fake prince

Chapter 1232

Zhao Mansion·Rainy Night
The sound of the rain kept crackling, and the plaque became more and more clear under the washing of the rain.

It's just that the hanging lanterns swayed under the night wind, as if to indicate that something ominous was about to happen.

The bullock cart stopped, and someone got off the bullock cart in a hurry, taking three steps in two, and went straight up the steps, slapping, slapping, and slapping the gate unceremoniously.

Such hastily knocking on the door aroused displeasure inside.

It's late at night, and you still run over here, what are you doing, who is so ignorant?
The doorman listened to the movement inside, and his face became more and more ugly.

I thought that the people outside would stop knocking a few times if no one paid attention to it, but in the end they kept knocking endlessly. The doorman could only walk over in the rain, and shouted to the people outside through the gate: "Go back! Zhao Xiangji It's time to rest, and we don't see any customers!"

In fact, not only was it too late to see guests, but also during the day, the gate of the Zhao residence was closed, and the owner could easily see no guests.

Since the last incident, although Zhao Xu has not dismissed his chancellor, he still lives in seclusion and basically does not interact with courtiers.

And the insiders were very sensible not to disturb Zhao Xu, which was also a kind of tacit understanding.

The people outside the gate heard the doorman's response and shouted directly: "It's me, open the door!"

This voice is a bit familiar, sounds like Mr. Qian Weiqian who often comes to the house?

The doorman turned around and came back with a few quick steps, hissing a glance through the crack of the door. This glance happened to see the man standing at the door clearly. Oh, who is it if it's not Mr. Qian Weiqian?
This person is not an official who is not allowed in, but a frequent visitor to the prime minister's mansion, and even an adult who may pay homage to the prime minister in the future.

"Oh, so it's Mr. Qian, the villain is deaf, damn it!" The doorman hurriedly opened the door, bowed embarrassedly and said to the person standing by the door, and slapped himself lightly with his hand.

"Where's Prime Minister Zhao? I have something urgent to see, so please report quickly!" Qian Wei didn't wait for the door to open, and just got in like this.

The two people behind hurriedly followed in with umbrellas.

Fortunately, the inside is the veranda. After Wei Shizu's reform, this veranda surrounds the courtyard and serves as a shelter from the wind and rain.

Qian Wei's face obviously improved a lot. When he got inside, he stopped and waited. He couldn't just break into the inner room, right?
The doorman did not follow immediately, but took half a step out of the gate, glanced left and right, and found that no one was paying attention nearby, so he closed the opened door again and followed.

"Master! Master! Mr. Qian is here!" The news from the doorman shocked the servant serving Zhao Xu. Realizing that something had happened, he immediately ran to the bedroom and faced the door of the bedroom. Knock.

After a while, there was a sound from the bedroom, and someone said in a muffled voice, "Please go to the living room! I'll be there later!"

"Yes, master!" The servant immediately went to prepare.

Qian Wei entered Zhao's mansion in a hurry and was led to the living room. Because Zhao Xu had just fallen asleep and the bedroom was close to the living room, when Qian Wei arrived, Zhao Xu had already arrived one step earlier.

Zhao Xu, who stood up in his clothes, looked tired and suspicious, and saw Qian Wei striding in, with an anxious expression on his face, and his heart skipped a beat.

The heart beat violently, making the body even more uncomfortable.

Hey, at this age, it is really too much for my body to encounter such sudden and unexpected things.

Zhao Xu looked helplessly and secretly at Qian Wei.

This Qian Wei was not such a surprised person in the past, what is going on today?

Zhao Xu pointed at Qian Wei with his finger and asked Qian Wei to wipe off the rainwater from his head and face first. How could this person who used to pay attention to his appearance be so sloppy today?

No matter how big the incident is, one must pay attention to his appearance as an official. How can he be so happy and angry?

Thinking about it this way, Zhao Xu couldn't help but sighed, and said helplessly, "Why are you in such a hurry? You will soon be the chief assistant, and you must behave like a prime minister..."

Qian Wei couldn't hold his breath when things happened, how could he trust him with all the things in his hands?

Having said that, in fact, Zhao Xu was also well aware of Qian Wei's recuperation and stamina, and immediately understood that something big had happened, so he took the opportunity to adjust.

How can Qian Wei have time to take care of his appearance?

However, he also knew that his face was full of rain, his bun was a little messy, and the rain was sticking to his forehead and cheeks, so he was really in a bit of a mess.

He wiped it with his hand twice, and said hurriedly: "Mr. Zhao, something serious has happened!"

"What's the big deal? What's the big deal? Sit down first, and then talk to me!" Zhao Xu saw that Qian Wei still looked like this, but he had already adjusted himself, so he waved his hand to make him sit down and said.

Which of the matters that the chief assistant should take care of is not a big deal?
Even when the appointment of the grandson was busy, he was not so anxious. Apart from such a big event as the appointment of the crown prince, what could be more important than this?Unless the emperor is critically ill?
But the problem is that if this kind of thing happens, it will not be just a money market, but someone from the palace must come.

So that can't be the case.

Apart from the death of the prince and the emperor, there was nothing else that could make a chief assistant or quasi-chief assistant so terrified.

Could it be that the grandson rebelled?
Hmm... is it not impossible?
Zhao Xu, who suddenly realized that there was such a possibility, also became a little nervous. Could it be true?

He didn't care about his appearance now, and immediately urged: "But something happened to the grandson?"

Qian Wei's eyes widened suddenly, good guy, you are indeed Mr. Shoufu!Did you already know about this?
No, judging by Master Shoufu's expression, it doesn't look like he already knew about that, but he just guessed the reason for his visit?

"Master Zhao, I heard a rumor."

"What rumors made you panic and panic?" Zhao Xu looked at Qian Wei: "Could it be that something happened to your grandson?"

"It's not directly the grandson's accident, but it's related."

"After hearing this, I was full of panic, flustered, swollen with depression, unable to vomit, unable to hold down, stuffed uncomfortable, that's why I came to disturb you."

Qian Wei just said a few words, his face turned pale, and his eyes turned red.

This deep person lost his composure like this, fearing that a big change was imminent, Zhao Xu was also terrified and couldn't help but look around.

"There are rumors that the death of the prince 20 years ago was not suicide, nor was it conspiracy to die."

Qian Wei immediately told what happened in the restaurant, including what happened to the Secretary of the Imperial City afterwards.

"...Zhao Xiang, that man is so bold that he yelled in public in the restaurant, saying that the prince did not conspire against the emperor, but gave it to the emperor... The emperor took his heart to refine alchemy and died. , blocked the city gate, this..."

"This is really supposed to annihilate the Nine Clans, but..."

Such a big official, such a deep city, but speaking of it, it seemed that it was extremely cold in winter, his voice trembled, his eyes were full of surprise, and he even looked at Zhao Xu with a hint of hope.

"Your Majesty, you won't do such a thing!"

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