fake prince

Chapter 1187

Chapter 1187
Since the Wei Dynasty, sea transportation and canals have intersected each other. The canals were once in disrepair due to wars, but now they have been repaired, and they can also berth directly for official ships. In just 30 years, not only the prosperity has been restored, but even more prosperous.

There are row upon row of shops in the street, but for some reason, the flow of people has been a little less these days.

"Hey, have you heard that the spring has started again." On a street not far from the imperial city, at a late stall, a person called Xiaolongbaozi and wonton, and said.

The owner served it to the customer, and responded with a smile on his face. Another customer was from a nearby area, and he also knew the owner of the stall.

"Who doesn't know this, the Tang family not far away, both brothers have gone, this is really Wenquxing."

"Several generations of officials in the previous dynasty, the second generation fell down in the current dynasty, and the third generation rose again. They are really blessed!"

Having said that, the man swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

"Shen San, I know you. I'm looking forward to the second daughter of the Tang family. I'm afraid that she will look down on you after the Jinshi exam, right?"

As soon as this was said, everyone burst into laughter, even the owner of the small stall laughed so hard that his whole body trembled. After a long time, he sighed: "Oh, it's not so peaceful recently!"

After saying this, everyone in the stall fell silent.

The capital city has not been peaceful recently, not to mention the haunting of monsters, and the Shanchuang camp is also hunted and killed everywhere. Many people have witnessed the scene of killing monsters.

Most of the monsters were killed, and some escaped into the homes of ordinary people or official residences.

It is said that dogs jump over the wall in a hurry, and so do monsters.

Be prepared, there are still a few people who were killed by mistake or injured and died as a result of being taken hostage.

As a result, when another spring rain falls, not only is the sky dull, but even every corner of the capital is filled with a depressing atmosphere.

It can be said that regardless of the stalls, the shop is still open, but when you smell it carefully, a faint smell of blood comes from the corner, but if you look carefully, you can only see traces washed away by rain on the ground or walls .

"Isn't it? Who would have imagined that monsters can appear at the feet of the emperor!" Shen San also sighed: "We have lived in the capital for more than ten generations, and there was no such thing in the previous dynasty."

"Shh, you can't say that."

Shen San's partner was obviously timid. Hearing such a conversation, he subconsciously pulled his sleeves, meaning to talk less about these things, so as not to provoke monsters and even more trouble.

In the past, who of them would be afraid of the government and monsters?

People in the capital talk about political affairs, isn't it the privilege of being born, and there are monsters, at the feet of the emperor, who is afraid of monsters?

But it’s not happening now. It is said that the capital is like an ordinary county, allowing monsters to come in and out and hurt people. Although Shanzhuying and other experts are chasing and killing monsters, there are still some people who were involved and died.

No matter how small the number of people is, no matter how low the probability is, it is 100% on everyone's head. Who can not be afraid?

We are all ordinary people!
As for the government, there has been a faint winter air recently, which has become cold and high-pressured. Shen Sanyi, whose sleeves were pulled by him, thought about it, and was a little scared, so he quickly shut up and just lowered his head to drink the porridge.

The first person to speak continued: "Actually, there is no need to worry about this matter. I heard that the Shanchuang camp has killed all the monsters in the past two days. After all, the grandson is watching this matter!"

As soon as the grandson was mentioned, even the person who had signaled his companions not to talk too much raised his head, and couldn't help saying: "Since His Highness the grandson is in charge of this matter, it will be resolved soon! The matter of the shrine was the In this way, after a while, the chaos will soon be calmed down."

The few people who did not speak also nodded in agreement, although some people said that His Royal Highness was ruthless. He killed too many people when he dealt with the shrine, and his methods were too strong and not benevolent enough.

But for ordinary people, when this makes them feel uneasy, this kind of tough and powerful person in power who is not afraid of infamy can really give them a sense of security.

"Ahem!" While a few people were talking, someone suddenly passed by.

The owner of the late stall who was greeting the newcomers heard coughing and smelled the smell of blood. He raised his head subconsciously and glanced at it, but the next moment he looked confused, and then lowered his head to eat, as if the very familiar Pian Pian Young master, it never happened at all.

"The recovery is a bit slow." Xie Zhenqing passed by the stall, and couldn't help coughing again, the bloody smell rising up in his throat made him frowned.

His face was paler than before, and he was truly bloodless. The clothes on his body looked intact, and he couldn't tell that he had been injured, but it was just a magic spell to cover up, and the real injury was still very heavy.

Time is too late, Xie Zhenqing can only hurry up and do things.

Just now, the stall owner's eyes are sharper than ordinary people's. Although he is still an ordinary person, he saw himself at a certain moment. This is related to Xie Zhenqing's serious injury.

"I also ate wontons at this stall before, why didn't I realize that the owner of this later stall actually has some potential, but unfortunately, he is getting older now."

Xie Zhenqing really didn't intend to make trouble. After thinking about it, she took out a jade bottle from her bosom, poured out a pill, and swallowed it again.

Xie Zhenqing's complexion slowly recovered after this elixir entered his stomach. At least from the outside, even Liu Zhan, Hui Dao and others could not find that he was injured when they saw him.

His speed was also obviously faster than before, and in a short while, he had already appeared in front of a luxuriously decorated mansion a few streets away.

Although it was not too late, the side door of the mansion with the "Qi Wang Mansion" plaque hung on it was basically closed, and the eight lanterns in the second row had already been lit, and some servants were cleaning the steps under the lights.

Xie Zhenqing stood under the steps and looked up, then stepped up.

"What do you want?" Just one of the doormen came out and saw Xie Zhenqing walking up.

Xie Zhenqing's temperament is extraordinary, her clothes are expensive, and her diners are not stupid. She knows who can be disdainful and who needs to be treated with caution.

The person in front of him obviously needs to be treated with caution, he is not an ordinary person at first glance, he hurriedly asked with a smile: "It's rare for an adult to come to the door so late, dare to ask his name, which yamen is it?"

Xie Zhenqing did not answer, with a stern expression, took out a letter from his sleeve, and handed it directly.

Isn't it a little strange to deliver the letter without saying a word?
The doorman was stunned for a moment, and a thought came to his mind.

But the weirder thing was still to come. When he asked who was coming, the young man only said coldly: "His Royal Highness Qi Wang has read the letter, and he will meet me. You just need to send this letter in."

What a strange man!
The doorman thought in his heart that he didn't realize that he was very strange. In the past, he just rushed out with a bang, but now he nodded: "Then you wait here for a while."

When he entered, he gave the servant a wink, don't let this person go, and went in to convey the matter himself.

Of course Xie Zhenqing would not leave after delivering the letter, she just stood there and waited, and opened the folding fan with a "snap", looking a little leisurely.

Even the servants who stared at him felt that this person might be a literati who came to defect to the king. Such people came one after another. They had seen many, but they had never seen such arrogance.

But his eyes fell on this young man. For some reason, he looked like a frail scholar, but it made him tremble subconsciously.

Just when the servant faintly felt that this person's appearance and temperament seemed a bit wrong, and he was a little familiar, there were disorderly footsteps coming from the corridor connecting the side door.

Hearing this voice, it seemed that a lot of people had come, and the servant's heart skipped a beat, and he even retreated subconsciously, staring at Xie Zhenqing with vigilance.

Xie Zhenqing seemed to be ignorant of all this and just stood and waited.

With a sound of "哐", the side door that had been half closed suddenly opened wide inside. The next moment, a group of people poured out. Among them were hundreds of households wearing armor and swords. There were eight soldiers on the left and four, and four crossbowmen. The arrow is on the string and the bow is ready to go.

"Bold demon thief, after being given an ultimatum, dare to openly come to the door?"

As soon as Baihu's words fell, the awe-inspiring murderous aura immediately permeated.

(End of this chapter)

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