fake prince

Chapter 1188 It's the king who neglected

Chapter 1188 It's the king who neglected

As soon as he said this, the servant immediately came to his senses, and when he saw it, he immediately backed away a few steps in fright.

"Isn't this the fake prince who was given an ultimatum, with pictures posted everywhere!"

But no one cared about him, all of the armored soldiers were holding long knives, and two of them were holding shields. They were elite at first glance, and Xie Zhenqing was half surrounded in an instant.

Xie Zhenqing sneered, but without any fear, he flicked the corner of his clothes: "Your king asked you to welcome him, is it to let you show his prestige at the door?"

Even though it was night, few people came near the palace, but it was still a public place.

Bai Hu narrowed his eyes, revealing a trace of murderous intent. Seeing that Xie Zhenqing was not moved at all, his eyes were more vigilant, and he said in a deep voice: "Since you are here to see my king, this one please! My king is willing to see you!"

The armored soldiers almost carried Xie Zhenqing inside. This kind of formation can be called murderous, and they are still dealing with a very terrifying person.

In order to prevent discussion, only ten people came out, but once inside, hundreds of armored soldiers gathered, looking at the tiger for a long time, and there were more than thirty people holding bows and crossbows. Monster killing is not small.

In other words, as long as it is a body of flesh and blood, nothing is too small.

The servant who had been staring at Xie Zhenqing before saw this situation, his face turned pale, and he backed up again and again, terrified.

Instead, Xie Zhenqing himself just smiled.

The people around became even more nervous. Bai Hu, who had just spoken, kept his face sombre, and walked in front, leading Xie Zhenqing.

Seeing this, Xie Zhenqing didn't seem to be able to see it, so she calmly entered the palace, entered a small garden through the side door, walked through a flower corridor, and suddenly saw a lake with rippling blue waves. King Qi!
King Qi is not sitting here alone, there are two people standing on both sides of King Qi, Xie Zhenqing also knows these two people, Zhao Buwei on the left and Zhang Bolai on the right.

These two can be regarded as King Qi's current masterminds, and Xie Zhenqing would not be surprised to see them at the same time.

King Qi was sitting at the top seat with a gloomy face at the moment. As soon as Xie Zhenqing came in, King Qi's eyes fell on Xie Zhenqing.

After meeting each other, King Qi stared at him blankly, as if instinctively in his heart, a feeling emerged, he seemed close to the person in front of him, as if he had a deep connection with him, but at the same time, he seemed to have a deep connection with this person. Disgust, as soon as this disgust surged up, it even involuntarily produced a murderous intent towards this young man.

"This person is indeed sent by the dragon head in the dream." Seeing this, King Qi was immediately enlightened and confirmed the fact.

"Who are you? Why didn't you kneel when you saw this king?" King Qi waved his hand, and immediately everyone withdrew, leaving only a few cronies and guards. Even Zhao Buwei and Zhang Bolai couldn't help shivering under the pressure.

"See you, my lord!" Xie Zhenqing knelt down calmly, just kneeling, she really didn't care, when she was pretending to be a prince, even her parents had called and knelt down before her parents, so when she heard this question, she knelt down Go down, not stubborn at all.

This kneeling is the first step of a demon who entered the world.

In the imperial court, even the emperor, there are people who kneel, not to mention the subjects, kneeling father, kneeling king, kneeling teacher, kneeling respect, etiquette is meticulous, any slight negligence, may cause serious trouble.

Let alone not kneeling, during the wars of the previous dynasty, some generals were called "Inlaid Stone Lord" instead of "Master".

Monsters who refuse to bow down have long since died, or cannot enter the world.

I saw Xie Zhenqing kowtowed calmly, and said unhurriedly: "It's easy for me to kneel to the king, but does the king know that you are already in danger?"

"In the palace of the king, how dare you speak alarmist words!" Zhang Bolai, who was standing beside King Qi, immediately scolded.

King Qi had no expression on his face, chuckled and waved his hands: "Even if it's alarmist, I will listen to what he can say."

While saying this, King Qi's eyes fell on the young man in front of him again.

King Qi was not surprised by this young man's attitude. Since he was sent by Longshou, there must be something unusual about him.

Xie Zhenqing got up by herself, glanced at her, and just smiled.

"I see that the king's eyebrows and eyes are relaxed. You must be rejoicing because you know that the emperor has changed his mind?"

When King Qi heard this, his face sank. As King Qi, the people he came into contact with from childhood to adulthood were all used to speaking in a roundabout way, and they were more tactful.

He had never heard such naked words before, and as soon as such words hit his ears, they pricked a bit.

Based on his personality, if the person in front of him had not been very powerful, he would have been dragged down and killed with a stick.


King Qi endured it, and said gloomyly: "Even if it is, so what? This king is the son of the emperor, and this queen mother and concubine are also one of the four concubines. This king has the right to fight for the heir!"

"On the contrary, the acting king is not only inferior to the king's generation, but also the birth mother's status is humble. She is just a maid in the prince's mansion. How can she compare with this king?"

"Why can't this king fight?"

The small pavilion is surrounded by water and open space, so I am not afraid of being heard, King Qi asked coldly.

Xie Zhenqing seemed to have expected that King Qi would say this a long time ago, so there was no surprise, first he smiled and said nothing, then sighed softly and said: "Your Majesty is right, but Your Majesty knows that His Majesty coughed up blood again last night?"

"What?" As soon as the shocking words came out, King Qi suddenly changed color, trembled all over, and stood up directly, while Zhang Bolai and Zhao Buwei, although they had expected it earlier, were still stunned immediately.

There is only a mere monster in front of him, the emperor's health is a top secret, how can this monster know?Not to mention, this kind of affirmative tone is still "last night". Could it be that there are monsters in the palace, and they are still close to the emperor?
Xie Zhenqing opened the folding fan with a "snap", and said with a smile, "Your Majesty, your eyeliner is not small. Even if you don't know it now, you will soon know that the news I got is true."

When he said this, King Qi's brows furrowed again, and his heart sank. Thinking back to the supernatural power of the dragon head in his dream, he had already believed most of it.

In this case, the person in front of him cannot be disposed of at will.

"Your Majesty, you should know by now how dangerous your situation is right now?" Seeing that King Qi was silent, Xie Zhenqing knew that he believed most of him, and said unhurriedly: "The emperor's body is already like this, even if it is What if I changed my mind?"

"I'm afraid it will be difficult to abolish the grandson... After all, how many ministers support the abolition of the grandson?"

"Not to mention, even if the grandson is abolished, you may not be chosen!"

"The so-called standing reserve is for cultivation. Do you think the emperor has cultivated you?"

"Hmph, when it comes to cultivation, neither Dai nor Shu?" Zhao Buwei also asked coldly.

"The king of Dai has the post of commander of the Yulin guards, and the king of Shu, I'm afraid it is even more important." Xie Zhenqing saw that King Qi's face changed, but still did not speak, took out a roll of paper from his sleeve: "Your Majesty, please take a look."

Zhao Buwei was startled, walked over and took the roll of paper from his hand, and handed it to King Qi.

King Qi took it over, opened it up, and this time his complexion really changed drastically, he became pale all of a sudden, his teeth were clenched, and after a long time, he asked: "Really?!"

"Of course it's true. It's fine if your majesty doesn't know it. If you know it, you can find it out naturally. How could I deceive you about it?"

Xie Zhenqing's eyes shone with a faint green light: "The king of Shu has been implicated with Yingguo. Once there is a change, a hundred thousand troops will respond. You think you are the emperor's favorite son, but you have never been treated like this. Now, the king still thinks Is this a trivial matter?"

"There may be something about Yingguo, but it may not be the emperor's acquiescence." Zhao Buwei couldn't bear it anymore, and asked in a cold voice.

"In the capital, is there an emperor who doesn't know?"

"Even if you take [-] steps back, the emperor doesn't know, but the king of Shu has strong support, what about you?"

"It looks calm in front of me, but it is the time to decide the number of days. I am in a place where life and death are in front of me. Isn't Your Majesty still vigilant?"

King Qi sat back fiercely, this incident was too exciting for him, he suddenly realized that he was already a few steps behind for his grandson or the king of Shu, and if he didn't recruit strong support, he might end up worse than in his dream. It's really not the time to put on airs or lose your temper.

After a while, King Qi got up again, with a smile on his face, and cupped his hands: "This king is negligent, sir, please come in and talk."

(End of this chapter)

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