fake prince

1233. Chapter 1233 Faith is destroyed


When Zhao Xu heard what the restaurant said, he was stunned, his ears buzzing.

When Qian Wei finished speaking, such a big official, such a big person, looked at him eagerly like a child, and Zhao Xu really understood.

This is not hypocritical.

The legitimacy of the imperial court to establish a country, one is the mandate of heaven, and the other is morality.

The first sentence of the opening chapter of "University": "The way of a university lies in clear virtue, in being close to the people, and in ending in perfection."

All dynasties have respected morality, and the emperor can kill the prince or even the grandson, which is the authority of the father.

But digging out his son's heart to make alchemy to continue his life is completely inhumane and even more against the law of nature. It not only ruins Qian Wei's lifelong perseverance, but also collapses a corner of the dynasty's legitimacy.

This makes the belief of officials who "recommended to the king, Yao and Shun, and then make the custom simple" destroyed.

Faith is gone, how can there be awe, and awe is gone, what is the cornerstone of imperial power?
Thinking of this, Zhao Xu nodded his head, his face turned pale, and after a while, he remembered to speak.

Finally, he stood up, swayed directly, and fell to the side.

With Zhao Xu's age and state, if he fell, he might be in big trouble right away.

Luckily, Qian Wei had quick hands and quick eyes, and he caught him immediately: "Mr. Zhao!"

"Don't shout, hurry... go to the next bookshelf... on the third shelf...to the right of the third shelf, there is a bottle of medicine in that vase, take it out, hurry!"

Zhao Xu clutched his chest, his face turned pale, and he pushed Qian Wei.

He slowly sat back on the chair, stroking his chest, almost out of breath.

Qian Wei was taken aback by Zhao Xu's reaction, how dare he delay?

He quickly ran to the bookshelf, and according to what Zhao Xu said, he took out a small porcelain vase from the right vase on the third shelf, brought it back hastily, handed it to Zhao Xu, and even thoughtfully pulled it out. stopper.

It was a potion, not a pill, so Zhao Xu didn't need to drink water, so he took a sip and swallowed it.

The effect of the potion has always been faster than the pill, and the effect is extremely fast.

Zhao Xu just leaned on the back of the chair and closed his eyes to rest his mind. After a while, his face changed from pale to red again. Finally, there was no major accident and he came back to life.

After a long time, Zhao Xu let out a breath of foul air slowly, and said with emotion, "I'm getting old."

If it was 20 years ago, no, even if it was three years ago, he would not have such a body.

Qian Wei woke up at this moment, feeling very guilty, he hurriedly talked about this matter in the middle of the night, and almost killed Zhao Xiang.

He quickly lowered his head and said, "I disturbed Zhao Xiang."

"It's none of your business." Zhao Xu, who had reminded Qian Wei to pay attention to his official manners, didn't think he was being irritable now.

"Such rumors are better than losing ten of my guards!"

This is not a lie. Once the faith is shaken, the loss is very big, and the loss is very long-term.

Wouldn't it be worse if you could still handle such a big event?

To be able to notify at this moment at the first time, this is the ministerial body!
Zhao Xu patted Qian Wei's hand: "This matter is too big. If you don't tell me, I will know it too late, and I'm afraid something will go wrong."

But now that he knows, what can he do?

Zhao Xu leaned back with difficulty, raised his head slightly, closed his eyes, and instantly looked ten years older.

This rumor is indeed a rumor, but it may be a true rumor.

The so-called true rumors mean that the rumors are true, but they are spread deliberately.

Zhao Xu didn't want to think like this, but he couldn't help thinking like this.

He is the chief assistant and the emperor's confidant. Even though he has to hide in the mansion now, in the past years, he has great power and has been exposed to many things.

Regarding the prince's rebellion, about the emperor's sudden appointment of a grandson but then quickly targeting them, they are all contrary to harmony, and any one who thinks about it will find it absurd and unreasonable.

It's just that he didn't dare to think about it before.

But now, the thing that was wrapped in a thin layer of skin was suddenly exposed and poked open. It seemed that everything was strung together, forming a big bloody net, covering itself inside, Let him not think about it, or "face up to" the truth.

Is this the truth?
Could this be the reason why the emperor first established a grandson and then immediately turned against him?

Do not!He does not accept this truth!

This is not a father, this is not a king, how will the future history record this period of history?
This stinky sum can wipe out the 20 years of painstaking efforts of the monarch and his ministers.

That's fine, but once it spreads, the subjects of the world don't talk about their thoughts, but just reduce their awe, how can this be achieved?

It's fine for others, Zhao Xu is the prime minister, and he understands it deeply.

When people gather together, everything can be done.

When people's hearts are scattered, everything is impossible.

Even if people have 100 taels in their hearts, those who hear the rumors only lose one or two taels, but there are hundreds of millions of taels in the world.

Thinking of this, a gust of blood surged up. Zhao Xu remained expressionless and swallowed the sweet taste in his throat.

After being silent for a long time, Zhao Xu returned to normal. He picked up the floating tea with a bowl lid, then raised his eyes to Qian Wei, and said in a heavy tone, "Who do you think?"

This is asking, who did this.

Such a rumor could not have arisen without wind, someone must have pushed it from behind.

Qian Wei didn't reply immediately, but bit his lips for a long time: "The person who spoke is the steward of the King of Shu..."

"It's definitely not the king of Shu. This kind of thing is the rebellion of the dragon. Whoever says who will die, the king of Shu will not be so stupid. Even if it is not the king of Shu, it is not enough for a servant to talk nonsense."

"Could it be the king of Qi, wouldn't the king of Qi be the one?" Qian Wei said hesitantly, "Although they all slandered me, some of them survived, but some just beat the emperor into the king of Jie and Zhou, so the nine clans must be punished." , King Qi is not so brainless."

"Could it be..."

Grandson? !
The eyes of the two met, and they both saw fear in their eyes. If it was really the grandson, then this matter would be even more terrifying than they expected!

No, no, absolutely impossible!

Zhao Xu thought about it carefully, and immediately shook his head: "No, no! As you said, the king is Jie and Zhou, so the dynasty can naturally be overthrown. This is digging the root of the court. It cannot be him, he After all, he is a grandson, a descendant of the Ji family..."

"Besides, the grandson has a history of studying and has won the number one scholar, so he won't be so ignorant."

Having said that, both of them looked a little pale. After they had thought about it, someone else must have thought about it and felt that this was a counterattack by the grandson.

If this rumor spreads, it will immediately make the conflict between the emperor and the grandson even worse.

"It shouldn't be the grandson!" Qian Wei thought about it carefully, and it was also his jaw.

Taisun should not have such strength!
How old is Taisun now, a young man, and how many years has it been since he entered Beijing?
How long has it been since he was picked up to recognize his ancestors and return to his clan?

Even the important ministers like them who have stayed in the court for these years are not sure, and there is no evidence, how did the grandson know?

Even if you hear some rumors, it is impossible to know such details, it is impossible to know the so-called inside story.

Besides, take a ten thousand step back, even if you know the inside story, you can expose the matter, even if it is to relieve your anger, it may be a counterattack, but what about after the counterattack?

Is it not alive?

This matter has not been exposed, the emperor and the grandson are still grandparents, this matter has been exposed, they are life-and-death enemies, there is absolutely no room for it.

"Grandson, how can you be so unwise?"

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