fake prince

Chapter 1178

Chapter 1178
"Madam, the conditions of the three Zhuangzi in the family are not bad, and the spring plowing is still going well, there are not many problems."

"There are a total of eleven stores in Jingzhong. Others are okay. Two of them have reported losses this month. We did a preliminary investigation and found no obvious corruption."

Xie Hongdao stood with downcast eyes, listening to Mrs. Uncle asking about the situation of the various managers. When the managers finished, another group of people came up. These were the people who managed the farm, shops and other industries.

After asking about the situation, let them go down too, Madam Bo then looked at Xie Hongdao who was standing by her side, and said, "Hongdao, although the mansion has been deprived of the title, it still retains the official title of the third rank. There is no further attack, so the industry is generally good, and it should be able to support it for the time being, but..."

She knew that the smooth maintenance of these industries over the years was not only due to the hard work of these people, but also because they had the uncle's house as the backstage, and they were part of the noble family.

If there is no uncle's mansion as the backstage, and if you are not a member of the honor, many businesses will inevitably be suppressed, restricted, and suffer.

So she sighed, and continued, "...you won't be able to tell in the future."

Naturally, Xie Hongdao also knew this truth. Only with a title can one have an estate, and without a title, these properties cannot be maintained.

Xie Hongdao glanced around. Apart from himself and Mrs. Uncle, there were several serving people in the hall.

In front of the hall, people walked by one after another.

Thinking of the scenes I saw just now along the way, what I saw was panic.

Looking at a woman in charge in the hall, Xie Hongdao's eyes froze, and he was startled. She looked at him, although she concealed it, there was a trace of hostility.

"Is it because I'm a broom star?"

However, this is not the first time I have seen such a situation. Those who work outside are actually more hostile to themselves, but they are also better able to hide it.

In fact, how many people in this mansion don't blame themselves?

Do you feel that you are the one who caused this change, caused the disaster, and ruined everyone's jobs?
Thinking of this, Xie Hongdao was silent for a while, and then suddenly said: "Mother, it won't be like this."

Mrs. Uncle looked at him, and he looked at Mrs. Uncle again, and said seriously: "Trust son, mother, things won't get so bad."

Madam Uncle was silent for a while, but did not speak. Although this son is his own, he has been a servant since he was a child. How can the Earl's situation be changed?
The most important thing is not this point, the most important thing for Xungui is "one of us", Xie Zhenqing has been with them since he was a child, and is an insider in their circle, but this "little servant", even if he is the seed of Zhen Nanbo, what is his virtue? Can, juxtapose them?
It can be said that since Zhennan Bo was exposed, it was over, and he was extinct from Xungui.

"If hard work is useful, is there still a need for a circle?" Mrs. Uncle was thinking, and she couldn't help showing a trace of despair. She wiped her eyes and forced a smile: "Okay, I'll wait for you to do something."

"...Mom, then I'll go and see my father." Xie Hongdao actually noticed it, and went to see his father after being silent for a while.

Then he got up and left, and went to the place where Zhennan Bo lived now, but instead of going north from the original corridor, he went north from the back of the corridor, and he saw a small courtyard.

As soon as I entered the door, I smelled a strong medicinal fragrance. This smell is really not pleasant, but it is much better than the smell after entering the house.

It's still cold now, it's the time of late spring, the windows are not often opened, and the smell of medicine in the house has never been diffused, mixed with a little other smell, which makes Zhen Nanbo, who is already down and out, look even more miserable.


Xie Hongdao looked at Zhen Nanbo lying on the bed, and saw that he was half-lying with his clothes on and covered with a thin quilt. In a few days, he had lost a lot of weight, his breathing was not even, rough and rough, and he felt a palpitation in his heart , It was very uncomfortable, and my eyes turned red immediately, and some tears fell.

He was sleeping soundly, and it was difficult for him to wake up. After watching for a long time, he covered it up, and then went out.

Zhennanbo in this state is already half paralyzed, Xie Hongdao thought, if he can restore the glory of Zhennanbo's mansion, but can his biological father's body return to what it used to be?

The damage has already been done, so how can it be so easily eliminated?How could it be easy to accept yourself?

For many people in the mansion, it doesn't really matter whether Xie Zhenqing is the seed of the Xie family, what matters is whether it can bring them a future and wealth.

"No, it's not my fault, it's Xie Zhenqing who deserves to die!"

"Hmph, yes, I offended the emperor and cut off the title. The most important thing is that I am a servant. This is a big stain, and no one will accept me."

"Even if I apologize for being careful, no one will look down on me, let alone accept me."

"Whether it's the nobles or the court."

"But, I still have a way!"

Xie Hongdao pursed his lips, and his expression sank: "Actually, I, since the beginning, have no other way, why hesitate?"

With a self-conscious smile, he turned and left.

What Xie Hongdao didn't know was that he had just left the room guarded by only one servant, and another person suddenly appeared.

And Zhennan Bo, who was supposed to be sleeping soundly, opened his eyes and ordered to the man with difficulty: "You, go! Follow, follow!"

"Look, look, act!"

"Yes!" The man said with his hands down, and backed out.

Xie Hongdao went straight out of the gate of Zhennan Bo's Mansion, and then got into a bullock cart parked nearby.

The ox cart drove slowly, besides himself, there were also Hui Dao and Shi Chengyan in the cart.

Huidao glanced at Xie Hongdao who came up, and said lightly: "Mr. Xie, do you really want to be bait? This is a very dangerous thing."

Xie Hongdao didn't speak immediately, and was silent for a long time before he raised his eyes to look at Huidao, and said, "True man, wise people don't speak dark words. Now, how can I go any other way?"

"As long as I serve my grandson wholeheartedly."

In fact, although the capital city is huge, it is also very small. As soon as he spoke, the ox cart stopped.

Xie Hongdao smiled and got out of the car without hesitation. It was almost dusk and the streets were still very lively. The nearest one was a butcher shop, and a little farther away was a cloth shop. A hundred meters away from where the ox cart stopped was a mansion. The residence of an examiner.

"I'm really willing to spend my money!"

"But think about it, there is no other way." Shi Chengyan couldn't tell whether he was laughing or mocking, and Hui Dao looked at Xie Hong who was walking away from the corner of the curtain of the car.

Suddenly, Shi Chengyan frowned, and looked ahead carefully, strangely, Xie Hongdao was walking forward under the gaze, why did he lose sight of that person?

What about people?

Xie Hongdao disappeared from sight so suddenly, but he looked carefully and found that he was still there, continuing to walk forward.

But as long as you don't concentrate and relax for a while, the figure will disappear from the field of vision immediately.

What kind of sorcery is this? !

After repeated confirmation several times, Shi Chengyan's face was shocked. He was really shocked by this terrifying demonic technique. If this kind of demonic technique were used in crimes and assassinations, it would be terrifying.


Shi Chengyan turned to look at Hui Dao, and found that Hui Dao was looking at him thoughtfully.

Could it be that Huidao recognized this demon technique?

However, it was not the time to ask these questions at this moment. His eyes fell into the distance again, and he looked intently, and saw Xie Hongdao walking into the mansion with such a swagger. There were two servants standing at the door, one of them was sweeping the floor and the other was talking. No one noticed that Xie Hongdao was such a big living person.

"...There is also a sense of frustration!"

Xie Hongdao looked around, and when he passed by the two servants, he took a closer look. The two servants were talking, and they were also a little sad, but they were better than Zhennanbo's mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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