

"Don't worry, I'll go back as soon as I go!" said the little servant, and as soon as he went out, he quickly went to a place, saying that it was remote, but in fact it was just a corner, not too far from the main hall, just walk along the corridor.

In a remote courtyard, the door opened with a creak. Eunuch Zhao walked around the courtyard and made another cup of tea under the chair in the middle.

The tea bowl was steaming, he calmly took a sip, his expression did not change, but his heart sank, this is a newly received tea, although it is good tea, it is a defective product among good teas, last year's tea.

The last time I was dismissed from office, it was the first time I enjoyed good tea, not this one. It can be seen that all the people in the palace know that they have been rejected by the emperor.

"One is flourishing, the next is declining, and the third is exhausting."

"Courage is like this, isn't love like this?" Eunuch Zhao thought in a daze, speaking realistically, thinking back to that day, it would be a lie not to regret it.

"But, the emperor has a thorn in his heart, what should I do?"

Eunuch Zhao knew the emperor too well. Once the emperor had a thorn in his heart, he would be fine when he needed it.

"I haven't seen anything before, Hu Huai'an, this is deliberately tricking me into talking, Your Majesty, are you so suspicious of me, oh..."

Eunuch Zhao lingered in the courtyard for a long time, Fang took a heavy breath, and turned his thoughts hard: "The emperor's search for the granary, is it because he wants the grandson to control it?"

"There are many accidents in the granary because rice cannot be stored for a long time. Generally, it only lasts for three years. After five years, it is difficult to eat."

"Therefore, the stored rice and grain must be sold every year, and then exchanged for new rice and new grain."

"This is a big waste, and a lot of oil and water. It is so big that not only the officials are involved, but also the yamen and the army. Whoever manages it will offend others."

"Your majesty, do you want your grandson to play the role of offending people?"

Just thinking about it, I saw a small servant arrive at the door, and when he saw Eunuch Zhao, he kowtowed immediately: "Grandpa Zhao, Hu Huaian went back to the imperial study directly after returning from you, and stayed there for about a cup of tea before coming out. "

"What to say specifically, the villain doesn't know."

Eunuch Zhao heard this, even though he knew there was a prediction, he was still stunned when he heard it, and smiled wryly for a long time.

"Your Majesty, are you so suspicious of your servants? Your Majesty, have you forgotten that your servants also received such tasks back then."

Eunuch Zhao suddenly thought of a person, Xu Zhong who was in charge of the Imperial City Division back then.

That was the chief eunuch who was in power for a while, it is said that he was a man who was trusted by the emperor when the emperor was a prince, and he was just a eunuch who was just getting better at that time, compared with Xu Zhongyi, he was like a heaven and an underground.

He is much more majestic than himself and Ma Shunde. It can be said that in the palace, one person is below one person and above ten thousand people.

After all, at that time the empress had already closed the palace, and there was no mistress in charge in the palace. Even if the concubine was favored, she would not dare to offend Duke Xu Zhong.

But it was such a person who was also monitored by the emperor, and the one who monitored Xu Zhong at that time was precisely himself.

Less than half a year after he was assigned the task of monitoring Xu Zhong, suddenly one day, the eunuch Xu Zhong, who had been in power for a while, suddenly disappeared.

If a minister with less than one person and more than [-] people suddenly disappeared, it would inevitably cause turmoil, and the government and the public would be uneasy.

But a eunuch who had been in power for a while disappeared, but there was no disturbance, and the officials seemed to not ask or talk at all.

Eunuch Zhao closed his eyes when he thought of this, and Xu Zhong's numb, unwilling, and desperate expression, as well as those words, appeared in front of his eyes.

"Hey, this is our life as slaves, maybe you will do the same in the future..."

This sentence kept echoing in my mind, and I couldn't stop it.

At this moment, there was a sudden snap from outside the courtyard, and Eunuch Zhao opened his eyes, stood up abruptly, and looked outside.

Because he got up too quickly, the table was moved, the tea bowl shook slightly, and the tea spilled out.

Eunuch Zhao didn't care about these at all, he just looked outside.

The panic and uneasiness that emerged for a moment made the little servant feel that he was delusional.

Fortunately, everything was just a false alarm. Although the voice came from not far away, it didn't sound like a human being. He stood there and waited, passed a cat, and returned to silence.

Eunuch Zhao's heart was still beating violently, and he sat down slowly, his face still not recovering, a little pale.

For a moment, I thought it was the servant who came in with the guards, making me disappear into this world like Xu Zhong.

"Between life and death, there is great terror."

Are you willing?
Eunuch Zhao thought, if he was treated like an animal like this and disappeared like this, his existence in this world would be erased and forgotten by others, would he be willing?

No, I am not reconciled.

At this moment, Eunuch Zhao clearly felt his thoughts.

He got up again, and this time he walked to the side, spread out a piece of paper, wrote some words on it, tore it into a strip of paper, folded it, and handed it to the little servant.

Said to the little servant: "Let's hand it over to the empress, remember, hand it over to her, and see her personally take it."

"Yes." The little servant responded immediately.

Seeing that the servant was about to go out, Eunuch Zhao suddenly shouted from behind: "Come back!"

"What orders does Grandpa Zhao have?" The servant stopped in a daze, and looked back at Eunuch Zhao.

Eunuch Zhao sat there in a daze, his face was pale, his legs were even trembling a little, he didn't know what he was thinking, and the servant didn't dare to ask, so he could only wait like this.

After a long time, Eunuch Zhao's eyes fell on him again, and his voice became hoarse: "You go."


Seeing the little servant walk out, Eunuch Zhao let out all his strength, collapsed on the chair, covered his face, and called out in a low voice, "Your Majesty!"

Tears flowed down immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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