fake prince

Chapter 1181 Master Li's Devotion

Chapter 1181 Master Li's Devotion
"As the sun rises from the east."

As soon as the visitor mentioned these five words, Li Hong's whole body trembled, his heart thumped, and he suddenly understood as if enlightened.

"Grandson, you belong to Grandson."

In fact, maybe in his subconscious, Li Hong had guessed like this just now, it was just a matter of the Tian family, and he had a deep taboo, so he didn't dare to seriously think about it.

After these words were revealed, Li Hong suddenly realized that he didn't need to think about it anymore, he already understood that this was the fighting method of the grandparents of the Tian family.

A grievance suddenly appeared in my heart.

Why do you fight against me, a pond fish like me?
"Lord Li, many things are not promoted by my master, and my master is also forced to help." Xie Hongdao said as if he had seen through his mind.

Li Hong turned around from the grievance, looked at it, and found that Xie Hongdao was not in a hurry, sat on the chair, just waiting with a smile.

Li Hong pondered for a while, went to the desk, spread out the paper, waited for a while to calm down, poured some water on the inkstone with a bamboo tube, and slowly grinded it one by one with the ink stick.

Ancient scholars, culturally, paid attention to the four arts of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

Regular scholars don't dare to say they are proficient, at least they have to cover one or two things, and they won't be able to get in the way of avoiding essays.

Li Hong is a Jinshi. He is not only good at chess, but also has some talent in painting. Although he is not at the level of everyone, his skills are much better than those of ordinary street painters.

It is not difficult for him to paint this picture.

But the difficulty lies not in the painting itself, but in the content of the painting and for whom.

As long as he painted this painting, in the future, even if he did not admit that he was a grandson, he would not be able to escape the suspicion based on this painting alone.

But if he doesn’t paint, as a person in the officialdom, he knows very well that he can not stand in line, but naturally there will be no benefits in standing in line. In the future, when the grandson ascends the throne, and he is ignorant of current affairs, even if he is not liquidated, he will naturally be left on the bench for the rest of his life .

"Those who have no desires are strong, how difficult it is!"

If you are really a gentleman, you can do this, but Li Hong thought about it, but he couldn't accept it. Seeing the ink getting thicker, after a long time, Li Hong picked up the soft brush, licked the ink, dipped the pen to its fullness, and then picked up the pen on the rice paper. painting.

Ink painting is actually not difficult, in a moment, a landscape painting, a sun rises.

Seeing that after Li Hong finished painting, he just looked down and didn't move for a long time. Xie Hongdao came over to look at the painting at some point. Seeing that it was getting late, he reminded: "Master Li, you haven't Sealed and signed."

How could Li Hong not know that if he made calligraphy and painting, if he wanted to give it to others, he had to sign and stamp it, but as long as he did so, there would be no change, and he was a sure-fire grandson.

Knowing the emperor's attitude towards the grandson, joining the grandson's party at this time is tantamount to making the emperor a direct enemy.

Although the grandson is indeed the crown prince, with a reputation, he is not an ordinary prince or county king, and can be easily killed by the emperor, but think about the back then.

If it wasn't for the downfall of the princelings, he would not have been lucky enough to be quickly released to a fat job. Now it is his turn. It can be seen that the fat job is not so easy to get, and it is actually reported at this time!
But I even drew the painting, if I don't sign it, I will offend others, besides, with the emperor's attitude, I am afraid that I will never have the chance in my life.

But if this step is taken, it will be more difficult to turn back than ascending to the sky. If the grandson is defeated, Li Hong's face is pale and his legs even tremble slightly when he thinks of this.

"Lord Li!" Xie Hongdao laughed suddenly: "Heaven and God are to blame for the rebellion, you should think about it carefully."

Li Hong gritted his teeth, hesitated for a long time, and finally wrote his signature on the painting and stamped it.

Just looking at it like this, I feel panicked in my heart, but the matter has come to this point, I can only try to think about it for the better.

Li Hong picked up the painting and handed it to Xie Hongdao with both hands. When he handed it over, not only did he have a trace of worry on his face, but he even spoke with a little pleading: "Please be more in the future."

"My master may not know Master Li's devotion." Xie Hongdao looked at the painting, blew on it, dried the ink, and then rolled it up, smiled and said, and cupped his hands: "It's late at night, Then I won't disturb Master Li's rest."

Xie Hongdao just went out, but he was startled, and saw that there was a circle of servants outside the study, all of them were holding knives and sticks, and they all looked warily at himself who pushed the door out.

This didn't surprise Xie Hongdao either, just now when Li Hongmeng told people not to come in, the servant seemed to believe him, but in fact he didn't.

The boy must know what his master is like, and he will probably react after taking a few steps.

But Xie Hongdao was not afraid at all of these servants who were staring at him.

"Let's go, this is my friend, not a thief." Li Hong came out, and seeing the mysterious man's reaction, he became more and more discouraged. This man has a grandson behind him, how can someone like himself provoke him? ?

This is the end of the matter, so don't make it ugly.

The servants all looked at Li Hong who came out, Li Hong waved his hand, signaling to let him go, but just looking at his expression, after only a short while, he seemed to be ten years older.

"Lord Li, don't worry, I will never miss you." Xie Hongdao cupped his hands again towards Li Hong, and strode out.

Li Hong stood silently, watching him go out.

Hearing the sound of "Hu", Xie Hongdao arrived at the gate without going back.

There was already a mist outside at this moment, everything around was quiet, only an ox cart was still in place, as if waiting for him to come back.

Xie Hongdao was startled for a moment, and walked to the front of the car. The wind blew the curtain of the car, revealing that the person inside who was resting with his eyes closed was waiting for Huidao and Shi Chengyan.

"Old Dao, Lao Shi, have you been waiting for me for a long time?" Xie Hongdao asked with a smile.

"Yeah, come up quickly, although it's spring, it's still cold at night." Hui Dao said vaguely.

"Okay!" Xie Hongdao lifted the car curtain with one hand, and was about to get in the car. The next moment, the light of the knife flashed, and the sound of the sharp blade breaking the wind was creepy.

"Ah..." There was a scream, and the blade was fast and accurate, and it stabbed the nearest Huidao directly, and went straight in with a "poof".

"Ah!" There was another scream, and the person who was stabbed appeared in the next moment, but it was a monster, which looked like a dog but not a dog, with red pupils, while Shi Chengyan was nowhere to be seen.

Hongtong screamed and was furious: "Impossible, how could you see through my tricks!"

how can that be!

"Idiot, I have been with Mr. Xie for ten years, and no matter what, I have learned a lot of skills. How dare you use this kind of deceiving technique on me?"

"Besides, no matter what, Hui Dao is a real person, and Shi Chengyan is an official. How can I be called an old man, an old man? This is something only people in the market say."

"You didn't refute it, so I affirmed my conjecture."

As he said that, Xie Hongdao stirred it vigorously, and the demon was stabbed in the vitals with a knife. After being stirred, he vomited blood instantly and died directly.

"Go to hell!" Xie Hongdao drew out his knife, and suddenly stabbed backhand.

The light of the knife broke in and stabbed the cow pulling the cart!
 Hey, when did this virus start? It’s been three years. Could it be three years and three years? I can’t stand it
(End of this chapter)

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