fake prince

Chapter 1198 3 Qing Linmen

Chapter 1198
Yu Lv and Fang Xi hurriedly followed, and found that it was raining outside gradually, it was not so cold, so there was no need to hold an umbrella, Su Ziji walked along the palace road, and they didn't take advantage of it, the two had to follow.

Su Ziji stretched out his hand to catch the rain, the drizzle, the palace gate in the distance stood in the night sky, the palace lanterns were dazzling, and there were many figures, it seemed that there were more ghosts.

"With the emperor's clear instructions, as well as Shangfang's sword and the king's order card, we won't be plunged into the quagmire."

"In other words, we still have to get stuck in the mud, but there are more ropes on the shore, which can save lives in critical times."

"But these two things are actually given by others. If you can give them, you can naturally take them back. If you take them back at the critical moment, you may not be able to climb up."

This time, things must be very difficult.

Knowing this, Su Ziji's mood became even more complicated when he glanced at the two people following him out of the corner of his eye.

Yu Lv has a stable temperament, but faced with the investigation of Qi Dacang, which can be famous in history, he couldn't help being moved, and his face turned slightly red.

Not to mention Fang Xi, for Fang Xi, what happened today was like a dream.

No matter suddenly another village emerges, the broken jar becomes the winner, or he is immediately appointed as one of the deputy imperial envoys, this is an incredible thing, Fang Xi never dared to hope thing.

But now, what he had fantasized about countless times just appeared in front of him, as if it was at his fingertips, how could he not make the soles of his feet flutter?
"Meeting the Lord of the Ming Dynasty, participating in important events, looking down on history, and obsessing over my wife, is what I wish in my life. We will do it well when we don't have the opportunity." Fang Xi suddenly felt a sense of mission, and his face became even more reddened.

Quiet, everyone went out, the emperor couldn't bear it anymore, and coughed violently.

He is coughing now, but it is different from the coughing before. Before coughing in front of his grandson, it was in the category of ordinary coughing, but now his face is flushed, almost coughing out his heart and lungs.

"Your Majesty, drink some water." Hu Huai'an paled from fright, and hurried forward to serve him.

Seeing that Hu Huai'an brought warm water, the emperor wanted to serve himself to moisten his throat, but there was nothing but warm water, so he frowned.

Didn't see my current situation?
If it were Zhao Bingzhong, he wouldn't be so blind and only busy with these useless things.

"Go, get Xiao Huan Dan." The emperor had no choice but to order.

Hu Huai'an didn't realize it until the emperor frowned and ordered this sentence, he didn't notice this matter, he was annoyed in his heart, but he didn't dare to delay, he quickly responded: "Yes!"

So I hurried out to get Xiao Huan Dan.

He had just come to power not long ago, and although he had been used in the past, he was not like Zhao Bingzhong, the great eunuch who was always by the emperor's side, not even Ma Shunde.

It's not that the emperor doesn't know anything about the living habits of the emperor and the things that need to be handed over in a timely manner, and it's not that he can't do it well, but sometimes he is slow.

And this slowness is nothing to ordinary people, after all, everyone has a familiarization process, and this process is considered short for Hu Huai'an.

In fact, he still handles everything in an orderly manner, which is not bad.

But the problem is that the person Hu Huai'an is serving now is the king of a country, the emperor, or the emperor who is terminally ill and weak.

This is half a beat, and it is easy to displease the people he serves.

Hu Huai'an was also very aware of this, and when he realized that he had made a mistake in this matter, he rushed to remedy it.

Fortunately, Xiao Huan Dan is not far away, so I will fetch Xiao Huan Dan soon.

The emperor waited for a while, his face was gloomy, but he didn't have an attack, and under the service of Hu Huai'an, he swallowed Xiao Huan Dan with warm water.

Feeling a warm current flowing to the internal organs, replenishing the already tired body, the feeling of wanting to cough desperately dissipated quickly, and the throat was no longer uncomfortable, the emperor breathed a sigh of relief, raised his eyelids, and looked at people in front of you.

"Go back."


Glancing at the retreating people, the emperor lowered his eyelids, covering up a trace of irritability in his eyes.

After all, it is not as good as Zhao Bingzhong.

When he reached the gate of the palace, looking at the dark sky and the palace, the emperor suddenly panicked.

"People say that the sunset is infinitely better, but it's just near dusk."

"It's not dusk anymore, it's night. I really don't have much time. I can't wait any longer. I have to hurry up."


When Su Ziji walked out of the palace gate, his body suddenly turned cold.


He looked at the palace gate with golden lacquered steel nails, and a dozen guards standing on the nails. With his body, he was almost at the point where the cold and heat would not invade him, so he would never suffer from the cold again.

And now the weather is not cold anymore, even if there is a cold wind blowing, it will not make me feel a sudden chill.

Su Ziji realized something, the smile on his face was gone, he stood and thought for a while, he couldn't help sighing, and even couldn't help showing a trace of sadness, as an emperor, an emperor with real power, even if he was old, he was still a fierce tiger that could only hurt people .

"Emperor, it seems that I can't wait any longer."

Su Ziji naturally felt it. In fact, it happened more than once, but the previous feeling was not as deep as this time.

This feeling, just like Su Ziji realizing that the emperor was too anxious in the palace, represented an unusual feeling.

After leaving the palace gate, an ox cart was parked in the open space not too far away, it was the government car that came to pick up Su Ziji.

The bullock cart is big enough to accommodate multiple people riding together.

Su Ziji asked Yu Lv and Fang Xi: "You two came with people from the palace. We can't find bullock carts here. Why don't we send you back alone?"

"Thank you grandson." Yu Lu and Fang Xi said hurriedly.

When Su Ziji got into the car, he found that Daoist Ye and Wen Xunpeng were both there. As soon as he entered, he handed him a warm towel: "Your Highness, please wipe your face."

"Although the weather is getting warmer, it is especially easy to catch cold between the cold and the warm."

Su Ziji also took the towel and wiped it off, then glanced at Yu Lu and Fang Xi who followed in.

Fang Xi was so excited that even if he followed the ox cart to Taisun's mansion, his face was full of excitement, and he couldn't help talking about what happened just now.

"I will go to Yu Lin's mansion later, we must investigate the grain depot thoroughly, and make decisions for the people, so that we can live up to Han Chuang's ten years of hard study!"

"It didn't even live up to my conscience."

Yu Lv, who has always been calm, couldn't help but nod at this moment, and said in a low voice: "It hasn't been long since the founding of the country, and the officialdom is still available, so I want to clean up the atmosphere!"

"It will be difficult to avoid it in the future."

Although the two were whispering, but looking at their faces, they naturally listened to the conversation verbatim, Ye Daoren and Wen Xunpeng couldn't help but glance at them.

Su Ziji was thoughtful, glanced at it, and smiled: "Don't take this matter so simply, the grain depot has many yamen and officials involved, and it has a lot to do with it."

Fang Xi looked over, and said in a deep voice: "Grandson, please rest assured, no matter how deep the water is, I will jump in to explore it, and the truth of the investigation must be revealed!"

Su Ziji: "..."

Looking at Yu Lv again, Yu Lv also nodded, and said earnestly: "Your grandson, just sit on the flag, I will check it out and do it clearly!"

When Su Ziji heard this, he was not only displeased, but also surprised.

"Well, Gu's prediction is not bad. Yu Shi Zhang Dai, like these two friends of mine, must be an extremely upright person who can't rub the sand in his eyes. I got into the quagmire, ruining my life and events."

(End of this chapter)

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