fake prince

Chapter 1242

Chapter 1242
Capital Taoist Temple
The night wind was blowing, the crackling raindrops fell again and again, and there was a lot of boiling. Although the windows were closed, there was still a wet wind blowing.

But the lanterns were not affected, I don't even know if the gauze used was too thin, it was very bright in this small chess room.

The room was very quiet. Under the bright candlelight, a Go endgame was laid out on the board. Wen Ru, an old monk, was sitting on one side, looking down at the board, as if fascinated.

Liu Zhan was sitting opposite, as if looking out the door, looking into the distance, with complicated eyes, not sure if it was sadness or sorrow, or other emotions mixed in.

"Oh, how can spells spy on the secrets of heaven."

In a blink of an eye, Liu Zhan sighed: "It's difficult, it's too difficult! The atmosphere of the capital is in a mess, it's just a mess, and it's impossible to see clearly."

It turned out that Liu Zhan was in a daze, trying to figure out these things, and wanted to see clearly.

"The situation is so complicated, do you want to continue?" Liu Zhan looked at the opposite monk and asked.

Wen Ru smiled, picked up the black chess piece, and made another move, saying: "I have no regrets, since the poor monk has entered the game, I have absolutely no regrets."

Upon hearing this, Liu Zhan turned around and said to Bianxuan who was standing not far away, "Bianxuan, what do you think?"

Bianxuan put his palms together calmly and replied: "The same goes for the little monk."

When Liu Zhan saw it, he sighed secretly: "The Brahma Sect really has a way of doing it. This discernment has gone through many disasters, and I am afraid that it has really made great progress in cultivation."

Sitting back again, Liu Zhan touched the chess, but hesitated.

Hearing this, Ruo asked back, "Really, do you still want to play?"

Liu Zhan pondered for a long time and thought a lot about the entire Taoist school, the entire teacher's school, the intricate situation in the capital, the kings who are ignorant of the tiger, and the emperor who is calm and eminent.

"One breath is alive, it is destiny!"

Liu Zhan couldn't help sighing, and pushed the chessboard with his hand, messing up the black and white pieces, and said dejectedly, "I can't play anymore, I admit defeat."

"In that case, the poor monk will leave." Wen Ru stood up, clasped his palms towards Liu Zhan, and left the Taoist temple with Bianxuan. When he walked out of the gate, he stood on the steps. Crackle.

Wen Ru stood on the steps and saw the heavy rain, thought for a while and asked Bianxuan, softly: "Bianxuan, what do you think?"

"Now I'll wait, get involved in the dragon fight, and die if you don't succeed, you don't have to have any scruples."

"Yes, Master Fan." Bianxuan clasped his palms together.

"I heard that in the past, for the benefit of the teacher, Liu Zhan used his sword to make a big disturbance in Zhili, and fought 37 games, which made the gods listen."

"But now, decades have passed in the blink of an eye, and it is no longer the same as before."

"Well said." Wen Ru couldn't help shaking his head after hearing this, and smiled: "It's really not enough for the Daoist sect to be so endowed."

Then he asked Bianxuan, "Are you afraid of death?"

"Because of Brahma sect's strength, disciples are not afraid." Bianxuan clasped his palms together and said.

"Okay! You are a disciple of my Brahma Dharma, so you must have such courage!" Wen Ru nodded appreciatively: "The Brahma Dharma has been introduced into this world, and it has spread even more in these years."

In the rain, his tone was light: "Although we haven't arrived in the capital yet, we have outperformed the Taoist sect a few times in state and province debates. Do you know why?"

"It is our Brahma Dharma that is exquisite and transcends life and death." Bianxuan said without hesitation.

"You have the correct view of the Fa, but you are not the correct view of the world." Wen Ru said here, a lightning bolt fell, and the entire road was no longer dark, followed by thunder.

"Dare to ask Master Fan, what is correct view of the world?" Bianxuan put his palms together and asked respectfully.

"The so-called right view of the world is the benefit." Amidst the thunder, Wen Ru's voice was unusually calm and serene: "Although the theories of Taoism are scattered, they are not unified, and overall they are slightly inferior to my Brahma."

"However, is there no wise and eloquent person in the Taoist sect?"

"The reason why it is one-sided and let me take advantage of it is really the benefit of my Brahman sect, which is a hundred times greater than that of the Taoist sect."

"I would like to hear the voice of the Buddhist master."

"The reason why people in the world seek God and Brahma is to make a living."

"Not dying is the first interest in life."

"Why do the rich and powerful attach importance to Taoism, because Taoism wants to promote the medicine of immortality."

"Don't talk about refining the medicine of immortality, just to prolong life, it's worth ten thousand gold, how many people can make it?"

"As for my Brahma Sect, I open the door of rebirth, and even hear the name of Brahma, and I can be reborn in Brahma Land. How can such benefits be achieved by Dao Sect?"

"That's why tens of thousands of people believe in my Brahma School, and even the dignitaries who preside over the differentiation of the Dharma are secretly or even overtly sidelined. Is there any reason why the Taoist School should not lose?" Greatest mystery.

"So that's how it is." Bianxuan was really enlightened, shivering all over, he understood thoroughly, and put his palms together: "Although the fruit is dead, karma is born, this little monk really understands."

"It's good, you have this enlightenment, you can be the patriarch of Dharma." Wen Ru only took a look, and knew that the discernment of Xuan had already achieved the true fruit of the Brahma Gate, and he couldn't help but feel relieved.

"But why, do we support Taisun?"

"Luring them with profit is not as good as suppressing them with strength. Although there are Brahma Dharma and Brahma Land, there is still no Brahman power. If you want to show Brahma power in this world, you have to respond to it."

"Who is the master, I think there is only one grandson, so we will do our best to help, and the rest depends on the day, whether to agree or not."

"The little monk understands, and will swear to die before going forward, in order to obtain the promise of the master."

"Boom" just said, a bright flash pierced the sky, and the darkness returned, only the heavy rain poured down.

Nantong County·Yujia Inn

"Brother Shang, why did you wake up so early today? But you didn't sleep well last night?"

On the first floor of the inn, Yu Lu and Fang Xi had just called Shang Xiucai over for dinner.

Yu Lu and Fang Xi had money in their pockets, so naturally they wouldn't treat their stomachs badly, besides, how expensive could breakfast be?

Wontons with thin skin and big stuffing are steaming hot.

The two ordered another three baskets of small steamed buns, the waiter had already brought them out, they called Shang Xiu over, and after he sat down, they greeted him again.

Yu Lu's question was more tactful, but once the question was answered, it directly fell into the topic of why he didn't sleep well.

They have been dating Shang Xiucai for a few days, but this Shang Xiucai has been unwilling to say more. Whenever the two of them brought up the topic of food-related matters, Shang Xiucai would either keep silent or divert the topic to other people. place to pull.

But the more he behaved like this, the more convinced Yu Lufang Xi was that this person must know something.

If he didn't know the important things, how could he be so cautious after sobering up?

If they talk as much as before after waking up, they will be a little hesitant.

Now Shang Xiucai is cautious not to speak, and the two of them feel like grass has grown in their hearts. If it wasn't for the fear of scaring Shang Xiucai away, they would have asked directly on the first day of their relationship, but now they can only This is euphemistic.

Shang Xiucai chuckled: "I slept well, ouch, the wontons here look really good, today's wontons look better than yesterday's!"

As he said that, he scooped up a wonton with a small spoon, put it in his mouth, chewed it a few times, swallowed it immediately, and continued to eat the next one.

This one, not only didn't follow the two people's predetermined answers, he didn't even ask them why they got up so early.

If Shang Xiucai had asked back like this, the two of them could still follow this topic to the question they wanted to ask, but Shang Xiucai didn't ask in a daze!
Fang Xi's personality can be considered impulsive, but after he became a Jinshi and was entrusted with important tasks by the emperor, he did not dare to speak casually, and knew how to be cautious in his words and deeds.

Seeing Shang Xiucai, who was sitting across from him, bowed his head to eat, he and Yu Lv exchanged glances, and kept giving Yu Lv their eyes.

That means, you are smarter than me, so hurry up and ask, we have been delayed for a few days, but we can't delay any longer.

Yu Lv pondered for a moment before opening his mouth: "Brother Shang..."

At this moment, there was a thumping sound from the gate of the inn, and a person came in suddenly. As soon as this person came in, he looked around and saw Shang Xiucai who was sitting and eating breakfast.

"Shang Xiucai! You are still eating here! The county captain Chen Da found out about you! He said that you are ruining his reputation everywhere, which is against the principles of Confucianism. He wants to ask you to study politics to change your reputation!"

The man yelled at Shang Xiucai.

"You haven't come home for several days, your wife is miserable, someone is threatening your wife right now, asking her to tell you where you are, and saying that you will go to the criminal law, you should go back!"

(End of this chapter)

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