fake prince

Chapter 1197 Promise

Chapter 1197 Promise
Seeing that the grandson agreed and the emperor was satisfied, he was about to say something soft. At this moment, an itchy feeling came up in his throat, and he tried his best to press it down, but he couldn't hold it down, and started coughing.


The eunuch Hu Huai'an subconsciously wanted to move, glanced at the emperor, and stood there.

The emperor also stopped coughing quickly, but his mood was very different. After a moment of pondering, he continued to say to Su Ziji: "The matter of the granary is of great importance. An explanation from the imperial court."


Su Ziji responded briefly, but he suddenly wondered why the emperor was in such a hurry?
I was already suspicious that something was going on here, but when I heard the emperor's urging, I felt that it was too hasty and full of fireworks.

"If the emperor does this, isn't he afraid that he will find out that there is a problem?"

"Or is it Tangtang's scheme?"

But even if the emperor is not afraid of finding something tricky, such haste is not in line with the emperor's usual character and bearing.

"The son of heaven has his own calmness, and governing a big country is like cooking a small fish."

This is the emperor's motto, and now the emperor's eagerness seems to have been shown during the banquet, and this time he is even more anxious than before.

Thinking of this, Su Ziji became alert and couldn't help but glance at the emperor.

The emperor's face was pale and pale, and there were faint bruises under his eyes, but it was not obvious if one didn't look carefully.

"However, considering the emperor's age, it is not out of the ordinary."

"And judging from the emperor's expression, it is impossible to tell what he is thinking at the moment."

This is not surprising, even if the emperor has some abnormalities, it is hard to say that he is too impatient, and he has already made other preparations.

"The division between the monarch and his ministers is like heaven and earth."

Although he is a grandson, the strength gap between the two is still too large. Compared with the 20-year-old emperor Yu Yu, how long has he been in power?
In addition to being young, Su Ziji was also restrained in every way facing the emperor, whether it was fame or strength.

"Yes, I am a great-grandson, and I place the hope of China and foreign countries. The emperor can't treat me like ordinary princes, but I can't directly confront the emperor."

"In terms of father's kindness and son's filial piety, the emperor naturally suppresses himself."

It can only be said that becoming the crown prince made the emperor a little scruples, but if the emperor wanted to do anything, Su Ziji could only accept the move first, and then think about fighting back.

Just like now, Su Ziji doesn't know why the emperor is so anxious.

You know, there must be room for governance, so it is very wrong to be so anxious, especially when the emperor directly gave Fang Xi and Yu Lu fame and errands, which made it even more urgent.

It even reveals a kind of indignity that the court seems to have no one available.

Isn't there even half a month's time for posting lists, conferring officials, boasting officials, etc.?

The emperor didn't care about it this time?
Thinking about this in his heart, Su Ziji said thoughtfully, "The emperor has ordered, Sun Chen should accept it, but if Sun Chen goes, should he investigate the Xingping warehouse of Yulin Mansion, or should the seven warehouses investigate together? Please make it clear, Your Majesty."

The seven warehouses refer to: Xingping warehouse, Lumi warehouse, Wan'an warehouse, Taiping warehouse, Yufeng warehouse, Chuji warehouse and Benyu warehouse.

Since Su Ziji had no choice but to accept the offer, in order to clarify his authority, he had to ask directly now.

At that time, whether to control or not, and what to control, there will also be a clear indication, so you don't have to guess by yourself.

This is indeed a problem. The emperor pondered for a moment and said, "Let's investigate together."

Qi Dacang investigate together?
The eyes of Yu Lu and Fang Xi who were listening were all bright.

They had only heard about such cases from history books and some folk tales, but they had never personally experienced them.

I didn't expect to encounter such a big case just after being selected!

And I was appointed to investigate in person, and Qi Dacang investigated together!
This is entrusted with a heavy responsibility, the emperor actually trusts us so much?Let us assist Taisun to do such an important thing?
Su Ziji suddenly understood, fell to his knees with a thud, and said: "Your Majesty, Sun Chen really dare not take on this important task."

"?" For a moment, there was deathly silence, the eunuch couldn't help opening his mouth slightly, and the emperor trembled in shock, but then he regained his composure and stared at Su Ziji: "Grandson, what's wrong with you, Are there any scruples?"

Su Ziji nodded: "Your Majesty, the seven warehouses are related to the supply of the capital and even Zhili. They are the lifelines of millions of soldiers and civilians, and involve many high-ranking and second-rank officials. The sun minister is young and dare not be the one. I hope the emperor will send someone to preside over it. Willing to assist the director and learn a lot!"

After hearing this, everyone present was Yisong. This is true, the grandson is young, and he is also the heir, so it should be "to be quiet and learn to be intimidated".

Fang Xi and Yu Lv also heaved a sigh of relief, especially Yu Lv, who was thoughtful and warm-blooded, but became a little cold, just looking at the grandpa and grandson.

But when the emperor heard this, he frowned and stood up, pacing and saying: "You are indeed young, but you are not only the number one scholar in high school, but also served as a magistrate, served as a parent officer, and have military merits. You have made achievements in both military and government affairs. Ordinary people, I believe you, you don't have to be so humble."

Su Ziji still knelt and did not get up.

Seeing that the grandson was still kneeling, the emperor frowned even tighter, and after a long time he said slowly: "You don't want to, it's just because you are afraid that if you can't do it, you and I will lose face."

"Forget it, I will give you the king's order card and Shangfang's sword, and allow you to cut it first and then play it. In this way, what questions do you have?"

When Su Ziji heard this, he was not only displeased, but also turned cold.

This trial was really beyond my expectations.

In an instant, he suddenly realized that no matter what the reason was, the emperor didn't have much time left for him.

After hesitating for a while, he glanced at the emperor, knowing that if he did not agree, disaster would be unforeseen, so he kowtowed: "Since this is the case, Sun Chen obeys the emperor's will!"

"Get up!" The emperor smiled lightly.

Originally throwing this task to Taisun, and also gave Yulu Fangxi to Taisun, the emperor was still a little proud.

As a result, at this time, Taisun was a little slippery and didn't agree.

I had to give the Shangfang sword and the king's order card to the grandson, which was somewhat inconsistent with the emperor's original intention.

"Could it be that he heard some wind?"

"No, it's absolutely impossible. Only I know about this matter."

"Then, it's the fate of destiny, so you want to retreat when you are in danger, and you want to dodge when you are in danger?" The emperor felt a little sour when he thought of this, and seeing Su Ziji's answer, his face was still a little faint, and he waved his hand: "It's not too early, I won't keep you any longer, let's all step back, get ready first, and set off as soon as possible."

"Yes, Sun Chen resigns." Su Ziji also didn't want to stay here to play Tai Chi with the emperor, so he withdrew.

"Resignation." Yu Lu Fang Xi also saluted, and retreated respectfully.

Out of the main hall, Su Ziji did not speak to Yu Lufang Xi, the night wind was blowing on his face, at a glance, the overlapping palaces, and the dark and tall palace walls in the distance, although extremely rich, also had a gloomy look Qi, since the establishment of the capital for more than [-] years, I don't know how many people have died here silently.

Su Ziji took a deep breath, turned around to look at Yu Lu and Fang Xi, and smiled: "Go, go back, it will be troublesome when you get the key."

(End of this chapter)

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