fake prince

Chapter 1191 The Way of Conspiracy

Chapter 1191 The Way of Conspiracy
After Xie Zhenqing went out, the armored soldiers did not retreat, but lined up five steps at a time. Zhao Buwei couldn't help frowning, and kept silent, just thinking.

"Originally, I wanted to seek refuge with the grandson and the king of Shu, but I didn't want the king of Qi to have two major changes."

"It's actually secondary to becoming wise, but the key is the Shence Army."

Inferior counselors believe in strategies, but Zhao Buwei understands that strength is the only supreme law in this world, and if King Qi has strength, all flaws will be unstoppable.

"Am I changing my mind?"

"Your Majesty!"

Just thinking about it, suddenly, a thud broke the silence, Zhao Buwei was slightly startled, and at a glance, it was Zhang Bolai who knelt down at this moment.

This voice made King Qi frown immediately.

"Your Majesty! This is to lure a thief into the house!" Zhang Bolai kowtowed, and hurriedly said: "My Majesty! The Taizu took great pains to destroy the Shence Army, and we must not let it revive!"

"The ambition of the monster wolf is not a dull person. I am afraid that it will be difficult to follow the strategy of the Taizu. Your Majesty, it is absolutely unacceptable!"

Yes, the Shence Army was wiped out due to many factors, the biggest of which was luck, marriage, and the overall situation. I thought that Taizu would not be so unwise, but Taizu insisted on doing it.

Once again, it is absolutely impossible for Yaozu to fall into the same pit.

This Bolai actually has such wisdom and a big picture?
Zhao Buwei was slightly surprised, but shook his head secretly. Unfortunately, this wisdom and loyalty were not used in the right place.

In front of him is a person who truly loves the people like a son, so he can naturally listen to the words.

If the King of Qi has become the emperor in front of him, even if his temper does not change, Uncle Zhang will definitely listen to what he said.

But Zhang Bolai was wrong, he said these words at the wrong time.

The King Qi at this time is not the King Qi who has already seized the power and ascended the throne, but a prince who has the heart of fighting for the heir apparent and is at a disadvantage.

Not to mention wanting to get the throne, not to mention having a grandson blocking the way, the life and death of the whole family depend on other people's thoughts. In this case, even if you don't have ambitions, how can you be indifferent to the Shence Army?
It can be said that unless they are stupid, or people with lofty ideals who would rather die than rebel, anyone will cling to this life-saving straw.

Regardless of the overall situation or righteousness, is it meaningful to the dead?

King Qi didn't want to die, so he had to lure thieves into his house.

It was only when he deeply understood this that Zhao Buwei passed the steps to King Qi, so that King Qi could have a little fig leaf, so that he would not directly tear up the archway.

Such an approach is what a staff member of the Qi Palace should do, and that is to share the Lord's worries.

As for what Zhang Bolai said, if he was wrong, it would not be considered wrong. Using the Shence Army again is indeed drinking poison to quench thirst, and there will be endless troubles.

But Zhang Bolai is not the only one who understands this truth, could King Qi not understand it?

Therefore, what Zhang Bolai said was actually asking King Qi to die!
Thinking of this, Zhao Buwei looked sideways, and sure enough, he saw the king slightly drooping his brows and eyes, with a seemingly calm expression, but a murderous intent flashed in his eyes, looking at Zhang Bolai who was begging on the ground, his eyes were even colder.

But Zhang Bolai felt that he was full of loyalty, and only kowtowed and begged, but he didn't realize how terrifying the king's eyes were staring at him.

"Mr. Zhang."

King Qi spoke lightly, but he was not angry because of Zhang Bolai's persuasion, and was even a little gentle, but this gentle tone, to Zhao Buwei, who had seen the murderous intent, was full of coolness, like an ice snake that was icy cold to the bone , Drilling directly into the seam of human bones, it is frightening.

Zhang Bolai paused every movement, looked up eagerly, but heard Qi Wang slowly say: "I understand your loyalty very well, and your advice is also a golden and jade good advice."

"This king is not willing to use this method, but you also know the situation of this king."

"Dai Wang and I have always had grudges. The Shu King looks elegant, but he is actually very cold. Once it is useless, he will throw it away like a piece of grass and step on it. He must not turn over."

"You said, I used it, but there will be hidden dangers in the future."

"No, I'm afraid that the king and the concubine's sons will die without a place to die." King Qi asked calmly, "If you were to choose, sir, which one would you choose?"

The tone of the last question was not harsh, but it made Zhang Bolai tremble subconsciously. Then, the person in front of him seemed to stand up and left directly.

Zhang Bolai knelt there, murmuring unable to speak, his face turned pale.

When he raised his head and wanted to say something, he found that King Qi had already left.

His eyes fell on the door, and he only saw Zhao Buwei's clothes flickering past, and he couldn't help but smiled wryly, and sighed, ignoring the wound on his forehead.

"This man is dead."

Zhao Buwei followed Qi Wang to leave, and the look in Qi Wang's eyes before he left made Zhao Buwei sigh, this former opponent will never be an opponent again.

"Many people in the world think they are smart, but they don't know how to seek masters."

"The way to seek the master is whether it is the world or the overall situation. No matter how many kinds of righteousness there are, the common people are not as good as a hair of the master."

"To put it bluntly, we must have the heart to destroy the country for the benefit of our Lord, but to succeed, we must win over people, so we need righteousness and morality."

"If it's the other way around, if you want the Lord to sacrifice for the sake of the overall situation, this counselor can be killed."

However, although Zhao Buwei passed the steps to King Qi and expressed his support, he was still in a state of confusion, unable to make a decision, and went back to the original.

"The appearance of this demon is itself a variable."

"But it is indeed an opportunity, an opportunity to change the general situation."

"Your Majesty has received strong support since then. Although there are many hidden dangers, it is hard to say what will happen in the future. This is the second time for the Yaozu to help people conquer the world and be used by humans. With the lessons learned from the first time, this time it will not be so easy to be calculated. Cleaned up."

"But as the king said, if you don't use it now, you will die immediately. If you use it, it's just that there may be troubles in the future."

"For Your Majesty, the Shence Army is a hidden danger, but it is also a powerful force that must be firmly grasped."

"It's just that for a follower like me, the situation is more complicated."

"Which side should I choose?"

After thinking for a moment, Zhao Buwei sighed again, it was really difficult to choose.

"Wait a little longer." After a long time, Zhao Buwei muttered to himself, smiled wryly, and decided not to make a decision right away, but wait and see.

However, after thinking about this matter for a while, the somewhat chaotic mood calmed down a little, and I couldn't help but think deeply, thoughtfully.

The things inside, the more I think about it, the more disturbing it is, the water inside is too deep.

Now is the critical moment when if you don't pay attention, you may be lost forever.

Just when Zhao Buwei was thinking this way, he had already walked out of the main courtyard for a while, and stood by the corridor near the outside.

"Go, go!"

Suddenly there was a commotion outside, from far to near, Zhao Buwei's eyes flashed, he came to his senses, and frowned a little, as the sound became louder, he recognized that someone was knocking on a gong outside, and at the same time There was a sound, like shouting.

This kind of movement is not serious, and it is basically impossible to appear.

After all, this neighborhood is a place where dignitaries and dignitaries gather together, and ordinary people dare not come here to juggle and perform, so the sound of the gong cannot be a private act, but it is more likely that the government is doing it.

Zhao Buwei was stunned for a while, and suddenly, like a thunderbolt directly hitting his head, he immediately came to his senses: "Why did I forget, today is the day of the imperial examination!"

(End of this chapter)

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