fake prince

Chapter 1182 Familiar Voices

Chapter 1182 Familiar Voices


Seeing the stabbing of the long knife, the docile cow suddenly burst into flames, and before he had time to dodge, the bull's horns were pushed up, and only heard a "clank", sparks burst out.

Then the bull flashed and turned into half a man and half a bull. He raised his hand and the horns of the bull turned into two short blades. He turned around with a "clank", and deflected Xie Hongdao again with another knife.

"It's a pity!" Xie Hongdao retracted his knife and looked around vigilantly. He saw that the surrounding fog was surging and gradually thickening, but there were more than a dozen pairs of eyes indistinctly appearing in the fog, each with scarlet.

A dog demon, no, it looks like a wolf demon, and grinned grinningly and said, "I knew the tricks were useless, come on, let's go together!"

Xie Hongdao's eyes were dim, and he sneered, and the bull demon couldn't help frowning. It was obvious that he was not afraid!
The cow demon who was directly confronting Xie Hongdao could see clearly, Xie Hongdao had no trace of fear on his face, no, not only no fear, panic, but also no surprises!
This is not normal!

"Moo..." The bull demon immediately felt that something was wrong and wanted to remind him, but at this moment, a hoarse and murderous voice came from a distance: "Let go!"

Almost instantly, the sharp whistling sound of "噗噗噗" was heard immediately. The bull demon had been on guard for a long time, and his expression changed immediately at a glance. This was a large rain of arrows falling all over the sky.

The dense fog not only diffuses everything around, restricting people's vision, monsters are also in the fog, and their vision is also restricted!

They never thought that, as hunters, they also became prey in the fog!
"not good!"

However, monsters have wild instincts. At the moment when the arrow rain fell, some monsters had already reacted, or fled, squatted or avoided, but the arrow rain rushed in, and blood splashed instantly.

"No!" The cow demon's ears were instantly filled with the muffled sound of sharp arrows piercing into the flesh, and even an arrow pierced the air, passing by the side of his face with the breath of death.

"Ambush!" The bull demon used all his strength to issue a warning, but the second gloomy order was more resolute and terrifying.

"Shoot again!"


It can be seen that they were divided into two teams. After the first wave of shooting, they knelt down. The second wave of arrow rain fell almost immediately. The sudden attackers used the power of the crossbow arrows to the extreme. A crossbow pierced through his head, throwing blood and brains onto the cow demon.

The rain of arrows falling from all directions was too wide, except for Xie Hongdao, who had been prepared for a long time, almost all the other monsters were hit by the arrows!
Being able to avoid the position where Xie Hongdao was standing, and only shoot at the monster, it can be seen that the people ambushing around can see clearly even in the fog, and both are prepared.

They all came for the monsters, they must be Xie Hongdao's helpers!
It turns out that the blood of the monster is also red!

Several arrows were shot on their bodies, and some of the arrows pierced into the vital points. They screamed, fell to the ground, and died on the spot.

There was no way to recover, the monster collapsed in an instant, and ran away crying and screaming. Even the bull demon who was confronting Xie Hongdao was shot by an arrow, but because of his thick skin, he stood relatively close to Xie Hongdao and only got hit. One arrow, this arrow didn't go deep, it wasn't as miserable as other monsters.

The bull demon's eyes were red, and he said angrily, "You have colluded with the government!"

While speaking, at least a hundred figures appeared in the mist, all of them armed with knives and bows, and they were not ordinary government office servants, but people who were good at hunting camps!
No wonder it was able to hurt the monsters, but a large number of people who are good at hunting camps came!
Xie Hongdao couldn't help being speechless when he heard the bull demon's accusations against him. What does it think of itself?Could it be that he was regarded as a monster who betrayed Xie Zhenqing?He alone is under the jurisdiction of the government, so why can't he tell the government?

He sneered at the moment, and said slowly: "I am a human being, how can I be considered as colluding with the government, I am reporting you thieves to the government!"

The cow demon choked suddenly, and realized that he had said something stupid.

He subconsciously regarded Xie Hongdao as one of his own, but this kid was originally under the command of the adults, right?Regardless of the reason, it is a fact that you betrayed your lord!
Thinking of the plan before coming here, the cow demon suddenly grinned, looked at Xie Hongdao, his eyes were cold and cruel: "You are very unexpected, but you are not unexpected by adults. Last time we were tricked, why did you come here this time?" , have you thought about it?"

not good!

This time it was Xie Hongdao's turn to be surprised.

"Go!" Hearing the yelling of the cow monster, hundreds of monsters suddenly appeared in the surrounding fog, screaming, and rushed towards the people who were good at the camp.

It was Shi Chengyan who led the good hunting camp to kill the monsters. Seeing this scene, his expression changed immediately.

Monsters are also flesh and blood, so crossbows are effective.

But once fighting in close quarters, the difference between human and demon will come out.

"This group of damned monsters!" Shi Chengyan cursed, then turned around, only to find that the people around him suddenly disappeared.

All that caught the eye was fog, and it could be seen that some of the monsters who came were good at this field, and none of them were kind.

Shi Chengyan's face was gloomy, and he said, "Fortunately!"

Fortunately, Huidao used the same formation talisman. Although he couldn't see the people around him, he could feel the presence of the soldiers. The opponent's spells only affected his vision.

Shi Chengyan snorted, and shouted directly: "Array, kill!"

There was a sudden killing sound in the fog.

The soldiers of the Shanchuang camp who could no longer see their companions, relying on the perception of the talisman, roared: "Cut!"

More than a dozen knives were cut out together, the fog parted immediately, and a few screams passed by.

"Hmph!" Xie Hongdao's eyes flashed, he didn't go into battle, and his figure gradually disappeared into the fog. It turned out that Xie Hongdao, who had heard the words of the cow demon, immediately realized that something was wrong, had already reacted.

He half-hidden himself, turned around and fled, escaping from the area where the monster appeared. After walking for dozens of steps, although there was still fog around him, it was completely quiet, and he could faintly see an alley.

He should have left that area, escaped, right?
Xie Hongdao heaved a sigh of relief when he thought about it like this, and then he heard a sneer not far away.

"not good!"

Xie Hongdao turned and left, took a step, but stopped in a gloomy manner. It turned out that four monsters appeared around the alley, just blocking the four roads in front, back, left, and right. Confronting bull monsters!

"I knew you wanted to escape!" The bull demon roared with his eyes open. Many brothers died just now, and his jealousy seemed to bleed: "Kill! We must not let this kid leave alive!"

The three monsters responded immediately, all showing ferocious looks, and looked at Xie Hongdao rushing up, as if they wanted to tear him alive.

In order to kill him, they destroyed many monsters, among them were friends with these four monsters, Xie Hongdao felt hatred.

What's more, adults are willing to give them great benefits!

As long as they kill this kid, they will definitely get rewards when they go back, even greater benefits than that hateful civet cat!

Thinking of this, their eyes turned red with excitement!
But facing the four monsters who were staring at him covetously, Xie Hongdao not only did not show any panic, but still sneered and only looked at the cow monster mockingly.

Seeing this, the bull demon felt uneasy again.

When this kid behaved like this last time, Shan Chuying made a sudden attack. This time it was like this again. Could there be any other way to succeed?
Or is this kid playing tricks?

Just when the cow demon hesitated for a moment, with a loud noise, several chains were thrown out of the thick fog, directly locking the four demons. They struggled in fright, but the chains remained silent, no, it was not that there was no movement , It's getting tighter!
The four demons screamed, this is not an ordinary chain, this is a formation set up here in advance!
"Finally it's all over."

Seeing this, Xie Hongdao heaved a sigh of relief. He was just making bait to help get rid of the monsters. How could he run away?
The reason why he made the gesture of fleeing was to lure the monster into this formation.Because in the end, the monsters who came to chase and kill him must be the strongest monsters in this group!
A figure also came out of the thick fog at this time, it was none other than Huidao.

"Everything is in the calculation." Seeing Huidao appearing, Xie Hongdao said, but just after the words fell, another voice suddenly came from behind: "You have indeed grown up, but me, have you calculated it?" ?”

how come……

Listening to this familiar gentle voice, Xie Hongdao's whole body was cold, and he froze there.

(End of this chapter)

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