fake prince

Chapter 1192 Don't be afraid, don't hide

Chapter 1192 Don't be afraid, don't hide

"Ten years of hard work, no one asked, and he became famous all over the world in one fell swoop." Zhao Buwei sighed.

For most scholars, it is a dream to go to the palace examination, because as long as they are qualified to enter, it means that they are only one step away from the end of their studies.

The main reason is that this year's Chunwei, because of the cheating case, although it was discovered in advance and did not lead to a bloody case, the exam was also postponed.

After some exams, 500 people were selected, and now is the last exam for Chunwei this year: the palace exam!
It has been a while since the examination ended, five hundred admitted tribute students are going to enter the palace today and do the questions directly in the main hall.

"This year there are 500 Gongsheng students, but it is impossible to admit all Jinshi. At most, about 300 people can be selected, or a little more. If there are fewer selections, it is possible to select only 200 people. But as long as you enter the palace examination, you may be admitted. In this way How many people don't envy the opportunity?"

Thinking in this way, Zhao Buwei walked to the rockery, where there was a gazebo located on a high place, standing outside and looking out, he could vaguely see the outside.

Zhao Buwei climbed to a high place and looked into the distance, and sure enough, he saw that the approaching team had already gone away, and it was the imperial city.

There were less than a hundred people in the crowd, some old and some young, Zhao Buwei's eyes became a little blurred, it's the palace exam.

"Unfortunately, I don't have this opportunity." Zhao Buwei also has a reputation, he is a juren, or in other words, the mastermind of the Qi Palace has a reputation.

Living in the Prince Qi's Mansion as a mastermind looks pretty, but it's not as good as being born in a regular family.

Jinshi was born, and when he came out, he was a county magistrate. Although more family background, connections, luck, and talents had to be considered, as long as he didn't make big mistakes, there would always be a fifth-rank magistrate.

When a person seeks the master, unless the king of Qi can ascend the throne, he will never see the light for a lifetime.

Even if King Qi ascends the throne, nine out of ten the mastermind will not end well - we know too much.

Zhao Buwei was a little dazed. He was in his thirties back then, and took the last 160 taels of silver from his family to hit Longmen again, but he still lost his name.

Zhao Buwei was resentful in the past, thinking that there must be fraud, but after waiting for a long time, he gradually realized that he owed three points in the end.

"Forget it, it's over, what else do you think about?"

Zhao Buwei regained his sobriety, and thought to himself: "It was an end before, but can the emperor just let it go?"

The root cause of his hesitation was that the emperor seemed to have changed his mind again.

King Qi, it's not that there is no chance at all.

"Sure enough, fate is unclear, and the way is unclear." Zhao Buwei smiled self-consciously: "When I read history before, I always felt that the predecessors were hesitant, looking forward and backward, and they were not heroes."

"It's only now that I understand that it was because we knew the result, so everyone acted afterward."

"I really don't know the future, how difficult it is to make a decision!"

"King Qi has already made a decision, what about Grandson?"

Imperial City Hongwen Hall

Led by the officials of the Ministry of Rituals, five hundred tributes entered through the Meridian Gate. They saw the tall palace, and the guards of the passageway hung their sabers from their waists, standing like nails, with a chill.

This kind of majesty of the Ninefold Forest made all the excited tributes silent. There was still whispering and there was no sound, and they stopped in front of the hall-this was explained in advance. interest waiting.

After a while, he saw an official from the third rank exit the hall, and at a glance he knew it was the minister of the Ministry of Rites. He walked to the south in front of everyone and stood still, saying loudly: "By the holy order!"

"Long live!"

Gongshi Hei Yaya knelt down on the ground, coughing phlegm in silence, seeing this, the Minister of Rites smiled with satisfaction, and said: "You will enter the palace in order, and you will not lose your manners!"

"Yes!" Everyone kowtowed, got up and bowed to the main hall, then slowly went up the steps, and saw that there were already small tables in the main hall, eunuchs were rushing back and forth, checking the four treasures of the study.

Dazheng's system is inherited from the previous dynasty.

First, 500 people are selected from the tens of thousands of applicants who come to Beijing. These 500 people are the tributes. During the palace examination, 500 people will be selected from the 300 people. These 300 people are the serious Jinshi.

Others are not counted, at most because the name of Gongshi is better, so they are more qualified to enroll in the Academy or even the Imperial College, and they will continue to take the Chunwei Continuing Examination in the coming year.

This kind of selection is cruel, but this is the national system.

Yu Lu and Fang Xi were among the 500 people, and followed in. First, they stood and waited for tables and chairs to be allocated.

Fang Xi didn't look very nervous, not because he had confidence, but because he didn't have confidence.

People around were whispering, Fang Xi also whispered to Yu Lu, "I was originally 498th, and I'm afraid I will be eliminated this time."

Without waiting for Yu Lv to cheer up, because some people who came in whispered, the etiquette officer warned: "Stop making a lot of noise, or you will be expelled from the palace examination!"

Fang Xi fell silent immediately, not daring to say any more.

Others also stopped their voices. In an instant, there were 500 people, even the sound of breathing was lightened, and the surroundings suddenly became silent.

"Come in!" With another shout from the ceremony officer, 500 people filed in.

When they entered, the desks were already set up, but they were still standing instead of sitting down.

"The Emperor is here—"

"Grandfather arrives—"

At this moment, three quiet whips were heard in the hall, followed by the thin sound of drum music, and two consecutive shouts. The tributes and courtiers at the scene all held their breaths more and more attentively.

In the aisle in the middle, a few people passed by. It seemed that the old emperor was in good condition today, so Xu Bu walked in.

Although the eunuch accompanied him carefully, he did not reach out to help.

And the one who came in was the grandson, or just the young one, handsome, with lacquered eyes, wearing a crown of pearls, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, which made people feel heartbroken.

The hall fell silent, followed by the sound of the emperor taking his seat.

"Bai—" the ritual officer shouted again.

"Long live!" 500 people kowtowed to the mountain and shouted.

The emperor glanced at it lightly, and said leisurely: "Be flat, and bestow upon the grandson seat."

Yu Lv raised his head slightly, and with a glance, he saw that everyone was below, and the only seat next to the dragon chair, on the side of the level of the steps, was the seat given to the grandson.

Chujun, Chujun, with a character of Jun, at this time can really distinguish the difference from ordinary princes and grandchildren.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." The grandson passed away calmly, and sat upright with his hands on his knees lightly.

"I can't see any gaps." Yu Lv already knew some inside information, and he cared about the interaction between the grandson and the emperor.

He couldn't see the problem of the emperor and the grandson at all. Could it be that the emperor and the grandson are people who don't show their emotions, so no matter what they think in their hearts, they don't show it on the surface?

After the extremely dangerous things before, he didn't believe that there was no problem between the emperor and the grandson.

There are problems, but they don't reveal them at all. I'm afraid it may not be the blessing of harmony.

Just thinking about it, the whole hall fell silent again, full of solemnity, and heard the emperor speak.

"I am a human ruler, and I am ordered by heaven to rule billions of trillions. I must first live a happy life so that I can satisfy my desires, and then I will fulfill the duties of my parents and the people. I am worthy of no shame."

The emperor spoke word by word, slowly, but without stagnation. His voice was tired and old, but it was surprisingly attractive to the ears. Everyone could hear it. It was filled with the confidence and majesty brought by the supreme power.

"However, I have little virtue, and I don't know how to bring Yao and Shun so that disasters will not happen in the world, and the people will have enough food and clothing, and follow the way to return to transformation?"

"Schools and scholars, who are clear about reason, and when they know their husbands, and have something to support me, they should directly state what they have seen and heard, and prepare them in chapters. I will see them personally, so don't be afraid or hide them."

(End of this chapter)

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