fake prince

Chapter 1195 Hanchuang 3 Scholars

Chapter 1195

"It's still worth seeing."

At the end of the reading, for some reason, the emperor was a little bit unsatisfied, so he read it again, and the sound of the paper being slightly flipped sounded again in the quiet hall.

There were quite a few people in the hall, except for the occasional "popping" sound of candles, everyone held their breath and did not say a word.

Su Ziji was also sitting on the sidelines, drinking tea with his head down, as if he didn't care about the result of the selection.

The chief examiner, Qian Wei, stood calmly, but a relatively young examiner of the fourth grade was a little uneasy. He stood in front of the emperor and grandson, and he was actually the most tormented one.

These two, one is the current emperor and the other is the future emperor, neither of them can afford to offend, but the disagreement between the two has gradually become rumored.

"Bless God, I'm sure everything will be fine." The fourth-rank examiner is now afraid that the two will fight at this time. If so, as the examiner himself, I am afraid that he will be the one with the heaviest responsibility.

The emperor was the most comfortable person at the moment, he didn't care about others, he read the paper in his hand, and the more he read it, the more he liked it.

"Not bad." The emperor nodded after reading it, and praised: "It's well said, this article is well said, it really comforts me!"

The royal system is different, and the emperor seldom praises it in person, let alone the phrase "I am comforted."

This was a good thing, but for some reason, Qian Wei was still a little uneasy. Sure enough, the emperor saw that the answer sheets were all sealed at the beginning, so he just smiled and tore open the sealed names on the paper. When he saw the names, he paused. There was also a hint of surprise on his face.

How could it be this person?
Su Ziji just waited quietly and didn't speak from the beginning to the end.

After showing a slightly surprised expression, the emperor frowned and looked at Su Ziji, and said slowly, "Grandson, please read this article."

As the emperor opened his mouth, the little eunuch hurriedly took the paper in the emperor's hand and handed it to Su Ziji.

Su Ziji stood up and listened respectfully, and replied: "Yes."

As he spoke, he took the article with both hands.

When he didn't see the name, he already had a guess. After seeing the name, his heart sank and he was sure, and he couldn't help but think to himself: "Yu Lv is indeed a smart and steady person. I only mentioned a little bit, but I really didn't miss this opportunity. .”

After reading only one or two paragraphs, Su Ziji immediately knew that it was a top-notch article. It seems that after being mentioned by himself, not only did Yu Lv get up, but he also made this good article on the spot.

Even if he knew it earlier, as long as Yu Lu listened to his promise, but this time he was able to take the exam so well and write such a colorful article, I have to say that it is only the word luck that can be said, which makes Su Ziji a little surprised.

He didn't deliberately suppress his surprise, but he quickly focused on the article and read it carefully.

The emperor didn't seem to notice, but was just flipping through other articles, and it was almost too late. After a cursory reading, he put it aside casually.

Qian Wei already had some guesses, his face was a little startled, and he couldn't help but look at Taisun.

The scrutiny hidden in his gaze, no matter how deeply it is hidden, with Su Ziji's keen five senses, he can still feel it.

Su Ziji didn't care about it, and quickly finished reading the article, and put his hands on the coffee table lightly, keeping silent.

When the emperor saw the last paper, he said to Qian Wei: "I have read the first [-] papers you recommended, and I paid them off."

Taking another sip of tea, he said to the grandson, "How about you, what do you think of this article in your hand? How many names can you get?"

Su Ziji got up again and said to the emperor: "The emperor is the master of fate. The ranking is hand-picked. It's all in one thought. Sun Chen dares to say more. However, since the emperor asked, Sun Chen had to answer——" I see, the person who wrote this article can be a Jinshi!"

The fourth-rank examiner was actually very close, he had already seen the name while hissing to himself, fine sweat was already oozing from his forehead, and he didn't dare to let out his breath.

These words are quite satisfactory, even if you want to criticize, there is nothing you can do, it is really slippery!

The emperor laughed instead, he had already read the last paper in his hand, and put it down at the moment: "You said it a little too slowly, it's not just Jinshi, Linhua County can produce two champions."

As soon as these words came out, it basically confirmed Yu Lu's position as the No. [-] scholar.

But the emperor went on to ask: "The grandson has friends like this, it really is that things gather together and people are divided into groups. I heard that the grandson also has a classmate Fang Xi. Where is the paper?"

Standing next to him was Qian Wei, the chief examiner, who had been silent all this time, but at this moment he could not remain silent. He was glanced at by the emperor without embarrassment, and said, "Your majesty, Fang Xi, another classmate of the grandson, passed the tribute exam. I also participated in this palace examination, but... the examination papers are all vague names, not fixed rankings, I dare not reveal them, and the minister does not know."

The emperor didn't care about what he said, and said: "You have always been famous scholars and ministers, I have trusted your recommendation, so I will rank according to your recommendation."

"Now, it's time to open the scroll. Find the scroll of Taisun's classmate and let me have a look."

The emperor opened his mouth, not to mention opening the examination papers now, and taking one of the five hundred papers, even if he took one more person out of the 500 people, no one would dare to refuse.

The emperor has always been arbitrary in the past two years, and he has been doing things a bit repetitive recently. Anyone who is not stupid can feel that the old emperor is very sensitive now. If he is not careful, he may poke the emperor's pain and be directly demoted. Responsibilities are light, if you lose your life, or implicate your family, it is fatal.

Although Qian Wei was not afraid of death, he was also unwilling to be troubled by such trivial matters, so he lowered his head and supervised the eunuch's removal of papers and names.

The emperor had to keep someone in front of him to respond at any time. Qian Wei couldn't go by himself, so he sent the young examiner back, whispering: "Fang Xi's papers are generally in the demoted papers, go and take them out..."

"But the demoted papers must also..."

"It's all demoted, and the ranking has been fixed, so you can take it apart and look at it, go and draw it quickly."


After a while, Fang Xi's paper was pulled out from the demoted paper and presented.

The emperor took it over, opened it for a look, did not read a few lines, then frowned, endured reading, raised his eyebrows, a little half-smile.

"Grandfather, please read this article again."

The emperor handed the paper to Su Ziji again, Su Ziji took it over and looked at it, also frowning.

I had already mentioned Fang Xi, but why Fang Xi's article didn't change at all, and even became more frantic.

In fact, when it comes to the palace examination, the candidates are not bad in terms of literary talent, it is nothing more than whether the viewpoint can win and stand out.

Fang Xi obviously didn't listen to what she said, or listened to it, but didn't agree with it, and even developed resistance and disgust.

Su Ziji sighed secretly, and closed the paper slowly: "Your Majesty, although this person is Sun Chen's former classmate, according to Sun Chen, he still owes a lot of time, so he should go back and study for a few more years."

Taisun didn't take advantage of this opportunity to speak well to his classmates, and the fourth-rank examiner who had just delivered the paper subconsciously looked up.

But the emperor's expression was indifferent, as if he didn't care what the grandson said, or, the grandson's reaction was already expected by the emperor.

"It's due to the heat." The emperor said, but took the paper again and read it carefully. He didn't know which line he saw, and suddenly his heart moved. When he read it again, there was a little joy in his eyes.

But this gleam of joy quickly dissipated, and he just said normally: "But you also said that I am the creator of destiny, so what if I choose this person today to become a good story for you three scholars in the poor window?"

As he spoke, he directly picked up the pen from the tray held by the little eunuch, and drew a circle on the paper.

In the selection of the palace examination in this dynasty, this means that he has won.

(End of this chapter)

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