fake prince

Chapter 1184 Dragon's Breath

Chapter 1184 Dragon's Breath

Xie Hongdao breathed a sigh of relief, and this kind of escape that he didn't even dare to think about made him really feel like he was alive after the catastrophe!

He immediately looked up, only to see the mist dissipate, and a giant eagle was only a few meters away from the top of his head, passing low.

And the giant eagle is not without an owner, there is actually one person standing on top of the giant eagle.

The sleeves are fluttering in the wind, she is a beautiful girl with crow hair and snow skin, she has a delicate and fairy spirit on her body, she does not look like an ordinary person, but more like a nine-day fairy descending to the mortal world!
"Its shape is as light as a frightened bird, and as gentle as a swimming dragon. It is full of chrysanthemums in autumn and luxuriant in spring. It is as if the moon is covered by light clouds, and the snow flutters like the wind."

Xie Hongdao was stunned with just one glance, his heart was pounding, and when he was in a daze, the girl stared at one place, as if giving an order to the giant eagle, only to hear another soft cry, the giant eagle Immediately flew in one direction.

Xie Hongdao didn't want to chase after him to have a look, he still had a good idea of ​​his abilities, with his current strength, even if he chased after her, it would be nothing but a hindrance to her.

That level of "human" or "demon" is not something he can deal with.

"Just, who is this woman?"

This sense of astonishment was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people because of the moment of being rescued. Although Xie Hongdao stayed where he was, he could not forget it for a long time.

"Are you all right?"

The next moment, Huidao's figure completely emerged from the fog, and most of the fog had dissipated at this time. Huidao looked at Xie Hongdao standing there, and did not ask about the situation.

Huidao actually saw what happened just now, but there seemed to be a layer of things in front of him, preventing him from walking over smoothly.

Although it was only a short period of time, if placed at a critical moment, this short period of time is enough to kill a person.

"This technique is terrifying, but now that I know it, I won't be so easily trapped next time."

Even if he thought about it like this, the difference in strength made Huidao feel heavy in his heart.

Although the lineage he inherited was not the main battle at all, but was good at spell divination, etc., Huidao's expression was still ugly at the moment.

"The thieves have all been shot to death." Shi Chengyan was leading the people from the good hunting camp to clean up the mess and clear the battlefield, when he brought a few soldiers from the good hunting camp strode over.

His arrival broke the silence of the area, and the fog had basically dissipated at this time, and the monsters lying on the ground and the corpses of soldiers from the good trap camp were all in tragic shape.

The smell of blood also became more intense as the mist dissipated. When the wind blows over, you don't even have to breathe deliberately to smell the disgusting smell.

There are even small potholes formed by blood on the ground, and the whole place looks terrifying.

"There were a lot of casualties."

Xie Hongdao scanned his surroundings, and saw that all the monsters he had seen died here, and their bodies fell to the ground. Although his heart was still a little heavy, he felt a little more relaxed.

This area is not in front of the examiner's mansion.

Although Xie Hongdao did come out of the examiner's mansion, he went straight to the bullock cart and was attacked by monsters, and then fought in this area.

But the place that really attracted a large number of monsters into the urn was about half a mile away from the examiner's mansion.

It's not too far away, although there are some official residences nearby, but they are all big mansions, there are no ordinary people, and there is an open space, setting up an ambush or fighting will not implicate innocent people.

However, when the fog dissipated, this area would definitely be discovered by the people around, but that was a matter for the government.

"The power of the monster clan has been wiped out."

Xie Hongdao knows the inside story, and he can understand the situation. Although he can't say all of them, most of the monsters in the capital have been lost here. He is safe and obtains relative protection.

Looking at Shi Chengyan who came over, Shi Chengyan's expression was really not good. After all, although he won this time, it was a miserable victory.

Almost all the monsters died, but Shanchuangying also suffered a lot of losses, more than a dozen people were lost, and almost everyone was injured.

These dozens of people are responsible for the pensions and the like, and there will be a lot of troubles in the future.

What's more, Shi Chengyan also noticed the eagle's cry that appeared just now, and then exploded the four demons, and realized that something was wrong.

However, he also didn't ask Xie Hongdao about the matter just now, but his face was watery, his expression was sad, and he said in a deep voice: "I have already counted the monsters who were killed and repaired, and there are 41 monsters who were executed on the spot."

"There are still more than [-] escaped."

"Our side killed 14 people in battle, and two others were seriously injured, and it is difficult to save them."

"I see!"

Huidao heard that the monsters who chased and killed Xie Hongdao were basically executed, but he knew that these ordinary monsters rarely slipped through the net, but the big fish escaped.

not to mention……

And something even more heartbreaking happened.

Hui Dao said with a sullen face, "Clean the battlefield, and then report to His Highness, His Highness will definitely give you some relief, you don't have to worry."

After turning around, Huidao muttered to himself in a voice that no one else could hear: "Dragon?"

Taisun Mansion

After Su Ziji became the grandson, he transferred his work from the study to the first hall, which was not far away, just along the corridor and across the courtyard.

"Oh? The breath of a dragon?" After hearing Huidao's report in a low voice, Su Ziji pondered thoughtfully, feeling that this matter was really unexpected.

When he raised his eyes, Su Ziji had well concealed the surprise in his heart, and asked again: "Have you ever seen the face clearly?"

"I was in the mist, and I only saw people, but I couldn't see the faces clearly." Hui Dao said in an annoyed voice.

"Oh?" Su Ziji looked at Xie Hongdao.

Xie Hongdao actually saw it clearly, but he didn't know what to think, but he hesitated, and said: "At that time, I was on the verge of life and death, I was inexplicably surprised, and I didn't see it clearly."

"However, depending on the situation, she seems to be chasing and killing the demon king."

"Oh?" Su Ziji didn't have any doubts, he just frowned. The capital city is really deep.

Immediately looking at the few people standing in front of him, he said comfortingly: "You have done a lot of merit in killing the demon this time, so I will ask you all for your contribution."

Hearing this, Shi Chengyan and several head-captors who came to report the matter couldn't help but show joy.

This reaction is very normal, eating public meals, casualties are indispensable, but as long as there is something in return, everyone can accept it.

Whether it is those who survived and were promoted, or those who died, they can leave some pensions to their families.

When they ate this bowl of rice, they were already mentally prepared.

Su Ziji saw their reactions in his eyes, and said: "For those who have sacrificed, they don't hesitate to pay compensation. In addition to the public reward from the court, they also give out a share in private. In addition to the compensation, each person will add 30 taels. In case of injury, add ten taels to twenty taels per person."

"Those who died in battle or were disabled, please make a list. Whether your nephew or nephew will take over the job, or arrange a light job, I will ask someone to deal with it later."

Hearing this, Shi Chengyan and the other arresters not only showed joy, but were also moved.

Although many people are doing this kind of thing, the nobleman's kindness is mostly on the surface, unlike His Royal Highness, who is always pragmatic.

Yes, even if there is a pension, the 30 taels will not be able to live in the capital for a few years, but it will be different if there is a replacement or arrangement.

"Thank you for your kindness!" Shi Chengyan and the other captors kowtowed heavily. After this matter was finished, there was nothing to talk about. They didn't dare to waste time and immediately resigned.

Even Xie Hongdao said: "If most of the serious troubles are removed, the minister will do everything with all his heart."

Watching them leave, Su Ziji sat there and suddenly smiled thoughtfully.

"Huidao is generally correct, but Xie Hongdao is a little cautious?"

This time, the supernatural powers are getting more and more ineffective for people above the seventh rank. Although Hui Dao and Xie Hongdao have no official titles, one is a real person and the other is an earl's son. Emotions can still be felt one or two.

But who doesn't think carefully?Su Ziji turned to the left and right, and said calmly, "You guys, come in."

(End of this chapter)

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