fake prince

Chapter 1173

Chapter 1173
Covered by heavy curtains, the decorations are patchwork. The court ladies are wearing new clothes, and each of them is wearing a small velvet flower that they can wear at this level. They are all wearing flat soft shoes, with light steps, bright eyes and white teeth, and their eyes are full of light.

After years of silence, they finally got a new life. After all, who doesn't know that the emperor respects the empress most now?
No matter how favored those concubines are, they can only be favored for a while, but their masters can always be honored and favored, and now their grandchildren are great grandsons, good days are yet to come.

No, at this moment, several concubines and princesses in the side hall, especially a dozen or so imperial wives have just finished begging to see each other. Seeing that it's getting late, they bid farewell and leave the palace as soon as possible.

The double effect of the emperor and grandson, who can disrespect?

At this time, the two little servants outside the palace were basking in the sun and talking, and saw a group of people approaching from a distance, and the two of them carried a small delicate basket, and they brought over a dozen baskets at once.

"Ouch, here comes another delivery!" A little waiter said cheerfully.

The other one said: "Don't be too happy, I will report the news, you wait here!"

At least half of their job of guarding the gate here is to receive these royal gifts.

Food, supplies, decorations, and even some flowers, powders, and exquisite jewelry are always sent here continuously from the front.

They have been used to it for a long time, but no matter how used it is, they are still really happy every time they see it, and feel that the emperor and empress are reconciled, which is the best thing.

The emperor and the empress are reconciled, and only slaves like myself can have a good life, right?

The little servant who ran in, faced the empress's side, Zhao Xia, a very trustworthy female officer, whispered about this, when Zhao Xia heard this, she laughed, pursed her lips and bowed to the queen, then stepped back and said, "Okay, I'll go out and have a look."

After saying this, I went out, and these dozens of baskets of fruits were handed over outside. Although it was a delicate and small basket, this basket could hold at least dozens of apples. Such as honeydew melon, small such as grapes, lychees.

There are many that should not be eaten in this season, but the emperor is rich in the world. If he really likes which kinds of fruits, the people below will go all out to toss. It is not impossible to eat these dozen kinds of fruits in the early spring season. possible.

In particular, Wei Shizu opened up sea transportation, and there are islands in the south. It is said that it is evergreen and summery all year round, so a royal orchard was specially set up.

For example, lychees are even closer to Lingnan than the place of origin, and they are easy to transport. There is no need for galloping horses, and ships can sail day and night and arrive in the capital quickly.

Even so, such a luxury was not easy for the emperor, and it was almost impossible for the favored concubines and courtiers to enjoy it.

Now that the emperor directly sent so many people, isn't it because he values ​​the empress?
"They all need to be classified and weighed, registered in the register, and rewarded as soon as possible."

After seeing the state of these dozen or so baskets of fruits, Zhaoxia pointed out, "All kinds are divided into [-]%, take some to clean, I will put them in, and the rest will be stored temporarily."


Zhaoxia brought some maids and servants to the hall holding some on a silver tray.

In the side hall, the queen was sitting and reading a book, when she heard footsteps, she said without raising her head, "Why is it so noisy outside?"

Zhaoxia just smiled: "Your Majesty, there are more than a dozen baskets of fruit from the front, one basket of each kind, including lychees and grapes!"

"It's not something that should be eaten in this season, but it's just what we got, and it was brought to us. It can be seen that this is really the only one in the palace. The servant asked and said that there are no other concubines, so I just gave it to us. Here comes such a portion!"

Zhaoxia boasted that the income was the only one in the palace, and the queen listened to it, and the hands that turned the pages of the book were stunned.

She raised her head, and a trace of complexity appeared on her face, which could still see the traces of her youthful beauty even through wind and frost.

The Queen's mood is somewhat complicated now. After all, she and the Emperor were really a loving couple more than 20 years ago. child.

Even if the emperor has other concubines, as the king of a country, when she married him as the prince, she had to be prepared, which is considered acceptable.

The most important thing is that after ascending the throne, the emperor respected and loved her very much, and he was impeccable in not favoring any concubine. If it wasn't for what happened later, she and him would surely grow old together.

"But, why are you so suspicious, just heard a few rumors, and indiscriminately forced to kill Fu'er and the people in Manfu?"

But such a tragic thing happened, as a mother, as a grandmother, she couldn't forgive a person who killed her son, grandson, and the whole house of the prince.

Especially when it turned out afterwards that her child was innocent and was wronged, she couldn't accept it and couldn't forgive her anyway.

However, even though he retired to a side palace and gave up his power, the emperor never abolished her, and although the treatment he gave her every year was not as good as it is now, it was not a lot.


With just an inaudible sigh, a eunuch came in. This was Zhou Zhong, who was a confidant at first. Seeing the situation, he didn't speak.

Just listening to Zhaoxia ask: "These fruits are not easy to come by, are they rewarded to Taisun's mansion?"

"The servant has prepared [-]%."

"Also, several empresses and princesses in the palace came to see the empress, do they want to reward them, and do they also want to reward the wives outside the court, please let me show you."

"You have a good idea, let's distribute it like this!" The queen said with satisfaction.

"Yes, that servant will leave." Zhaoxia retreated winkingly, and fell silent. Zhou Zhong cast a glance at the queen and replied directly.

"Your Majesty, after Wang Jinzhong was beaten to death, our people were pushed up. Although there were twists and turns in the process, we still got what we wanted."

"It's just that since Wang Jinzhong was beaten to death, his position has been restricted. Our people are now mainly dealing with the relationship between the palace and the outside world, and they are only limited to buying meals, and they can't get involved in anything else."

"It's good enough to be able to enter and exit the palace stably." This is the emperor's habitual defense, and it may not be aimed at anyone, but the queen is not dissatisfied with it, and asked after a breath: "Is there no problem with communication? "

Since he pushed his own people up, the emperor was so suspicious that he would not trust the newcomers completely, so he had to be more cautious in contacting the outside world in a short period of time.

Zhou Zhonglue thought for a while before replying: "Please don't worry, ma'am, although the person who installed it was our eunuch, the specific person who passed the news was a little servant who was brought in by this person later. It doesn't matter, it was even more inconspicuous in the past."

"Besides, the people we pushed up also turned their hands a few times, and finally pushed up through others. Even if the emperor is worried about him, he will not immediately become suspicious of us."

(End of this chapter)

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