fake prince

Chapter 1185

Chapter 1185

Ye Taoist, Wen Xunpeng and other talents came in and just bowed.

Su Ziji returned to his seat, glanced at him, and said, "Everyone, please sit down, this time let's talk about the emperor's affairs first."

He was talking about the news just received from the empress in the palace that the emperor would hand over the investigation of the granary to Su Ziji, the grandson, who was in charge.

Wen Xunpeng cupped his hands, and said first: "My lord, the matter of the granary seems to be necessary to rectify, but it is a big trap. The investigation of the granary in the past dynasties will always have a deep root of disaster."

"My lord, do you still remember the case of Li Jinhuai from the previous dynasty?"

Su Ziji frowned, he had learned about his knowledge, and immediately thought of it, this is the Wei Dynasty, the relief food disappeared, and the emperor ordered a thorough investigation.

At that time, Li Jinhuai from the third rank was only in his thirties, and his background was not bad. He was born as an official.

He also felt that this was a major event. Once there was a famine or chaos in the army, and there was no food, how the court and the court used soldiers to help the people, and they were determined to review. As a result, 56 officials were implicated and fell to the ground. At that time, they were praised by the emperor.

As a result, three years later, Li Jinhuai was found guilty of a crime, impeached by eleven officials, and committed suicide by drinking poison.

"...Not only in the previous dynasty, but also 13 years ago, there was such a case, which was also related to the granary. After reading a few books, he was finally transferred to the frontier defense to do work, and he stayed there for seven years before being transferred back, and he never dared to be honest again.”

Wen Xunpeng reminded: "Your Highness, this matter is a big trap!"

Su Ziji couldn't help shaking his head when he heard that the man was transferred to the frontier defense to sit on the bench 11 years ago.

If things like this happen one after another, won't the emperor know what's going on?
However, they were transferred to the border guards. It can be seen that this matter is so difficult that even the emperor does not want to touch it.

The wild Taoist pondered and said, "That's true, but if you don't investigate, the emperor can say that the lord is in collusion with them, and then you can justifiably question the lord."

Hearing this, everyone fell silent.

It can no longer be said that this is possible, if the investigation is not done, the emperor will definitely ask the crime like this, everyone is a little at a loss as to what to choose, Qiqi looked at the lord who was sitting in the middle.

Anyway, how to do this matter depends on the Lord's will.

Whether it is checked or not checked, there are risks.

"It's okay, let's wait for the emperor to make a move." It was Su Ziji who broke the deadlock. When everyone looked over, he had already figured out the matter. care.

He looked strange again for a moment, and sighed: "We only knew about this in advance after being notified by the queen. In fact, this matter is still brewing—at the beginning of brewing, we first launched an attack."

"Chai Kejing, the magistrate of the Yulin Mansion, is really an unlucky ghost. He just went up, and the grain depot lost [-] shi in one fell swoop. This time, he will not only be reprimanded for the second time, but he may also be punished."

Su Ziji has been in Beijing for these years, and he has seen this kind of thing a lot, and it is not a pity. After he finished speaking, there were hurried footsteps outside, and someone came in.

Su Ziji took a glance and found that the person who came in was the person in charge of inquiring information

"Your Highness, there is information from the palace."

Since the people in the house were all his own people, the person in charge of receiving the information immediately reported the matter and handed over the information carefully.

Ye Taoist took it and handed it to Su Ziji.

Su Ziji unfolded the information and saw that there were only two simple lines written on the long and thin note, but the cause and effect were clearly written, which was related to the matter under discussion!
What a coincidence!It was just here that the information came in time!

But looking at the information, Su Ziji's expression became even weirder. When asked to go down, he handed the note to the wild Taoist first.

After seeing it, Ye Daoist looked a little strange, and handed it to several people.

After the rest of the people had seen it, their expressions also became strange.

It turned out that the information passed back this time was exactly what the lord said.

The emperor actually read the situation of the grain depot again, and then became furious, and passed the decree, and summoned Chai Kejing, the magistrate of Yulin Mansion, again, and said that corruption has reached this point in the 30 years since the founding of the country, what's the deal?
Several people present looked at Su Ziji, and Wen Xunpeng couldn't help feeling: "Sure enough, everything is in the Lord's expectation!"

"Princess Xinping, her heart is so sincere!"

Su Ziji also smiled at this time: "The Queen and the Princess supported me as much as possible. They handed over the notes one after another and gave us a lot of time. Let's set up the situation first. Although I have expected the situation of the granary, we still have to deal with it." Investigate in advance."

"Don't be too passive, lest the boat capsize in the gutter."

Speaking with emotion, how can the king of a country not make people laugh when he does such a thing in order to kill his great-grandson?
Right, this thing is really cute and scary.

Su Ziji shook his head and looked at the crowd again.

Cen Rubai stood up at this moment, and asked Su Ziji for orders: "My lord, I'm willing to go to investigate the matter of grain and grass!"

The Taisun Mansion was established, first there were two great advisors, Lu Fengyun and Wen Xunpeng, and Zeng Nianzhen was the leader outside, so he gradually became a little weaker, but he was a little unwilling.

Su Ziji also felt that it would be good to let Cen Rubai investigate, so he nodded: "Okay, I will leave this matter to you."

"The emperor is becoming more and more impatient, but don't I also want to try my best to show it?"

When the people dispersed, Su Ziji got up and walked to the steps, looking around, but seeing the dark night, the drizzle, and the misty rain shrouded in the distance, thinking that his various arrangements were gradually in place, he couldn't help but feel sad and happy. Moaned.

Good rain knows the season, when spring is here.

Sneaked into the night wind, moisten things silently.

The trails are all dark, and the river boat is bright.

Look at the red wet place and spend a lot of money in the official city.

Su Ziji only felt that at this time, this poem was particularly suitable for his situation and mind.

"In the palace, the empress is already in place."

"The hearts of the people have already sneaked into the night with the wind."

"The emperor is at the highest level, seeing the world like a fire, but at this moment, I am afraid that the wild path will be dark. I don't know if I will succeed and enter the Huazhongjin official city?"

Such a struggle for imperial power should be frightening, but especially at this time, a surge of excitement will be born in my heart.

Such a situation of walking on a tightrope seems to divide myself into two people, one with a fairly normal reaction, and a little uneasy and panic.

On the other hand, he seems to be fearless, not only looking at all this with rational emotions, but also burning with great ambition in his chest when he is in danger.

"When the sea is flowing, it is only when you show your true qualities as a hero."

"The so-called granary incident has not been solved in the past dynasties. It can't be solved, but I don't know the symptoms, but I want to explain it to the world."

"Of course solving this problem is not the purpose, let alone important, but it can open up the plank road and hide the old warehouse."

"It's just that although we have tried our best, whether we can succeed or not depends on God's will."

Su Ziji closed his eyes, but he was full of emotions.

(End of this chapter)

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