fake prince

Chapter 1193 The emperor wants to read the examination paper quickly

Chapter 1193 The emperor wants to read the examination paper quickly
"The ministers are honored to accept orders."

All the examinees saluted and kowtowed, and then heard three "crack, bang, bang" whips, and the ceremony officer sang the same voice: "Gong students take their seats and answer the questions."

"Thank you!"

It is time to start answering the questions. It is impossible for 500 people to be arranged in the hall, nor can they be separated, so they are arranged according to the ranking, from front to back, densely packed.

Those who rank lower can only sit in the back corridor.

In case of wind and rain, even if there are measures, it is better to be safe in the hall.

But since they are ranked according to grades, even if some people feel depressed, they are not dissatisfied. Who makes their grades inferior to others.

Yu Lv's grades are not bad, and his seat is in the hall.

The weather was still a little cold, so I was in the hall, and I was a little frightened as I walked this way, and my hands were more or less stiff.

Clenching his fists hard, the stiffness in his fingers slowly disappeared.

Looking at the white paper laid out in front of him and thinking about the topic, Yu Lv didn't hold the pen easily, and didn't dare to peek up. He tipped the bamboo tube filled with water, poured some on the inkstone, and slowly grinded it with the ink stick.

Taisun's teachings at the beginning still echo in my ears.

Yu Lv also had some reflections when he went back, and felt that Taisun's words were indeed reasonable. A scholar's view of things is indeed different from an official's view of things.

Even people who are officials look at things differently in different official positions.

The higher you are, the more you consider the overall situation.

People in low positions want to consider the overall situation, but are also limited by their vision, knowledge and environment, making it difficult to think comprehensively.

Yu Lv has talent and intelligence, but if there is no guidance from his grandson, people from the small town, and no famous teacher to guide him, he may have to take a detour or two to find a way.

But now, Yu Lv has a clear mind and already knows how to write.

When the mind calms down a little, the ink is getting thicker, the fingers pick up the soft brush, lick the ink, the pen is full, the eyes fall on the paper, take a deep breath, and concentrate on writing.

The tip of the pen fell on the paper, and the first character was the word "Chen".

"The subject is ignorant and knowledgeable, not good enough to ask big questions..."

Since the first sentence was written smoothly, the next content was written down, the more I wrote, the smoother it became, as if I was no longer writing, but transcribing an article that had already formed in my mind Down in general.

Yu Lv only felt that he was writing with spirit, and the more he wrote, the more comfortable he felt. The dull feeling that was still pressing on his chest disappeared without a trace as he continued to write quickly.

"...I am reading the holy policy, and I am worried about seeing your majesty fighting the people's livelihood, freezing and starving, and worrying about getting enough food and clothing for the people. This is a sincere and sincere sympathy to benefit Yuanyuan..."

A hearty feeling, as if the air is blowing out from every pore, it makes me immerse myself in it, and I can't extricate myself.

If other people turn their heads to look at this moment, they can only see that this young man seems to be immersed in a state of extreme enjoyment. He is so absorbed that he has excluded everything outside, including time.


The emperor glanced at the candidates, then at Yu Lv, paused, and then looked away, as if he didn't care about the grandson's former classmate and friend at all.

His physical condition looks better than before, but he is also showing signs of fatigue.

Without making a sound, the emperor came down, paused in front of some people, took a few glances, quickly passed through these candidates, and walked out directly.

Candidates along the way heaved a sigh of relief, touched it, and their backs were wet.

"I'll withdraw as well, don't disturb the exam."

The emperor left, and Su Ziji was the great-grandson, so it was not good to stay here for a long time. He also glanced around and glanced at Yu Lv, seeing that Yu Lv was still writing quickly, without noticing that the emperor and himself were both After seeing it, Su Ziji smiled slightly, feeling that Yu Lv should have followed his advice and had already entered the state.

This state often represents the completion of the article in one go.

The other examinees were obviously disturbed when the emperor walked over, or their movements stopped, or their movements were stiff, in short, they were not as immersed as Yu Lv.

Seeing the grandson standing up in the same way, the rest of the ministers and examiners all stood up. Hearing this, they were all jaw-dropping, and they followed each other off without saying much.

Su Ziji went out, walked out of the main hall, and looked at a large area of ​​tables and chairs on the corridor outside the hall. The examinee, who was still in pain, walked out through the gap in the middle without stopping.

"Is this the end of the matter?"

After going out, Su Ziji frowned. This time the imperial examination, the emperor made the move first, and he countered fiercely. He thought that there might be something wrong with this imperial examination, but everything is going well now. Could it be that the emperor really gave up?

"No, not at all." Su Ziji looked gloomy, he understood the emperor as a creature, thoughtfully: "Let's wait and see."

"Dang, Dang, Dang!" Since the grandson went to the side hall to rest, someone knocked a few times. At noon, someone brought a basket to indicate to the examinees that half of the time had passed.

"Here, two cakes and a pot of tea for each person."

This is the rule in the examination room, only noodles are served, because the meat is easy to stale and has diarrhea, and it will be a big disgrace at that time, and the palace examination is nothing more than putting some sweets in it.


Yu Lv suddenly woke up from that state, glanced at the bread and tea, and nodded slightly, but he was not hungry, but just looked at the draft paper that had been written densely, which happened to be written at the end, that is, "Chen Jin is right" three words.

It's written!
Yu Lv let out a long breath, his chest was already comfortable and no longer felt clogged, and now it feels even happier!
He glanced at the article again, and he couldn't help but smile dumbly. Only then did he feel really hungry. He took the bread and gorged himself on the tea.

I had to finish eating, so I picked up my pen and copied the articles on the draft into the answer sheet one by one.

Examinations in front of the hall should not be lost, and there must be no mistakes. This is actually very energy-intensive. After all the transcriptions are completed, and then carefully checked three times, when it is found that there are no mistakes or taboos, but the hall is a bit dark, there are already officials. Go forward and light the candles one by one.

"It's almost dusk." Yu Lv looked around, the hall was a bit gloomy, there was a gust of wind in the distance, and then a few drops of rain fell.

"It's raining, hurry up, get an umbrella."

Naturally, there was a plan for the palace examination, and rows of umbrellas blocked the front of the corridor, but it was not too early at this time, and some candidates had already handed in their articles one after another. More than half of the people signaled the supervisor to seal the paper and put it aside.

Those who went out all bypassed, so when Yu Lu and Fang Xi met, they were already outside the palace gate.

Fang Xi handed in the paper later than Yu Lu, but not too late. Yu Lu waited outside the palace gate for less than a cup of tea when he saw a familiar figure coming out of the crowd.

Because although this place is outside the palace gate, it is not far from the armored soldiers guarding the palace gate. After Gong Sheng came out, he didn't dare to make any noise, and Yu Lv just waved to Fang Xi.

At this time, the rain was heavy, and the pine waves gradually approached, the entire towering palaces of the Forbidden City were submerged in the rain curtain, and the clouds and waves were even more black, as if thunder was brewing.

A few eunuchs rushed over even more hurriedly.

"Quick, the emperor wants to read the examination paper quickly."

(End of this chapter)

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