fake prince

Chapter 1190 Shence Army

Chapter 1190 Shence Army

"Shen Ce Army!"

King Qi's eyes lit up if he sensed it. In fact, he was curious about this before he was ten years old. He even asked the great Confucianism who taught him, and even checked the information secretly.

But in the books that the royal family let him see, there is no specific record of the origin of the Shence Army, only records of what kind of achievements they have had and what kind of battles they have fought.

But how the Shence Army was established, why it was suddenly purged and killed by Taizu, and the entire establishment disappeared, these questions have never been answered in the book or during inquiries.

Later, as he got older, there were more things to worry about, and more things to fight for. King Qi's concern for the Shence Army was also left behind, and he was left in his youth.

"Now that I think about it, if I hadn't been the prince, I'm afraid that the process of finding the secret would have received a greater warning or even dealt with."

In fact, what he saw was already a secret. Outside, there was no record of the achievements of the Shence Army, and they were all written off.

At this moment, suddenly hearing the name of this elite team again from the mouth of this mysterious visitor, King Qi suddenly had a premonition in his heart.

Sure enough, the next moment, Xie Zhenqing asked with a half-smile: "Then the king doesn't find it strange?"

strangeness?Why is it strange?Could it be...

"Taizu was originally a nine-rank inspector in the county. Although there were 30 to [-] people under his command, most of them were ruffians from the countryside. There may be extortion and extortion, but there is no doubt that he marched and fought in iron armor."

"At that time, the county lieutenant Hu Mingzhi also had ambitions. He collected the military power in the county and gathered thousands of troops. Taizu was already on the list of cleaning up. Why was he able to kill the county lieutenant in the first battle and gather the county soldiers? It was a great cause."

Zhao Buwei was frightened when he heard this, his legs trembled, he regretted following him, but Zhang Bolai blushed, and said: "The Taizu was ordered by the sky, and naturally the generals will be born in the attached clusters, and they can kill districts and counties in arrays. Wei Hu Mingzhi, what is the point?"

"Could it be that there are other strange things?"

Xie Zhenqing smiled, didn't speak, and fell into silence. King Qi coughed: "Mr. Zhang, after listening, it's not too late to discuss."

"Yes!" Zhang Bolai turned pale and hurriedly responded.

Xie Zhenqing was not angry, and said lightly: "Although it was a night attack at that time, there were still a hundred guards in the county captain's mansion, and there were eighteen armored soldiers, wearing perseverance, no one could stop him wherever he went, so he killed Hu Mingzhi. "

"These eighteen armored soldiers are the initial foundation of the Shence Army in the future. Afterwards, the scale will grow larger and the meritorious deeds will be numerous. It is almost invincible."

"Why did the great ancestor suddenly have this iron army, the king really never wondered?"

Of course I was curious, but if I can't find the answer, how long can I be curious?

Hearing these words, King Qi had already realized something. Although there was some resistance, these two sentences almost made it clear, allowing the questions that had always been in his heart to be answered.

This person is a monster, or is directly related to a monster, everyone knows it well, Zhao Buwei and Zhang Bolai are all wary of this monster that maintains a human form, but these words reveal a possibility...

If King Qi realized something, he stared at Xie Zhenqing sharply.

Xie Zhenqing just let King Qi stare at him generously.

"Could it be... it's you..." King Qi's expression sank, his voice was a little hoarse.

And Zhao Buwei was even more sweaty, and he understood everything in an instant, and connected everything together!


Taizu relied on the Shence Army to raise things, made great achievements repeatedly, and once he leveled the world, he purged the Shence Army. Some couldn't wait and acted too hastily, so there was even a brief and intense mutiny.

General Eleven who was killed, and it is said that Taizu was assassinated and injured secretly, all of these were immediately linked together!

Even Zhang Bolai's complexion changed, he is not stupid, he naturally soon heard the relationship, and his heart tightened, he couldn't listen to this secret.

But because King Qi didn't speak, no matter whether it was Zhao Buwei or Zhang Bolai, they could only stand there with slightly pale faces, staring at the person in front of them.

This person has such a big tone, could it be...

Xie Zhenqing took a glance, saw the reactions of King Qi's two staff members, and smiled: "Just as you guessed, the so-called generals are the courage of soldiers, but the Shence Army is actually very simple. , all the sons of our clan and outsiders will be in charge!"

"That's why we can help Taizu fight for the dragon."

As the faint words fell, the entire inner room was so quiet that even a needle could be heard, and King Qi's heavy breathing was so obvious for a moment.

Xie Zhenqing said lightly: "If the king has the courage to accept it, he will immediately pull out an elite army that dares to fight and kill."

"Your Majesty!" Zhang Bolai was extremely shocked when he heard this, not only did he reveal the truth, but he even spoke so brazenly, and even acted against it.

Taizu's hidden wound was the thorn of the demon clan. It has been cleaned up over the years, and even the wrongdoing was never let go. With the efforts of the second generation of kings, it was torn apart and stripped away. Do you want to connect it now?

Instinctively, Zhang Bolai resented and objected, but he couldn't make the decision, so he just yelled.

But Zhao Buwei glanced at King Qi, seeing that King Qi didn't say a word, he suddenly became clear-eyed. Although King Qi didn't agree immediately, this performance already showed that King Qi was actually moved, but he couldn't step down for a while, and even more so. Unable to agree to this matter so quickly, and relying on the half-demon to fight for the heir, if this matter gets out, people will immediately lose their hearts.

"But at this time, Your Majesty has no other way." Zhao Buwei understood in his heart, since he sensed His Majesty's intentions, he didn't care whether he would stay or not in the future, how could he not pass a ladder over immediately?

In the blink of an eye, Zhao Buwei cupped his hands, got up and said to King Qi: "Congratulations, Your Majesty, the blessings come from the sky at the critical moment, this is the way of the Taizu, and you will definitely get the artifact of the country, Your Majesty, don't hesitate!"

The ladder was handed over at the right time, the steps were laid out abruptly, and King Zuqi came down.

After all, the reason is really high-sounding, to follow the way of Taizu again, these words not only exaggerate the significance of the matter itself after King Qi made this decision, but also have to rely on the mistakes of the half-demon to cover up the past.

Although a discerning person can tell what's going on as soon as he hears it and looks at it, it's enough to fool ordinary people.

As soon as Zhao Bubi's words were spoken, King Qi's expression softened, he seemed to be pondering, and nodded slowly: "I am a descendant of the great ancestor, and following the wishes of the great ancestor, is it natural for me to follow the path of the great ancestor? "

"If God's will is like this, how can I go against God's will?" Qi Wang was very emotional, as if he had no choice but to change the subject, and asked, "I don't know when I will win?"

Xie Zhenqing replied: "One month is enough to summon the generals."

One month is really not a long time.

Without the help of the monster clan, King Qi would not have the strength to shake the current situation for a few more months.

But as long as you cooperate with the Yaozu, you will be able to provide strong support in a month, and the power of this support once helped Taizu win the world. If you don't hold on tightly, wouldn't you be stupid?
King Qi nodded: "Yes."

Xie Zhenqing got up at this moment, and cupped her hands: "Since Your Majesty agrees, I'll do it now, and I'll leave!"

Just leave as soon as you say, King Qi is also quite satisfied with this efficiency, and immediately said: "Come on! Send sir out!"

Xie Zhenqing was as personable as when she came, bowed and retreated, and walked out like this.

King Qi sat where he was, recalling what happened just now, feeling overwhelmed.

 It was about to start school, but something happened again. An old man, greedy for 3000 a day, went to work immediately, and then got infected. The infection should be isolated and treated honestly. Entering a state of tension, why are there so many people like this in the world, doesn't he know the consequences?
(End of this chapter)

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