fake prince

Chapter 1180

Chapter 1180

"No, there is still a chance!" A thought suddenly flashed in Li Hong's mind, he was stunned suddenly, and said in a low voice: "If the emperor drives..."

He was on the emperor's blacklist, and as long as the emperor died, he would be released naturally, but when the word "drive" was mentioned, Li Hong shivered subconsciously, and quickly shut up, thinking that he was simply crazy!
Although he valued interests, he never thought of being a rebellious minister. In his eyes, the emperor was supreme, the son of heaven, and the one who was blessed by the entire dynasty.

There are both ghosts and gods and monsters in this world, and everyone thinks that to become an emperor, one must be born extraordinary.

With this thought, Li Hong broke out in a cold sweat, and murmured: "No, I can't be a disloyal minister..."

As soon as he said this, he suddenly heard a voice beside him saying: "Indeed, who are you loyal to, and whose minister is it? It's time for you to think about it now."


In the study where only I was alone, another voice suddenly appeared, and it was now when I almost said the words of rebellion, how could this not surprise Li Hong?

In an instant, Li Hong was so shocked that he lost half of his three souls and seven souls!
After the "Who?!" was shouted out, the whole person jumped up even more.

Who appears at such a time as a ghost, could it be an assassin? !

But when I looked around, I couldn't see anyone, and I heard a slight sound behind me, and a person suddenly turned to Li Hong, and this person was always behind me!

This person appeared more ghostly than the voice, the sudden appearance of the voice could be said to be deep in thought, and he didn't notice that someone came in.

But this person suddenly appeared and turned in front of him under his wide-eyed gaze.

No, if it appeared suddenly, it didn't seem to be the case. It seemed that this person was standing behind him, but he had been ignoring him intentionally or unintentionally. noticed.

What kind of sorcery is this? !

This person is by no means an ordinary assassin!
After all, Li Hong was a fourth-rank person, he calmed down in an instant, and looked carefully, only to see that this person's clothes could not tell what kind of person he was, and so did his temperament, which was a little high-spirited and a little humble, it was really impossible to judge.

"Who, who are you sent to take the official's head?"

As Li Hong drank, he suppressed another terrible possibility. If it was someone placed by the court, this temperament would be just right, but in that case, if he said something carelessly, he might not only die, but also harm his whole family.

"To be honest, I was just ordered to ask you how to master chess." Xie Hongdao said with a smile.

Li Hong and the visitor looked at each other, looked at the visitor with a gentle smile, and couldn't help but feel moved. Since this person said he was ordered to learn how to play chess, it meant that he didn't come to kill people suddenly.

As long as it doesn't kill people immediately, there will naturally be a turning point.

Li Hong said: "If you come, you will be safe. It will be a long night, so I will ask for advice."

After speaking, he took the initiative to walk to the chessboard and sat down.

Xie Hongdao smiled and sat opposite Li Hong. After guessing the chess, it turned out that Li Hong played first.

Li Hong gathered himself together, held the sunspot in his hand, and dropped a stone. Xie Hongdao on the opposite side watched the stone fall, and slowly made another stone.

Except for the sound of chess pieces falling, both of them were silent.

However, after just a few moves, there was an obvious difference in the chess styles of the two. Although Xie Hongdao was well-calculated, his chess style was fierce and aggressive, while Li Hong's chess cotton had needles in it, but he emphasized that he should win without fighting.

The two confronted each other, each had a chance of winning, Li Hong even pulled himself together and said, "You are good at fighting, but how can you win everywhere in fighting, just fighting blindly, you will be inferior."

"Are you attacking your heart, my lord?" Xie Hongdao smiled, "Being careful means gaining momentum, and only by forcing people with momentum can we have the so-called superiority."

"However, in a chaotic situation, if you stick to it, you may not only miss the opportunity, but also die!"

"No, look!"

Li Hong was originally a master at playing chess, but today, he seemed to be in a trance, after a hundred moves, one careless move in one place, he was surrounded and cut by the strong white chess.

If you save the predicament first, you will be too passive. If you save the overall situation first, all the sunspots who have been cut will be wiped out. This situation suddenly became like this.

At this moment, there were footsteps outside the door. Someone came to the door, saw the light inside, and asked, "Master, do you want some more tea?"

The person who spoke was Li Hong's servant. As soon as Li Hong heard it, he knew that the opportunity had come. He raised his eyebrows and pretended to be nonchalant, and shouted: "Come in!"

After finishing speaking, he looked at the person sitting opposite, only to find that the uninvited guest was not afraid, and even smiled.

Thinking of the strange scene when this person appeared, Li Hong's scalp went numb instantly after being greeted by this smile, and he realized that since he was not afraid of shouting like that, it meant that he must have someone to rely on.

This person has not shot himself now, but if the matter is broken, it is hard to say what he will do.

Seeing someone pushing the door, Li Hong said again: "Wait a minute, I am concentrating on reading, no more, don't disturb me reading by making random noises!"

This kind of shouting is a bit capricious, but the young man outside has been following the official, and he knows that his master is in a very bad mood right now, so he feels that this is probably because the master is irritable and doesn't want to see people or be disturbed by others Yes, but I can understand it.

"Yes, master, the little one will step back first, if necessary, just call for the villain, the villain is always there!" The servant was busy talking, when he heard footsteps going away again.

"Usually clever, why are you so stupid now?" Li Hong sighed inwardly, and then secretly heaved a sigh of relief. He didn't know what would happen after the exposure, so he was so upset that he continued to make another move. .

Xie Hongdao suddenly smiled, looked at Li Hong, and made another move. After a dozen or so moves, he saw Li Hong's attack and breakout, and the pieces were intertwined, but suddenly said: "I came first, and I have already won."

How is it possible, how long has it been?

Although Li Hong was restless, he didn't believe it at all. He was very good at chess and had some liking for chess, otherwise he wouldn't just have a chess board in his study.

The person in front of him was so much younger than him, although he was a little uneasy, but he could still recover, how could he beat him with another dozen more bets?
Li Hong didn't say a word, but counted the pieces carefully, looked at the chessboard, looked at it for a while, and knew that this person was right, and he really lost.

Although he didn't lose immediately, but when the boy left just now, he made a wrong move, and after more than ten moves were blocked, all his back roads were considered dead ends. There is no doubt that you will lose.

Li Hong became more and more irritable. He pushed the chessboard and said sullenly, "I lost."

Li Hong was also well-informed, he knew that this person was not playing chess with him for nothing, even if he negotiated with him in such an elegant way, he couldn't really think that this person came to play chess.

Li Hong immediately asked directly: "What is winning or losing?"

Xie Hongdao smiled: "Your Excellency is indeed smart, but you don't have to worry, I'm only here for a painting."

"What painting?"

"As the sun rises from the east."

(End of this chapter)

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