fake prince

Chapter 1174 Can't Stand It Anymore

Chapter 1174 Can't Stand It Anymore

The queen was very satisfied with Zhou Zhong's words, she nodded and asked, "What else?"

This question is about Princess Xinping, who was once the most favored in the palace. Not long ago, the queen also ordered the eunuch to be responsible for placing people into the princess mansion.

Zhou Zhong replied immediately: "Princess Xinping's Mansion has also placed our people. Although there are not many people, there are both in the front yard and the back yard. There is a maid and a servant."

The queen was already concentrating, and seeing Zhou Zhong paused, she said, "Speak, I'm listening!"

"Yes, in fact, it is relatively easy to install people in the Princess Mansion without attracting attention." Zhou Zhong said: "Originally, the people in the Princess Mansion basically went out from the palace, and the relationship was constant. Opportunities put people in."

"If there is any news, it will be reported regularly as before." Zhou Zhong said, taking a step back with his hands down.

This is the installed eyeliner. In fact, not only the Xinping Princess Mansion, but earlier, the mansions of several princes also had some eyeliner. When not in use, they would be honestly lurking. Once used, they would be useful.

It's just that the queen really didn't pay attention to Princess Xinping in the past, and now even Princess Xinping's mansion has to install eyeliner.

After all, she didn't have to think about the fate of her children in the past, but now that God has sent her a grandson back, she has to cheer up for the sake of her grandson's wealth and life, and she can't be like 20 years ago.

"Where's Zhao Bingzhong?" The queen asked seemingly casually.

"Hui Niangniang, although our people have provoked him, he hasn't moved yet!"

"Yes, he is really calm."

The queen showed a cold look, thought for a while, and said: "Let's not talk about him first, you have done a good job, I will reward you with 50 taels of silver, and I will go to the account room to get it later."

"Thank you, ma'am!" Zhou Zhong withdrew.

After the people left, the queen walked around the hall twice, her face could not be seen clearly under the shadow of the lamp, Zhaoxia saw that the queen was not in a good mood, so she told her some jokes.

She peeled a few more lychees herself, and the empress ate a few for her sake, so she stopped eating.

It's good to eat such fruit at this time, but it's okay if you don't eat it. She doesn't pay much attention to these external things.

There are only bouts of restlessness, which I can't hold back and happen from time to time.

At this moment, an eunuch came in and whispered something in the queen's ear.


"Good, good, good!"

The queen stood up abruptly, with surprise on her face, Zhao Bingzhong finally sent someone.

Before she contacted Zhao Bingzhong, it was also through a small servant. Now that she learned that this small servant came to ask to see her, she knew that Zhao Bingzhong must have a result.

If he didn't want to get close, he definitely wouldn't ask the servant to pass on the news. With Zhao Bingzhong's temperament, he would just completely downplay the matter, as if nothing had happened.

Now that the little servant came, it showed that Zhao Bingzhong had taken an attitude.

If Zhao Bingzhong really came here, it would be a great help to the queen!

She couldn't help being excited!
Even though she and the crown prince had been kind to Zhao Bingzhong, Zhao Bingzhong seemed smooth, but he was actually very loyal to the emperor. Over the years, even if he was making money, he only took what he could. The eunuchs who worked in front of the imperial court may all be a little bit, but Zhao Bingzhong is not at all.

To use a saying that Zhao Bingzhong once said in private, a gentleman loves money and gets it in a proper way, and so does an eunuch!

Even if some fools think that Zhao Bingzhong is so disliked now that he is useless.

But in fact, as long as this person does not die, he is of great use!
This is the head eunuch who has been the head of the Imperial City Division for many years. As long as the person does not die, the connections and forces behind him cannot be easily dispersed.

Even now, Zhao Bingzhong is still one of the most powerful chief eunuchs. Once he joins her and combines with her own power, it is no longer a matter of one plus one equals two, but the strength is instantly multiplied. Big difference!

"Let him come in quietly and meet Bengong here." Following the queen's instructions, a small servant came in soon.

Before he came in, the queen had already sat back slowly, took a few deep breaths, the surprise on her face had been suppressed, but the smile was a little darker, outsiders couldn't see how surprised the queen was just now.

As soon as the little servant came up, he quietly raised his head to take a look, and what he saw was the calm queen, thinking to himself: "The empress is really extraordinary, no matter what happens, she is always like this."

He saluted upwards respectfully, the queen took a look, and went straight in: "Excuse me, Zhao Bingzhong asked you to come?"

"Go back to empress, Eunuch Zhao asked the servant to give you something."

As he spoke, he carefully took out a note from one of the interlayers of his clothes and handed it up.

Zhaoxia took it and handed it over to the queen.

The queen unfolded the note, looked down, and her face changed when she saw it.

"Okay, I already know about it." After a moment of silence, the queen said, but her voice was no longer as relaxed as it was before, but a bit deep.

It was not good for the servant to stay here for a long time, so the queen asked Zhaoxia to reward her with ten taels of silver, and the servant left in a hurry with the reward.

When the little servant retreated, the empress suppressed her panic, and after a few laps calmly, she walked towards the front of the hall.

Walking out of the gate of the palace, standing on the steps, I caught a glimpse of the fruits below were still being weighed and split. I didn’t want to get angry, so I raised my eyes and looked into the distance. The front view is quite wide, and I can see some green low plants. .

In the palace, no taller trees should be planted next to the palace wall and in front of it. This is to prevent assassins from entering the palace through trees, or hiding in trees to assassinate the emperor.

Before entering the palace, the queen had always liked trees, tall trees with luxuriant branches and leaves.

After coming to the palace, except for the occasional trip out of the palace, the rest of the time can only be trapped in this small world, and even the trees in her cognition can hardly be seen.


In fact, she already knew that it was just an excuse that the prince was framed back then. It was nothing more than that the emperor wanted to get rid of her Fu'er, but she had been deceiving herself and others.

And now...

She looked ahead, revealing a hint of reminiscence.

Zhaoxia was always by the empress's side. When she received the fruit, she wanted to make the empress happy, but at this moment, seeing the empress's expression, although she didn't know what happened, she felt a pang of sorrow in her heart.

Her gaze also looked towards the direction the empress was looking at, it was empty and there was nothing there.

When the wind blows, it only makes people feel desolate.

The queen looked a little dazed, seeing the father and son standing there in the past, the emperor was smiling, and the prince who smiled and called his mother was so young, so vigorous, and so heroic.

When looking at her, when calling her queen mother, even his eyes seemed to be shining with longing for the future, and he said that he would help the emperor to govern the country well and make the people's life better and better.


Soon, the phantom of this family disappeared, replaced by the words on the note, each word turned into a knife, inserted into her heart.

"Is it a granary?"

The queen's lips pursed into a line, and she said in her heart: "Unexpectedly, old man, after 20 years, you still can't change your nature."

"I want to do something to my grandson again!"

Just thinking about it like this, suddenly, a misty and tenacious expectation that she had cherished for many years in her heart collapsed and turned into sadness and despair. She stretched out her hand to support herself, but her eyes could no longer bear it. fell down.

(End of this chapter)

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