fake prince

Chapter 1183 Sky 1 Heavy Water

Chapter 1183
While speaking, a person walked out of the mist.

This person is wearing high-toothed clogs, a small crown, a moon-white robe with fluttering sleeves, and the sound of the clogs is clear and clear in the dark alley, even if people who see him know that he is a monster and not a human , but when he saw it, he was still subconsciously captured by the grace, and was dazed in a daze.

Xie Hongdao turned around with all his strength.

Looking at the people coming out of the mist, the horror and fear in my heart almost surged up like a tide, and I couldn't suppress it at all.

This seems to come from instinctive fear!
And as a person who has followed for many years, Xie Hongdao can tell at a glance that Xie Zhenqing is showing his sharpness at this moment!

If we say that in the past when he was still the eldest son, this person gave people the feeling that he was a little sickly but personable, making people feel like a spring breeze.

At this moment, Xie Zhenqing, who has completely left his identity as the son of the prince, has completely thrown away his disguise at the same time. Even if he doesn't look carefully at Xie Zhenqing's eyes, he will be bewitched by those extremely deep eyes.

Those seemingly gentle facial features only slightly reduce the uneasiness that these eyes bring to people, but as someone who is familiar with Xie Zhenqing and knows all the details, Xie Hongdao cannot be fooled by the illusion of gentleness, so the face with a gentle smile , brings even more fear!
"When you say goodbye for three days, you should look at it with admiration. I thought it was an empty word, but when I see you today, I will know that it is true. The ancients were sincere and did not deceive me."

"In just a few days, you made me look different. You dared to use yourself as a bait to collude with the government in an attempt to wipe out the monster clan."

"If I hadn't followed behind, I'm afraid I would have succeeded."

"Such a decisive strategy, shouldn't you look at it with admiration?"

Xie Zhenqing said, with a smile on her lips, she walked towards Xie Hongdao step by step.

Xie Hongdao wanted to move his feet, but he couldn't.

On the other hand, Hui Dao, who was supposed to walk out of the mist, had already appeared clearly, but he walked quickly, as if he had always been separated from Xie Hongdao by a barrier, and he couldn't get close at all.

It's sorcery again!

Xie Hongdao knew Xie Zhenqing's ability too well, so Huidao was temporarily unable to "walk" over and join him. Although it was not easy for Xie Zhenqing to do such a thing, it was not too difficult.


The four demons were already locked by translucent chains, and they fell on Xie Hongdao's "side". At this moment, they also saw Xie Zhenqing walking out of the thick fog, and they were both surprised and happy.

To my surprise, my lord actually went out in person!
They shouldn't get anything this time, right?

The good news is that since your lord has gone out, none of Xie Hongdao and the people in Shanzhuying can leave alive!

Not only can they be rescued this time, but they can also avenge their revenge. They will soon avenge their companions who were killed before!

"My lord, save us quickly and kill them."

The eyes of these four monsters were fierce, and they wanted to tear up those humans immediately. One of the monsters opened his mouth and screamed, but at this moment, Xie Hongdao, who was walking slowly, glanced at it, and it was this one. The demon suddenly felt a palpitation, subconsciously closed its mouth, and trembled.


Xie Hongdao gritted his teeth tightly, his back was wet with cold sweat, but he still managed to hold on, but his teeth were still chattering.

"If you're so afraid, why betray me and run away?" Xie Zhenqing sighed softly, feeling a little sad.

But the eyes not only lacked the smile, but also lost all other emotions.

"Xie Zhenqing has made up his mind to kill, so he is going to kill me!" Xie Hongdao is so familiar with this expression, how many times, Xie Zhenqing always looks like this and kills him, he desperately wants to break free, but he can't move at all.

"No, it's not that I'm afraid, it's the method of Nightmare Town, I don't know when it was planted for me, and now it explodes."

"As expected of a lord, I have already planned ahead, and the layout is impeccable. Even if there is a big gap between me and my lord, I will plant the nightmare seeds first!"

"Hateful, break free!"

But no matter how he shouted, he just watched Xie Zhenqing walk in front of him, and he reached out and patted his head lightly.

Even though it was such a simple movement, it was also a very slow shot, but Xie Hongdao froze there, unable to escape, inevitable!

It's like when a rabbit meets a fierce tiger, just walking towards it is enough to make the rabbit freeze there directly, trying to run, but its limbs are completely stiff, and it is difficult to escape.

"Hateful, hateful!"

Xie Hongdao struggled desperately, knowing very well the nature of the monster he had followed for many years. Xie Zhenqing didn't kill him for many years, but it was because he was useful to him.

Now that the false prince's identity has been exposed, he, who has had his identity and luck stolen, is no longer useful, not only is he useless, but because he has been following him for many years, he knows many things, he is familiar with Xie Zhenqing's mind, and he knows Xie Zhenqing's skills. It became one of Xie Zhenqing's threats.

Although he is not arrogant enough to think that he can really threaten Xie Zhenqing, Xie Zhenqing is cautious, it is absolutely impossible for him to grow up, and he must kill himself now.

Because of his understanding, Xie Hongdao knew that he couldn't avoid Xie Zhenqing's attack.

"I am the eldest son of Zhennan Bo. The deceased is dead, so I must not lose my composure."

Seeing the hand slapped towards him, Xie Hongdao was about to die, so he calmed down and stopped struggling. He just gritted his teeth, stared at him coldly, and silently waited for death.

"This son really has some potential, we must not keep it."

But this dying calm made Xie Zhenqing's eyes flash, and his murderous intent suddenly increased tenfold.

"Chirp~chirp~" At this moment, a sharp and ear-piercing eagle cry suddenly came from above!

Originally, even if there was an eagle cry, Xie Zhenqing would definitely not hold back his hand, but this eagle cry was quite penetrating, and with only a "poof", the fog that had originally blocked Huidao dispersed immediately.

Not only that, Xie Zhenqing's head hummed involuntarily, as if struck by thunder, what was even more frightening was a little blue light that followed the eagle's chirping.

"Tianyi Heavy Water!"

This red light is so familiar, it is the essence of water refined by the Dragon Lord, it is said that one drop is equivalent to three hundred barrels of water, what is even more frightening is that it hides in the sound, at first glance, it is only a faint blue light, but Once hit, it will expand more than ten times immediately, it must be unlucky.

Xie Hongdao was about to be photographed, but when he saw this blue light, Xie Zhenqing's face changed drastically, and his outstretched hand retracted instantly. Almost at the same time, the person flashed back and disappeared immediately!

From approaching Xie Hongdao, to stretching out his hand to take a picture, to the sound of the eagle's chirping, and to Xie Zhenqing retreating, all this happened in an instant, no more than two breaths at most!

Almost at the same time as the hawk chirped, the expressions of the four demons who were chained changed drastically.

At the same time as Xie Zhenqing disappeared, the four monsters couldn't help but widen their eyes and shouted in unison: "My lord, don't, save—!"

Just after he yelled out this sound, a blue light flashed, as if a red-hot white blade had slashed across the tofu, and the four demons' voices stopped, their faces showing panic, and then, their whole body swelled several times in an instant, and only heard a "boom", suddenly Explode!
Immediately there was a splash of blood.

(End of this chapter)

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