fake prince

Chapter 1194

Chapter 1194
Gongsheng came out of the palace gate, the rain was pattering, even though he had a gift umbrella, he couldn't help the strong wind and rain, but seeing the lanterns in some restaurants in the distance, he rushed to shelter from the rain.

Yu Lv rushed downstairs, it was alright, only wet his coat, seeing the bustling and noisy downstairs, he hurriedly called for the private room upstairs, luckily he called quickly, he grabbed the last second room, felt a little relieved, and called for towels.

When Fang Xi approached, Yu Lv sized him up and saw that his face was thoughtful, but he was not overly upset. He was somewhat relieved, and felt that since the two of them had received the advice from the grandson in advance, no matter how bad it was, they should be the same. Not much to go.

"Come on, sit down, wipe your face, I've already ordered the food." Yu Lv said, the waiter had already served the food, it was four dishes, a soup and a pot of wine, so he raised his glass to persuade him to drink: "Have a glass of wine to warm up your body."

Fang Xi toasted and drank together, her face flushed, she glanced at Yu Lv, and suddenly asked, "How did you write this policy?"

Yu Lv then smiled: "Just write according to Taisun's suggestion, there's nothing you can't say about it, I'll just read it to you."

Even so, Yu Lv subconsciously lowered his voice and read a few paragraphs of what he answered.

"... However, the benevolent government that I hope for Your Majesty does not want to completely change the customs of the world, nor does it want to restore the fields of the world. It is also said to be governed according to the time and situation, without losing the intention of the king..."

Similar words are nothing more than Taisun's main idea. Anyway, since I know how to write, it is very smooth to open my mind in this direction.

Yu Lv felt that as long as Fang Xi's talents and learning were written in this direction, he would still be worthy of the gold medal. After reading a few more sentences, he casually asked, "What about you?"

When he asked this question, his tone was very relaxed.

As a result, after waiting for a while, but before Fang Xi could answer, Yu Lv paused and looked up at Fang Xi.


Facing Yu Lv's questioning gaze, Fang Xi drank his wine in one gulp, looked away and remained silent.

What else do you not understand now?

Yu Lv was shocked, and put down his wine glass: "You, could it be you?"

Fang Xi didn't refute, but made another "goo", drank a full glass, and let out a mouthful of alcohol, Yu Lv immediately understood, it was exactly what he guessed, and he wanted to slap him - this is a palace test, this kid , what do you think?
"Could it be that you wrote it in the words of Kuangjie before?"

"Aren't you afraid of offending the sky?"

Fang Xi's face was full of blood, and he took another sip in sullenness, then stopped abruptly, and said, "Brother Yu, you should know me, how can I be ignorant of being an official?"

But this is not a matter of ignorance, but the imperial imperial examinations are designed to attract talents who serve themselves, and it is impossible to absorb crazy students.

Putting this aside, personally speaking, one must first obtain the qualifications to be an official before realizing one's ambitions. If one gets stuck at this step, even if one has ambitions, one cannot display them. Isn't it a waste of money?
Besides, what Taisun said that day made sense.

The views of the two are indeed too biased, with a bookish air.

But when he is actually in power, there are too many things to consider, but it is by no means just relying on a scholarly spirit.

But Yu Lv looked over and saw that Fang Xi was smiling, but her face was serious, and she immediately knew that Fang Xi was on the edge of a corner, and it was impossible to change it at this time, and the exam was over, it would be useless to say it now, and she was directly sulked Holding back, he opened his mouth, but found that he had nothing to say.

At this time, it was too late to say anything, so I could only sigh heavily: "Alas..."

Imperial City Marking Office

This was originally the cabinet's vassal official room, but it was actually a large room after several rooms were opened up, and it was not too crowded to accommodate hundreds of people at the same time.

It was temporarily changed to the marking office, and there were large cabinets inlaid with copper leaves all around, and there were confidential documents inside, but they were all locked.

At this moment, one by one tables were opened, and the tables were piled full of papers, about fifty copies on each table, and there were a few empty ones, which were the place for the second trial and the third trial.

More than a dozen people sat at the table and checked the papers quickly and carefully. Each person was responsible for a stack, but when they got to the back, someone would review the papers.

Especially after experiencing the fraud case, everyone tensed up and did not dare to be negligent.

Even if it doesn't harm the family, it's not cost-effective if you lose your official position or get demoted.

The sound of talking, flipping through papers, and writing, although very small, made the entire marking office seem too tense.

These examiners were grading the papers very seriously, and the speed was very fast. After a while, they became dizzy and had to drink ginseng tea.

An examiner in his forties took a few mouthfuls of gulps before he got over his breath and couldn't help sighing: "In the past, the papers were issued in one day, but now it takes an hour and a half, it's too rushed!"

Otherwise, he wouldn't be so busy that he wouldn't even be able to eat.

A person next to him reminded: "The emperor is urging you very hard, you have to get the ranking within an hour and a half, and the grandson is still waiting!"

As soon as these words came out, not only the forty-year-old examiner shut up and did not dare to say anything, but the others looked at each other, and they all speeded up, and they were also silent.

Grading papers is a very hard job. Reading [-] papers a day has already made these examiners exhausted, let alone speeding up and reading them all within an hour and a half?
It's not like reading articles for juniors on weekdays. These are examination papers. Once a mistake is found out, the person in charge can't afford it.

So no one dared to be careless, but if you were more careful and increased your speed, it would consume the spirit of these examiners.

Only read half of them, and even the most patient examiner gradually became irritable.

One of them, a thin official in his thirties, who usually pays attention to self-cultivation and self-cultivation, became a little irritable at the moment, dropped the volume, and couldn't help cursing secretly: "Bastard, don't talk so madly." It is said that it is a tribute examination and a palace examination, but it is a juren examination, how did you pass the examination?"

He tugged at his collar, drank another sip of tea, collected himself, picked up another volume, and read it irritably, but after finishing it, he paused thoughtfully, and read what he had already read. over again.

Gradually, the examiner calmed down, the article was just right for his appetite, and most of the irritability disappeared.

"It's a good article!" The more the examiner reads it, the more he appreciates it. He thinks it's really a good article.

"My lords, why don't you take a look at this one!" the examiner stroked his beard and said with a smile.

The other examiners saw this attitude, and it was obvious that they had read a good article. For them at this moment, reading a good article is also very relieved!

"Let me take a look." A somewhat irritable person fished up the paper, read it carefully, and couldn't help but sigh thoughtfully: "Good writing! It's really good writing! This writing is enough to read Wine is at the forefront!"

This can be said to be in the forefront, but you can't just say it casually. When others hear it, oh, this article is so good?
Pass it around one by one, and can't help but look at each other.

"It's good!"

Even if you don't think it suits your taste, you have to admit that this is indeed a good article, which is quite in everyone's style!

The chief examiner read the papers one after another, and did not comment on them. He just looked at the sky and saw that it was already night, so he said: "After reading all the papers, send them in!"

"The emperor and grandson are still waiting for us!"

The night was dark, with candles lit, there was a smell of food that hadn't completely dissipated, indicating that the Tian family father and son who were waiting here seemed to have just had dinner.

The eunuch brought in the papers one by one on a gold plate, not many, just the first twenty, carefully put them away according to their ranking.

Another eunuch brought the silver basin, the water in it was warm, the emperor washed his hands, took the towel to wipe it, and threw it into it.

"This is the No.1 they selected. It's not bad. It's hard work to choose this in a hurry!"

The emperor took the first volume, unfolded it and looked at it slowly. His expression was calm. Only when he looked carefully, could he see that the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and his breath became more relaxed. Obviously, this article was read for the first time. , let him like it a little bit.

(End of this chapter)

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