fake prince

Chapter 1177 Find That Blood Drop

Chapter 1177 Find That Blood Drop
"Hmph, Yidi, beasts are also afraid of power and not virtuous, and the monster race should be like this!"

Xie Zhenqing didn't look at them, but their reactions were all as expected, and this effect was what they wanted.

Although he is a big monster himself, he is familiar with the scriptures and understands through practice that to control these monsters has never been based on fame or morality, but on strength and interests!
Only by making them fearful and coveted by power, prestige, and benefits, can they be better controlled and driven!
"It's better to be humans. Humans are domesticated dogs. Even if they don't have strength and power, they can make them habitually obedient for a period of time."

"The monster race has only animal nature, and its face changes are extremely fast, so fast that it can't be seen."

"Unfortunately, I am the big demon."

Feeling that the surrounding atmosphere became anxious, Xie Zhenqing chuckled lightly and said, "Go, kill him!"

With this sound, the surrounding air seemed to suddenly become different.

A strange sound suddenly appeared, and then went away in an instant. The only candle here, which is regarded as the light source, kept swaying in the wind.

As a result, strange shadows appeared on the wall of the secret passage, they roared past, baring their teeth and claws, looking like crazy.

These are all monsters, because of the benefit of giving a drop of blood, they all left crazily and rushed out.

The previous depression seemed to be swept away, and everyone seemed to have regained their fighting spirit.

"But defeat is animal nature, and success is also animal nature. As long as a beast has meat, if it was defeated yesterday, it will be fine today, but human beings can't."

Xie Zhenqing looked at the disappearing monsters, and looked down at the civet cat who immediately fell into a coma after swallowing half a drop of blood, but there was a happy civet cat on his face, and the corner of the mouth that was originally smiling went back, the smile retracted, revealing a calm and gloomy expression .

"In human beings, there is indeed a lot of knowledge."

"The art of war says that when a lion fights a rabbit, you must use your full strength." Xie Zhenqing murmured, "Let's not give the enemy any chance to breathe and grow."

"There was an accident in the first strangulation, and I would be stupid enough to give away heads again and again?"

"As long as you find Xie Hongdao, it's time for me to kill him."

The third-rank mansion is naturally not small, with a size of ten acres, but it is not considered large at this time. According to the imperial court system, officials of the third rank and above have 20 acres, four and five ranks are 10 acres, six and seven ranks are 5 acres, and seven and eight ranks are 3 acres. Jiupin is 2 mu, and the people are not allowed to exceed 1 mu.

Therefore, the Zhou Mansion is still restrained, only half of the upper limit, there is also a back garden, beside the waterside pavilion, next to the rockery, two servant girls are serving, only one girl is practicing sword, there is no one in the garden, especially no outsider, so the girl is wearing a dress to practice kung fu. Clothes, with a graceful figure, holding a rapier in his hand, fiddling with every move.

But her sword dancing speed is very slow, so slow that every move is so soft that anyone can see clearly.

However, Xu Yin's body was extremely beautiful, although he was slow to a certain extent, but this slowness revealed a strange rhythm, obviously without sound accompaniment, but it was like performing an astonishing sword dance.

The servant girl, Shiqin, who had been by her side all the time, couldn't take her eyes off her eyes, and felt that the dance was so beautiful!
This dance is so beautiful!

In fact, it wasn't just her, almost everyone who saw her young lady dancing a sword thought it was a dance, and no one thought it was a practice of swordsmanship.

Such soft and slow swordsmanship is indeed highly entertaining, but who can kill someone?
After practicing for a while, just when the maid was watching with gusto, she saw a slight change in the young lady's expression, she stopped suddenly, and murmured, Shiqin's ears were sharp, as if she heard the young lady say: " It's you, I finally found you."

Finally I find you?Who did you find?Isn't the miss practicing sword?
Shi Qin looked blank, thinking that he might have heard wrong.

But even if she heard it wrong, the young lady stopped suddenly and muttered to herself, this situation looked a little strange.

She obeyed the madam's order to follow the young lady every step of the way, and if the young lady said anything strange, she had to report it immediately.

But is the current situation considered strange?
Just as she was thinking this, she was facing her young lady sideways, and suddenly turned her head and glanced at her.


Shi Qin's eyes met the young lady's eyes, and a wave of drowsiness suddenly hit her, making her almost powerless to fight back. Once the drowsiness swept up, it was really overwhelming.

Shi Qin felt even more tired physically and mentally, so tired that she didn't have any resistance at all, she just turned around like this, walked back from the front of the house step by step, and went directly into the inner room after entering the room, and fell down on the small bed under the big bed, her eyes wide open. As soon as he closed it, he fell asleep like this.

"Oh, the parents are all in one heart."

Shiqin's supervision is actually the kindness of the parents, no matter what parents find out that their daughter is abnormal, and it will be like this for a few months.

Zhou Yao stood at the same place, put away her sword, and only glanced at the sky, then heard a distant cry. In the blink of an eye, a black spot appeared in the sky, and the circling giant eagle swooped down silently. fell in front of her.

"Go, find that drop of blood."

"I'd like to see who usurped my Dragon Lord's blood, and even fiddled with the wind and rain, manipulated power, and corrupted the overall situation."

Zhou Yao's eyes were cold, and when she woke up, she realized that all her arrangements had been messed up. When her daughter almost died when the dragon was young, it turned out that the dragon's body was also heavy and almost fell.

All of this is because there is a demon in her name, playing tricks on the wind and rain, manipulating power, and causing a backlash.

With an order, Zhou Yao jumped up lightly, and the giant eagle carried it effortlessly, and with another soft cry, it went straight into the air and rushed towards a place.

The Bo mansion is not small in size, with numerous pavilions, pavilions and pavilions, and the flowers and trees are also so thick that they seem to be dyed.

However, although the scenery is still the same, everyone is flustered. The majestic and majestic uncle's mansion in the past is now like a phoenix that has lost its hair. The whole mansion is showing embarrassment and embarrassment.

The plaques had been removed long ago, and they were pushed in from the gate of the mansion, and all the things that should not be used by ordinary people were put away.Houses and courtyards that should not be used by civilians were changed as much as possible, and those that could not be changed temporarily were also sealed to prevent people from entering.

The servants who were able to leave all left, and those who were unable to redeem themselves in the mansion with the deeds of prostitution had to stay, but all of them were as mournful as concubines, and their energy was gone.

In the past, I still felt that everything was fine, but after being deprived of the title, everything became gloomy and cold.

In the huge mansion, some strange noises could even be heard in the middle of the night, which made people feel scared.

This is a sign of downfall and decline, the popularity is gone.

In normal times, Mrs. Uncle would be busy every day, and the stewards needed to come to her to get the lottery and the warehouse to pick up things, and the stewards everywhere also needed to report to her.

As the hostess in charge, she is so busy that drinking saliva is considered a rest.

Externally, she is also needed to socialize.

As the uncle's mansion, even if it is relatively low-key on weekdays, it is still the number one in this capital city!Naturally, the hostess of the uncle's mansion also received various invitations from time to time. She couldn't go to all of them, but she couldn't go to none of them either.

She received several invitations every day, and she had to screen them. These also required energy and time to deal with.

At that time, Mrs. Uncle often said to her confidantes: If one day I can be free, that would be great. It must be very comfortable to guard such a mansion without going out, just resting for a while.

Now all of this is exactly as she said.

She is already free, so she doesn't need to go out, guarding this mansion, no one will invite her to this banquet or that party.

Didn't he just take a break?
But her heart felt as if it had been boiled with oil, extremely uncomfortable.

At this moment, she is sitting in the living room, still trying to make herself look similar to the past, but she can no longer wear a lot of jewelry, and she can't eat or sleep well.

Xie Hongdao stood beside her, and in front of them stood some stewards, both male and female, with their heads bowed.

The atmosphere was extremely depressing.

(End of this chapter)

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