fake prince

Chapter 1196

Chapter 1196
"He's still a Jinshi."

"Jinshi Jidi, Jinshi origin, same Jinshi."

The fourth-rank examiner looked sideways, Yu Lv's talent was worth mentioning, and Fang Xi was so arrogant, he should have failed the ranking, even if he was favored, he should be a fellow Jinshi, why did he get into the second class?
Just because of the relationship with the grandson?
Isn't this a bit too much? It's not good for the imperial examination and the reputation of the grandson.

Qian Wei also frowned, but after thinking about it, he didn't make a sound. This may be an act of harmony between the emperor and his grandson. Compared with this, a mere Jinshi is given.

After the emperor clicked, he seemed satisfied, and ordered: "Although it is a bit late, I want to see these two people, and I will tell the imperial city to release the key an hour later."

"You go to pass the decree." It was the fourth grade examiner who said.


The fourth-rank examiner retreated according to the order, stepped back a few steps, and then went out, not without emotion in his heart.

It has been a long time since my imperial examination, but even though it has been so long, I can still recall the scene when I took the exam.

It stands to reason that Fang Xi's article shouldn't be selected, but human fate is like this, everything is fate, and it's not up to you at all!

Who made Fang Xi, the grandson's former classmate, fall into the eyes of the emperor.

Although there are some things in it that the examiner still can't figure out, it is a matter of luck for almost all the candidates to be selected.

The fourth-rank examiner went out and delivered the order. There was no need to go there in person. Naturally, someone from the Imperial City Division would deliver the order, and there was no need to rush it. The emperor didn't have to meet the two of them right away.

Of the [-] papers, there are two to three hundred among Jinshi. In theory, the emperor has to read them. This is hand-picked. In fact, most of them only read the first and second grades.

The number of first-class officials is fixed at three, and the number of second-class members is variable, but generally seven to eighty people, accounting for about three tenths of the total number of people, is appropriate, so as to meet the requirements for selecting officials.

It will take a long time to read the seventy or eighty test papers one by one.

It is impossible for the emperor to see so much, and he must look down from the best.

It was also very fast to read, and when I got to the back, I hurriedly read it. Although the ranking was fixed, I thought it was average, but I was still degraded.

That is to say, after half an hour, when all the papers have been read and the emperor's imperial pen encircles them, it will be considered officially completed.

During this process, the grandson did not speak to express his opinion. The emperor put down his pen wearily, and seeing Su Ziji thinking, he asked: "Grandson, what are you thinking? Are you afraid that there are some leftover pearls that will not be seen?"

"I'm old, and my energy is low. If you have the heart, you can try again. It's not easy to pass the Gongshi exam. It's not good to be wronged."

"The emperor cherishes scholars, and his love for talents is expressed in the words list, which deeply moved Sun Chen."

"However, the emperor's administration is governed by rain and dew, and all the purple and red are always in spring. As long as the examiner is fair and does not accept bribes, he will be worthy of the emperor's grace and shameless scholars. The specific peonies and orchids depend on their fate. If you have to be unyielding, no one will be able to do it.”

"Sun Chen, how dare you speak rashly about this?"

Qian Wei couldn't help but look sideways when he heard this, the emperor got up and paced around, and sighed with a smile: "This statement is to the point, there are always people who think that it is unfair to not be selected, but they don't think that the time is different, the situation is different, the people are different, and the fate is different, how can the admissions be the same. "

"The grandson understands this, and he knows that the great government has changed with time. I appreciate it and am very pleased."

Su Ziji bowed and was about to answer, when he heard footsteps outside, a young eunuch came in to report: "Your Majesty, Yu Lu Fangxi has arrived and is waiting outside the palace."

"Let them come in." The emperor frowned and ordered, without changing the place, he directly sent people into the side hall to meet him.

"Long live, long live!"

After saluting, the emperor saw that the two were confused, and said with a smile, "Both of you, I have already obtained Jinshi."

As soon as these words came out, the two kneeling on the ground raised their heads suddenly, showing shock on their faces.

"Okay, you two get up." The emperor couldn't help smiling when he saw their appearance.

When the two got up, he first said to Yu Lu: "You, Yu Lu, reading can be described as enjoyable, and you deserve the number one scholar."

Although Yu Lv had a premonition early on, he couldn't help but blushed, thanking him again and again and not daring to take it.

The emperor's eyes fell on Fang Xi again: "You Fang Xi, the great-grandson said, you still owe three points, why do you know why I took you?"

"I don't know, I don't know." Fang Xi stood there, his head still dizzy, and the news of being taken suddenly made him fall into a state of disbelief. Hearing the emperor ask himself , but can only reply dryly like this.

I just finished answering, and I feel a little regretful. Is it not good to answer like this?

The grandson felt that he was not ready, but the emperor chose him. Now answering the emperor like this, will the emperor feel that it was a wrong choice to choose him?

Just as I was thinking wildly, I heard the emperor continue to say: "Because your article is shallow, but you have a lot of piety and loyalty on the paper. If you want to fight for the people, this heart has merit."

In this way, Fang Xi's face was a little red, but his heart was pounding, his eyes were hot, and the thought of dying for his confidant immediately arose.

The emperor looked at it with a smile, took in his expression, and said: "Now, I have something to entrust to you, do you wish?"

It was Yu Lu and Fang Xi who were asking this question.

In this case, no matter what you think in your heart, whether you want to or not, it is impossible to refuse.

The two immediately knelt down and bowed down.

Hearing the emperor's smile fade away, his eyes narrowed, his pupils faint: "You know, at the beginning of this year, 15 shi of Yulin Mansion's granary lost [-] shi in one go, but I just checked the barometer. Or some obstacles, but how can the grain depot be moldy?"

"This matter seems small, but 15 shi was molded all at once, which is not a small number. The most important thing is that it is related to people's livelihood."

"When it was not ready, Zhijing Chengda and other mansions waited for more than 700 miles, and there was a drought again. The people were hungry and cold. The local government asked to open a warehouse to relieve the victims. I agreed, and ordered Yulin's mansion to adjust part of it, but the result was that they couldn't get it. out, I became suspicious."

Speaking of this, the emperor sneered: "20 households including Zhijing Chengda and other prefectures were killed in the spring famine and were displaced...but they couldn't get food. It's really heartbreaking..."

As soon as these words were said, the two young men could no longer stand.

Yu Lv could still hold his breath, but Fang Xi immediately blushed and knelt down: "Your Majesty, the grain depot is for the military and the country, and it is related to the people's livelihood in the world. Who dares to sell it privately? Such a city fox club If the rat is not brought to justice, can I, Da Zheng, pay it back? Weichen thinks that it should be investigated, thoroughly investigated, and investigated to the end!"

"Well said!" The emperor seemed to be extremely satisfied with his reaction: "It should be thoroughly investigated. The prefect Chai Kejing has been ordered by me, but the result has not been found out yet."

"I suspect that the city's foxes and rats have become a bit of a climate, and they have deceived me. This time, I am going to send my grandson to investigate in person. In addition, I will also send Zhang Dai, a clean and honest censor, to help the grandson. Do this big thing for me?"

"Dare you not obey?" Yu Lv immediately bowed and said.

"I swear to the death to find out the granary, and I will return it to the world." Fang Xi blushed even more and shouted.

Su Ziji looked at the two, Yu Lv's reaction was as expected by Su Ziji, his eyes fell on Fang Xi's face, but he couldn't help but pause.

Seeing Fang Xi's flushed expression, he couldn't help but sink slightly.

But no matter who it is, it is impossible to refuse at this time. Just thinking about it, Su Ziji saw the emperor's eyes turn to look at him.

"Sun Chen takes orders." Su Ziji bowed his head slightly, respectfully responding.

(End of this chapter)

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