fake prince

Chapter 1175 Immediately there will be something unbearable

Chapter 1175 Immediately there will be something unbearable

"Niang Niang!" Zhaoxia leaned closer, took a peek for a while, and wanted to help her anxiously.

"No need." The queen sighed, she opened her eyes and looked at the courtyard again, unable to close them, and murmured: "I'm a little tired, you all retreat..."

"Don't follow, let me rest for a while!" After saying that, the queen turned around and left, and when she turned around, tears welled up in her eyes.

Zhaoxia didn't hear what the little servant said, but when she saw the queen turn around and didn't allow anyone to follow her, she felt a little uneasy, but she followed the queen for a long time, Su knew that although the queen seemed lenient, she didn't hesitate at critical moments, dare not keep up.

"Your Majesty, are you in a bad mood?" A female official came over and asked Zhaoxia in a low voice, seeing the queen who had disappeared from the inner hall.

Zhaoxia suppressed the uneasiness in her heart, but only said: "Perhaps she didn't have a good rest. These days, the empress will cough a few times at night, which makes people feel really uneasy."

"Let the dining room make some throat-moistening soup tonight. Don't eat spicy food in the next few days, so as not to make the empress feel more uncomfortable."

Upon hearing this, everyone's attention was drawn to the side.

They talked about recent events one after another, as if life was no different from usual.

"It's been a bit cold lately, you and I have to pay more attention, don't get sick and hurt your mother." A female officer reminded them when they stopped.

The people who gathered around were all stunned, and responded one after another. According to the palace rules, no one with a disease should be around the nobleman, so as not to get sick.

This is actually the experience of thousands of years of hard work. Although some diseases are contagious and some diseases are not, the nobles can't afford to gamble, and they are all forbidden.

In fact, with their identities, even if they are sick, they can be treated by someone, which is considered a privilege in the palace.

The servants and maids with lower ranks count as one. If they are sick, they will be removed, and they can only come in when they are well.

As for how to cure the disease, how to cure it, and who will treat it all depends on one's means and luck.

If you know people in the imperial hospital and have a good relationship, the imperial physician will not come to treat you. Asking an apprentice to help you treat it can also save your life.

And if you don't have this kind of face, and you don't have such contacts, you will have to die if you get sick.

But even these people beside the queen can have a face, and they are not afraid of waiting to die like this when they are sick, but who wants to be sick?

Besides, the position next to the nobleman is so precious, it’s just a minor illness, and there will be no major changes in a few days or ten days. If the illness is serious, it will last for a few months and half a year. , but not waiting for people.

Thinking of this, the female officials all felt that they needed to add some clothes, or go into the house, and they dispersed immediately.

"It's been hidden." Zhao Xia secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but still worried.

A grandson was just registered some time ago. Although this is a great event, everyone is happy and smiles on their faces, but a "high-level" like Zhaoxia already feels a little uneasy.

It was precisely because of this unease that they were more willing to see the relationship between the emperor and the empress was harmonious, so that Zhaoxia would say something nice after the emperor sent someone to deliver things, so that the empress would also feel relieved.

It is nothing more than expectations, but expectations may not be realized, or even unsatisfactory, nine out of ten.

After entering the inner hall, the queen sat on the cushion, feeling exhausted all over, not wanting to move, speak, or even meet people.

Even recalling the past made her feel a little tired.

It was quiet in the inner hall, she was like a wooden sculpture of clay, just sitting there, if not for breathing, the eunuchs who came in would feel that there was no one here.

"Your Majesty." Yu Han walked up to the queen and said softly.

The queen, who was staring at a place in the inner hall in a daze, blinked, and slowly shifted her eyes to Yu Han.

"You came."

Seeing Yu Han's appearance, the queen didn't take it seriously. Originally, she had a lot of talents by her side, but she spent 20 years in vain and didn't plan for a rainy day.

This person who followed her a long time ago is someone she trusts. The queen is very reassuring about everything he does, and today, she has given him a lot of autonomy, allowing Yu Han to adapt to changes.

"The ancients said that those who don't plan for a while are not enough to plan for a lifetime. To be honest, this palace is indeed slack, but who would have thought that there would be a grandson?"

Seeing that the queen's face was really ugly, a trace of worry flashed in Yu Han's eyes, and he said, "But what happened?"

"Look at this." The Queen handed over the note that had been tightly clutched in her hand.

Yu Han immediately took it over and unfolded it for a closer look.

Although the light in the inner hall is a bit dim, you can still see the words on it if you look closely.

Seeing this, Yu Han's complexion also changed, and he looked carefully and repeatedly, but did not speak immediately.

The queen just sat and waited quietly, for a long time, before she said: "Old man, he has his eyes on the grandson again, Yu Han, what do you think I should do now?"

There seemed to be two clusters of wildfires burning ragingly in her eyes, if she wanted to burn others to death, she didn't seem to care if she would burn herself to death, she said coldly.

"Tell me, can I win over some ministers?"

Yu Han carefully took the fire folder from the side, lit the fire, and burned the paper bit by bit, even removing the ashes.

Only then did he put away the fire folder, looked at the queen, and bowed to answer.

"Young lady, you are a little too anxious."

Yu Han spoke slowly, as if he couldn't lose his composure even if it was a big matter.

In fact, Yu Han's heart shrank when he saw the note, and he still hasn't calmed down now, but he knows that it's no use worrying about the matter, it might be messed up.

The more you encounter such a thing, the more you can't rush.

When the queen heard this, she stared at her and fell silent.

Yu Han calmly bowed down, knocked his forehead on the brick, and said calmly: "Your Majesty, please forgive me for being bold. It's been 20 years, Your Majesty, there are almost no Empresses in the outer dynasty."

"Even if there is, it will be gradually cut off by the emperor."

Time is not only a killing knife, but also a sharp weapon that can completely cool down a lover's contacts.

Thanks to the old master's blessing, the empress also had some useful people in the foreign court, and the empress is the original spouse of the current emperor, and the husband and wife came all the way from the prince and concubine.

At the beginning, the husband and wife were suppressed and encountered difficulties, and they supported each other. If the queen had no one available, she would not be able to help her husband at that time.

But 20 years have passed since then.

Especially after the tragic death of the prince's family, the prince's power disappeared, and the queen's power bound to it also suffered a devastating blow.

"I have to admit that although the emperor has a lot of faults and desires that are hard to fill, his power and governance are still quite powerful. In the past 20 years, he has been operating like an iron bucket. Only recently has a gap cracked due to his old age. But your goal It's too big, if you move now, the emperor will definitely be alert."

"I'm afraid there will be something unbearable immediately."

As he spoke, Yu Han knocked heavily, only to hear a soft sound.

(End of this chapter)

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