fake prince

Chapter 1176

Chapter 1176
The queen suddenly broke out a little sweat, and she suddenly realized that she was out of order.

Contacting ministers is not only absurd, but also extremely dangerous. Not only can you lose your morals, but it can even make the emperor kill his grandson without any effort!
"What about your opinion?"

Yu Han knocked again, and said, "Your Majesty, the emperor should not be disturbed the most now, and the emperor should not be caught. Even if there is no reason, the emperor's vigilance will definitely lead to more surveillance on us, and it will also implicate the emperor." Sun, the loss outweighs the gain."

"Then what should I do now?" the queen asked after sitting silently for a while.

"Your Majesty, please forgive me for being bold. The grandson is not as benevolent as the prince. Among other things, the grandson fought back fiercely in this imperial examination, taking advantage of favors and morals. He didn't see any concessions at all, and there was almost no fireworks... ..."

"The slaves and servants met several times, and said in terms of demeanor that the grandson is a close prince, with sculpted eyebrows and phoenix eyes, elegant and suave, and they are just like the same mold."

"But in terms of character, the prince grew up in the deep palace, but the grandson fought his way out of the grass and mud. The servants carefully checked the past of the grandson, and they couldn't help but be moved."

"Assembling Taisun's deeds secretly, from the Black Scarf Society in Linhua County to the Southwest Marshal Qian Zhidong, whoever blocked the Taisun's way was eradicated one by one, but they were decisive in killing and attacking, not benevolent. "

"Although the slaves and servants are only rebuilding the room carefully, they can also faintly feel that the grandson's layout is not small."

The queen was startled when she heard that, as long as she thought of the grandson, the figure of the prince would appear in front of her eyes. Now that she thought about it carefully, it was indeed different.

After a pause, Yu Han knocked heavily: "Grandfather, not only did you ask the imperial guards, but also inspected the Habayashi guards yesterday!"

After saying this, the queen's expression changed, and her impetuous heart finally calmed down a little bit, calmed down.

Taisun's character, behavior, and style are indeed different from those of the prince.

"If you say it like this, if it's someone else, I will be afraid. If it's the grandson, I can rest assured." The Queen thought for a long time and smiled.

She was in the deep palace, and what she could do was limited, even if she could rely on Yu Han and other eunuchs to get out of the palace, it was still not enough.

Compared with what the emperor can do, it is still too far behind, so when she realizes that the tragedy will repeat itself and knows the deeper truth, she feels panic, hatred, anxiety, and all kinds of negative emotions. Come up and make it difficult for her to calm down.

After all, she wasn't the only one who was busy preparing. She didn't want to experience the powerlessness and despair of being alone in the deep palace and watching the tragedy happen again.

But listening to Yu Han's advice, the grandson has done so much, it seems that she still underestimated this child before.

Also, this child now has the title of great-grandson and is the orthodox heir. Naturally, he has more people to support him, so he is naturally different from her.

It is also different from the prince because of his personality.

After contemplating for a long time, the queen suddenly thought of a possibility. Huo Di stood up, turned her head to look at Yu Han, and said in disbelief, "Could it be that the grandson still wants to..."

She didn't say the following words, but there was a trace of horror in her widened eyes.

Yu Han understood what she was going to say, and answered without hesitation: "Yes, I think it's very possible..."

Immediately, both of them fell silent at the same time.

The inner hall became quiet again, but the Queen's heart was not at peace again, even more so than before!
"Then what should I do now?" The queen paced back and forth for a while before she stopped, and suddenly turned around and asked.

This is the third time she has asked the question, which shows how much this wave of events has stimulated her.

"Please excuse my servant's boldness, the most important thing now is your status." Yu Han knocked heavily, but his words were clear and firm.

"You are the mother of the world. As long as you are in this position, if there is any change, you will be the only one who controls the court."

"Of course the Yi decree is not as good as the imperial decree, but when it is critical, it may be more useful than the imperial decree!" Yu Han knocked hard again, but the words were abandoned.

The empress felt chills suddenly, she was a sensible person, of course she knew that once there was a change in the palace, she could control the overall situation in a short period of time, and even abolish the new emperor.

"The matter, has it reached this point?" The queen was silent for a long time, and sighed, but Yu Han didn't reply, but just knocked hard again. Sure enough, after a long time, the queen asked: "Then what should we do?"

"To achieve this goal, people must be placed in the palace."

"The grandson is outside, you are inside, your position is no less than outside, empress, the crown prince's eternal glory, the continuation of the blood, the master of the country, all belong to you!"

The queen nodded heavily: "I understand, you pass the news to your grandson, and say...there is this palace in the palace."


Secret passages
It's narrow and dark, and an unpleasant smell permeates the nostrils all the time. Even monsters don't like such a place, but if you walk in, the situation will gradually get better.

Although the secret passage is further inside, it is still dimly lit and pitch-black, the smell is a little fresher, and the space is a little wider, so it won't be cramped and damp.

A civet cat covered in wounds has turned into a prototype and is staggering towards the depths of the secret passage.

Even though it was injured, its speed was still very fast, and it came to the depths of the secret passage in a blink of an eye, and then stopped suddenly.

The civet cat's ears moved, and suddenly, its whole body froze there.

A breath suddenly appeared in front of it, making the civet cat's whole body tremble, and lowered its head, not daring to look up.

"How's the situation? Can someone be killed?" the voice above asked in a low voice.

If Xie Hongdao was here, he would immediately recognize that the person who asked the question was Xie Zhenqing whom he hated!

"No, we have encountered an attack, I am afraid it is a trap."

The civet cat, covered in wounds, tremblingly told what happened to them. As it gradually explained what happened in the process, the pressure on it became more and more terrifying.

Feeling the more and more murderous intent, the civet cat trembled in fright, but the existence in front of it had brought a deep shadow in its heart, even though it knew that the murderous intent had been activated, it still did not dare to resist, but its body trembled more and more. incredible.

"Hui Dao? This is to keep you a root, I don't want you to find your own death."

Xie Zhenqing murmured, looking at the trembling kitten below, he touched its head, and said softly: "What are you afraid of? Although you didn't succeed this time, you did your best. I won't blame you for that." of."

Following his reassurance, seeing that he didn't intend to kill him right away, the civet cat gradually calmed down its fear, stopped shaking violently, and gave a soft "meow", meowing in favor.

Just as it was trying to flatter, something ticked and dripped.

It was actually a small drop of red-golden blood. The moment the small drop of blood dripped, the civet cat immediately realized that it opened its eyes wide and looked up.

Even in such a dimly lit space, civet cats can still see everything around them clearly.

A drop of blood just suspended in mid-air, exuding an incomparably alluring aura!
Xie Zhenqing's voice sounded again, with temptation: "Although you are not guilty this time, you have worked hard even if you have no credit, and you rushed back to tell me, which shows that loyalty is commendable, but you did not succeed, I can only give you half a drop. When you succeed in the future, I will give you half a drop."

As he spoke, a drop of blood suddenly fell.

"Meow!" The civet cat's eyes instantly turned into two lines, and it swallowed the drop of blood in one gulp, making a contented sound.

Unknowingly, many dark shadows appeared around, eyes opened in pairs, and all gazes focused on the civet cat, full of envy and longing.

(End of this chapter)

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