fake prince

Chapter 1186 Time is running out

Chapter 1186 Time is running out


The streets are already quiet, and there are no guards at the important street entrances. Only watchmen carry small lanterns and beat gongs to patrol.

The lights of most of the houses have been extinguished, and a few houses still have dim lights, but occasionally passers-by must be on guard against being raided by police officers or interrogated by government agents.

The black shadow suddenly appeared, jumped up, and rushed forward, about to jump into the narrow and long streets and alleys, but only heard the muffled sound of "poof", like cutting melons, it was this sound, accompanied by the painful short The screams made people feel horrified.

But in fact, if you see the picture at this moment, you will understand what co-existence of coquettishness and horror is, and that picture is really so weird that it can drive ordinary people crazy.

The ferocious and terrifying monster, but the beautiful Wenshu killed the girl of the monster. The contrast in this scene is too great, and the impact is definitely greater than that tragic cry.

When the monster's head was cut off, the monster's blood splashed and fell on the ground, sizzling, and the "murderer" who was closest to the corpse was the first to be splashed by blood.

However, the splashed blood fell to the girl's surroundings, and it slid to the surroundings instantly as if suddenly conscious, and automatically avoided the girl!

The screams alarmed the nearby houses, but the response was not to come out to check, but to immediately turn off the lights.

In the sky, the giant eagle hovered low, making the same low eagle cry.

The girl who killed the demon with a sword was exactly Zhou Yao who was chasing Xie Zhenqing on an eagle.

There are already many monsters lodging around, and the smell of blood is strong in the air, but Zhou Yao is not satisfied with this result.

Her expression was calm, with a trace of impatience between her eyebrows and eyes, she scanned the surroundings, looked at the corpses, but didn't find the one she most wanted to catch.

"Escape?" she muttered to herself.

Holding the sword, the tip of the sword was continuously dripping with blood. Her body was spotless, and the place where she landed was extremely clean, but the surrounding area was already covered in blood.

This scene is really frightening.

Of course, no one has seen it yet, and no one dares to look at it. The ones who are really scared are the monsters.

Zhou Yao heard the sound of thin breathing, one was the watchman, he hid in a corner ten meters away and shivered, and even emitted a little stench.

Zhou Yao frowned. This person thought it was good to hide. In fact, monsters can feel it, but there will be no monsters who kill without reason. After all, this is the center of the empire, and the ubiquitous Reiatsu reminds this point.

The second is the sound made by the extremely nervous monster. There was no sound before, probably because he was holding his breath. At this moment, he couldn't hold back at all, and leaked a little.

She casually grabbed in the direction, and unexpectedly caught a civet cat covered in blood.

The civet cat was motionless, and the invisible hand held it in mid-air. Zhou Yao stared at it carefully, and let out a slight snort. The next moment, the invisible hand seemed to shrink suddenly, and the seemingly dead civet cat was in the air. Under the pressure of Juli, he screamed directly.

"Spare! My lord, spare my life! My lord, ah! My lord, spare my life!" Seeing that it was impossible to escape by pretending to be dead, the civet cat hurriedly yelled, trying to get the girl in front of him to let it live.

Seeing it being grabbed and sent to the girl, the civet cat started to bark more and more.

Even with the meowing sound, it is a prototype, and the raccoon cat is born cute, and it screams like this, and it is covered in blood, which is really pitiful and cute.

It's a pity that the person it met was Zhou Yao. No matter what it did, Zhou Yao probably didn't change his face, and even poked it lightly with her hand after it was "sent" to her face.


Zhou Yao stretched out her hand to poke, and directly poked the civet cat's wound. The pain caused the civet cat to grimace for a moment, and screamed fiercely.

But after yelling, facing the girl whose expression remained unchanged, the civet cat froze immediately, then curled up again, and his voice quickly became lower, meowing to please the girl.

Zhou Yao ignored it at all, just put the fingertip that poked its wound into her mouth and sipped it lightly, and then the color changed.

"Although there are some mutations, it is indeed the blood of the Dragon Lord."

But how is this possible?Why did the blood of the Dragon King appear on a little civet cat?
"Who? Who usurped my blood?"

The aura on Zhou Yao's body instantly turned cold. Back then, she divided the Dragon's Essence into two, leaving half for her children and half for her future. Could it be that something went wrong?
A coldness flashed in her eyes, if something went wrong, she must find out the person who stole her dragon blood!

It's a pity that she was stabbed with a sword just now, but the man escaped.

The civet cat, which was already held by Zhou Yao, was enveloped by waves of murderous aura. It didn't dare to move, let alone make a sound. Its whole body was stiff, just hanging down as if dead.

Zhou Yao didn't care whether it moved or didn't move, barked or didn't bark, so she just took the civet cat by the back of its neck and put the giant eagle on it, and the giant eagle flew towards the distance without her ordering.

Far away, standing on the giant eagle, Zhou Yao turned her eyes and saw Taisun Mansion, a faint red light, from time to time there were swords clashing, and armor appeared.

"It's murderous intent." Looking at Taisun's mansion, Zhou Yao blurted out an idea flashed in his mind.

As soon as these words came out of her mouth, she was immediately enlightened and shivered all over her body.

This is not the first time she has flown here on a giant eagle, nor is it the first time she has passed by Taisun Mansion, why didn't she discover this before?

"It's nothing more than that I have never awakened in the past, never recovered the dragon's blood, and I am not the Dragon Lord of the Great Wei anymore."

Times have changed and many things have changed.

But this time was different, she had just accidentally got a drop of blood, and in an instant, it was as if something that had been shrouded in her mind was broken into pieces, she directly broke through the fog, and "seeed" the mystery.

"It's no wonder that monsters are able to travel at night in the capital. It turns out that Dazheng Zhixing is related to the Dragon Lord and the monster clan?"

She looked carefully at Taisun's Mansion again, and looked at another place, which was indeed King Qi's Mansion.

"Like a dragon but not a dragon, King Qi is related to my Dragon Lord and the monster clan?"

This made her hesitate and was shocked, this Dazheng was too deeply involved with Yaozu and Longjun.

"Even if the blood of the Dragon Lord is stolen, it may be given or received demon luck, how is this possible, is something wrong with my daughter?"

Zhou Yao pondered, and with a step on her foot, the giant eagle flew towards the outside of the city, aiming at the canal on the outskirts of the capital, and the canal leads directly to Panlong Lake.

Before you want to do anything, you must first investigate clearly.

"Cough cough!"

Behind a low wall deep in the dark and deserted alley, Xie Zhenqing walked out, coughing on his chest, his face pale, looking at the direction where the giant eagle was flying, with a hint of gratitude in his expression.

At this moment, the chest was scarlet red, and blood was slowly gushing out. Although he used magic to heal the wound, it was obviously very slow to heal the wound.

"Hateful, there are too many variables."

"Although Lord Long is lingering on his last breath, he should have slept silently."

"Even if the young dragon has left a lifeline, it shouldn't be too happy."

"I'm taking precautions, and I shouldn't be discovered. Could it be that the backlash is so big?"

Xie Zhenqing panted slightly, and said to herself with a trace of dignity: "No, I don't have much time, I must hurry up."

(End of this chapter)

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