fake prince

Chapter 1199 Zhang Dai dismissed from office

Chapter 1199 Zhang Dai dismissed from office
Ye Taoist looked at the two of them thoughtfully.

However, neither Su Ziji nor Ye Daoist made much comment, and let the two talk, but from time to time they nodded and said a few easy-going words.

"The grandson is already very suspicious." Wen Xunpeng looked out of the car and couldn't help smiling. He was also a close and important minister of the grandson's mansion, and he sighed inwardly.

Fang Xi still didn't realize it, she was still thinking, and said in a deep voice: "I think, since the emperor has orders, the investigation target is too big, maybe we can take a step ahead."

"What do you mean?" Su Ziji turned around with a smile while playing with a paper fan.

"The matter of the granary is a major matter, and I don't know how many people are involved in it!" Fang Xi shook his head and sighed, and said, "Go and investigate tomorrow, I'm afraid it will be covered up."

"You have to hide your identity first to investigate, spy on the truth, and avoid being deceived by these dog officials."

When Wen Xunpeng heard this, he sneered: "You have listened too much to dramas. It is said that the fisherman can kill the white dragon fish. If we really hide our identities, I am afraid that only a dozen or so catchers can capture and kill us. Since ancient times Since then, there has never been a private visitor in official history, you are now an official, not a juren who listens to the show."

The tone of the speech was light, but extremely sharp, Yu Lv blushed and glared at Wen Xunpeng.

Yu Lv saw that the situation was not right, so he murmured, "Of course the grandson can't take the white dragon fish suit, but it doesn't matter to us. In this way, grandson, you move slowly. Our target is small, so let's investigate in a low-level suit. how?"

Su Ziji closed his paper fan and listened quietly, but did not speak. He nodded and smiled after listening, and said: "There is some truth in what you said, but the emperor has been going to check the granary for a long time, and he has already started to scare the snake. Naturally, he is on guard. Let's go first, I am afraid there may be some small ones." People are worshiped."

"It doesn't matter much. During the tribute examination, there are many people coming and going from various provinces. It's not too conspicuous. Let's be careful."

Su Ziji was noncommittal, silent for a while, and then said: "Even if you want to go, you can't be in a hurry. In fact, every granary has archives in the household department. The archives over the years are actually very useful. They are all reported by each warehouse. , they cannot deny it.”

"Holding these, not only is it well documented, but also justifiable."

Speaking of this, the car paused and stopped. In the drizzle, I had already seen the inn, and there were still servants waiting happily at the door to greet me. Su Ziji stopped and sighed slightly: "Here If there are too many people, I won’t go down—it’s good for you to have errands, be careful in everything, be careful in everything!”

Yu Lu and Fang Xi agreed casually and got out of the car.

"Unfortunately, it seems that I didn't understand what the grandson meant."

The bullock cart moved again, and the wild Taoist withdrew his gaze from staring at the two, sighed slightly, turned his face and asked, "My lord, what is the law now?"

Su Ziji restrained his smile, frowned slightly, and said coldly: "The original archives of the household department must be obtained. This is the basis for my attack."

"Secondly, according to my order, you immediately send someone to the Ministry of Officials to transfer Zhang Dai's position, go back quickly, and then discuss this matter in the flower hall of the mansion."

Ye Taoist and Wen Xunpeng had already guessed something through Su Ziji's few words to Yu Lvfangxi. At this moment, they looked at each other and then nodded. Ye Taoist smiled even more: "The original archive of the household department of the granary , there really isn’t one in the mansion.”

"Zhang Dai's file, if there is no fine file right now, you have to go to the Ministry of Officials to transfer it, but the general file is available in the mansion, and it can be transferred to you for inspection immediately."

"Huh?" Su Ziji glanced at the wild Taoist, and was overjoyed. After several years of management, from the Daihou's Mansion to the Prince's Mansion, it finally became fully functional and its wings were full.

Even Zhang Dai, who is not too important, has a rough profile.

"It's not just me who has improved, everyone has experienced it."

But this is indeed not a place to discuss matters. The bullock cart quickly turned back to Taisun's mansion. As soon as he entered the mansion, the wild Taoist immediately summoned the people who were still in the mansion.

When Cen Rubai went in, he saw Jian Qu lighting a candle himself. In the faintly flickering candlelight, in the night, the rain was falling, making it extraordinarily peaceful and serene.

As the staff gathered in the flower hall, Zhang Dai's rough file was also transferred, and it was Cen Rubai who personally brought it over and presented it to Su Ziji.

After washing his hands, Su Ziji took it over and looked at it with a candle. He only took a few glances, and with an indescribable smile on his face, he said: "It really is a clean and honest minister, with a strong nature, almost as good as It's unreasonable, honesty is beyond the reach of human beings!"

With that said, he passed on the thick file.

First, the savage Taoist read it, his eyes dim, and he seemed to write down every word. Yu Lufang regretted that his seniority and official rank were too low. Xi also has the right to investigate independently.

Zhang Dai can really be regarded as the deputy imperial envoy investigating the Qidacang case.

The files that Su Ziji asked people to transfer were not official files, but private files that were investigated and summarized privately. This kind of private files were definitely not as detailed as official files, but generally they had everything that should be there.

The files on Zhang Dai are relatively complete.

Without it, in fact, this person can be regarded as "famous" in officialdom.

Ordinarily, Zhang Dai's position is just a moderate official. There are too many officials, nothing special, and it is easy to be lost in the crowd.

But Zhang Dai is different. What he is most famous for is his temperament, his strong bones, and he would rather break than surrender!

After reading it, Ye Daoist smiled and gave it to Jian Qu.

In fact, Jian Qu had already seen it, and gave it to Cen Rubai, but Cen Rubai didn't even look at it, and passed it to Wen Xunpeng, who took it for a closer look.

I just listened to Jian Qu saying: "Zhang Dai was a Jinshi when he was in Taizu. Impeach the traitor."

"Zhang Dai is the youngest, just in his early twenties, a second-class Jinshi in the new department, and the official rank is also the lowest among the six. In the end, a big event happened."

This matter was actually recorded in the file, but it was simply mentioned.

Wen Xunpeng listened carefully to Jian Qu's words, then lowered his head to compare the records in the file, his expression remained motionless.

I heard Jian Qu continue to say: "... Zhang Dai actually impeached all five people, saying that they received bribes from the local government on the way."

"The officials of the entourage actually impeached their colleagues and superiors. It is really maverick. When all the officials heard about it, they hated it."

"The five people apologized for their crimes, but they were only punished for their salaries, and Zhang Dai was impeached half a year later for doing something wrong and was dismissed from office."

Jian Qu added: "This is the first time he has been dismissed from office."

Daoist Ye nodded, and continued, "Zhang Dai was dismissed from office twice, and even imprisoned once, but his temper seems to have remained unchanged so far."

Jian Qu sighed, as if admiring, but also a little helpless: "That's true, the second time I was dismissed from office was when Taizu came back to life after another year, but less than a year later, there was a dispute with fellow officials during another disaster relief. According to the decree, even opened a warehouse to release grain..."

Several people present breathed in slightly. The granary is the lifeblood of the country. Zhang Dai was too courageous to open the granary to release grain without obeying the order.

(End of this chapter)

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