fake prince

Chapter 1243

Chapter 1243

"Good guy, there is such an arrogant county lieutenant?!"

Yu Lu and Fang Xi were shocked when they heard this.

Scholars are also people with fame and reputation, and they are genuine scholars. To put it bluntly, who doesn’t have a teacher and teachers (county school or prefectural school), who doesn’t have relatives and friends, who doesn’t have a circle of people who have passed the exams or even Jinshi?

Basically, as long as they don't kill themselves, few county officials will humiliate scholars.

Lost your reputation?
Just thinking about it, I saw Shang Xiucai who was sitting opposite threw his chopsticks and stood up after a while. His eyes were originally small, but at this moment they were as red as a bull's eyes.

But Yu Lu and Fang Xi didn't think he reacted too much. After all, anyone who heard someone insulting themselves or their wife and daughter like this would be filled with grief and indignation.

"Brother Shang, don't be afraid!"

Compared to Yu Lv, Fang Xi was more emotional. Hearing this, he was filled with righteous indignation: "The imperial court has its own laws, and you have fame. Even if you have done it, you can't be humiliated like this. If this person really behaves like this, the supervisory history will not ignore it! "

Supervising history is a local supervisor, and the official position is not high, generally no more than eight ranks, not as good as "seven ranks of county magistrates", but they hold the sharp sword of supervision and impeachment, so high-ranking officials and relatives are afraid.

Shang Xiucai, who was comforted by him in this way, clenched his fists, blood rushed to his face, flushed, and even burst into veins, panted a few times, and suddenly roared: "Chen Da, you bullied me too much!"

Then with a "slap", he slapped the table with his hands hard, causing the stack of cups to jump up. Shang Xiucai didn't look at it, but just stared at the two people in front of him, and said word by word: "Both Brother, I don’t know who you are, but I know why you are with me, I am willing to cooperate with you, tell everything, and bring down this evil official!”

"County Lieutenant Chen Da is the one who stole the food!"

Finally figured out who it was!

Fang Xi and Yu Lu looked at each other, Yu Lu patted Shang Xiucai's shoulder, and promised earnestly: "Don't worry, the court will not wrong a good man, let alone a dirty official!"


Although it was morning at this time, the sky was dark. This official road was close to the canal, but there were shades of willows on both sides, many vehicles were pushing or driving, and there was a lot of people.

There was a donkey cart, pulled by the donkey in the front, and pushed by grandparents in the back, carrying freshly harvested watermelons. After walking for a while, I heard someone yelling: "Hurry up, get out of the way, the officials and military lords are here!" gone."

The grandpa and grandson hurriedly avoided the road, and sure enough, after a while, there were more than a dozen riders in front, surrounded by a group of personal soldiers, and behind them, the sound of footsteps cascaded up, and the pawns pressed their heads tightly, and bright red long tassels were standing on the ground. A dim light flickered on the road.

Passers-by were traveling, and many people bumped into this scene, their faces changed drastically, and they retreated to the side of the road to make way for this group of people.

"What's going on? What are they going to do? Could something serious happen again?" Someone couldn't help muttering.

The companions were also surprised. Although they were considered a city here, there had been no major incidents in the past, such as the dispatch of armored soldiers, and they hadn't encountered it for a long time.

Even in the past year, there have been some ghosts and ghosts in various places, but there has never been such a mobilization. After all, compared to the frontier, this is Zhili, and the situation is much better.

"I command you to go on, speed up and arrive at the station as early as possible!" Leaving aside these passers-by, the leader of the armored soldiers on horseback was Zhang Dai, the deputy imperial envoy.

Prefect Xu and fellow prefect Sun Dewen were still following in the team. Obviously, Zhang Dai was an imperial envoy, and prefect Xu took a few steps back with a smile, while fellow prefect Sun Dewen was not so self-restraining, and followed silently, with a gloomy expression on his face.

Behind, the accompanying officials in the county winked, looked around, and whispered.

"The deputy imperial envoy is not the official imperial envoy. A dozen or twenty people are almost enough to follow. Is it necessary to use the imperial envoy to seal the seal and call out the armored soldiers?"

"Let me wait to follow."

"The show!"


Zhang Dai had long held his breath, wanting to wipe out those corrupt moths immediately, but now he glanced behind him, but didn't speak.

"I'll deal with you after I catch the evidence!"

Zhang Dai directly led people to the granary, and even transferred the armored soldiers with imperial envoys. He didn't even think about what would happen if there was nothing wrong after the inspection. He already had a plan in mind.

Because there are already "informants" who have given a lot of information, maybe they know more than Taisun.

"My lord, have you heard that Yu Lufang regretted these two people and went to visit them privately." Someone followed Zhang Dai on a horse, and suddenly mentioned these two people on the way.

"Really?" Zhang Dai didn't have a good impression of these two people. I heard that these two were the grandson's former classmates?

He didn't know why the emperor asked these two new scholars to follow up on this big case. In his opinion, it must be because of the relationship between the two people and the grandson, and the emperor gave it to the grandson for his sake. Chance for these two.

What is this called?
This is called going through the back door!It's called nepotism!

Zhang Daisu despises officials who go through the back door like this. Two new scholars, who have never worked elsewhere, have been assigned such important tasks. What does the emperor think?
If it wasn't for Zhang Dai who still had a little bit of loyalty to the emperor, knowing that he couldn't slander the emperor, he would have said it in his heart long ago.

Not to mention, these two people actually learned the stories from the scriptures and conducted private visits in microservices?
Zhang Dai didn't even bother to pay attention to such a person, and just sneered: "It's just nonsense!"

Leave it alone.

"The emperor's intentions are difficult to understand, and the informant's information is too careful, which is really strange."

"But I, Zhang Dai, why bother with these things?"

"I only know that the granary is in short supply, and I have been greedy for these city foxes and rats. I, Zhang Dai, are running out of time. I just want to be the last police cat for the imperial court. I can catch a mouse."

"No matter how much, does it make sense to me?"

In fact, Zhang Dai faintly felt the waves of the emperor and grandson, but he didn't care.

He has been an upright official all his life, and he has two sons and three daughters.

The three daughters are married, and there are two sons. The eldest son is intelligent. He was admitted as a scholar at the age of 19. Unfortunately, he broke his leg not long after, and he missed the fame in his life.

The second son's qualifications were poor, and he was only admitted to be a scholar at the age of 25. He failed the exam several times and had gradually given up.

Zhang Dai couldn't tell whether it was due to lack of talent or learning, or because he had offended too many people and affected his descendants.

"Oh, that's fine. I'm dead. If they are in the official career, they don't know how they will end up."

"Isn't it a blessing to be able to cultivate these twenty or thirty acres of land safely at home?"

Zhang Dai pursed his lips, his eyes were dim, and the outline of the road in front of him gradually appeared.

Although the Zhili granary is said to be seven large granaries, it is impossible for millions of stones to exist in one place, not in seven places. It is divided into 54, and they are arranged around the capital like satellites.

There is a granary in Jielu County, and it is this granary that Zhang Dai is taking the armored soldiers to.

"Sir, here we are!"

They galloped towards the granary, because the distance was not too far, and it didn't take too long, the team had already arrived at the gate of the granary.

Someone had reminded him that before approaching the granary, Zhang Dai's face was already flushed. After arriving, his eyes fell on this area like an eagle, scanning around.

"The granary here has 58 more granaries? It looks quite big, hum, I don't know how much grain there is in it."

Zhang Dai's eyes fell on the warehouses, and he muttered to himself inexplicably.

The granary officials who came over after hearing the news trotted out and saluted Zhang Dai: "My officer Xu Zhiming, I have met the imperial envoy and the magistrate!"

"Hey!" Just looking at each other for a moment, an eighth-rank military officer in the armored soldier gave a "huh" and glanced behind him with his knife, but he didn't see anything.

Because everyone in the team was silent, although this person felt that he was dazzled and saw two white balls flashing past, it was not easy to ask the surroundings if they also saw it.

Just looking at the solemn expressions of the people around him, as if he was only seeing it himself, could it be that his eyes are really dazzled?

"Hawk!" The two foxes who followed Zhang Dai and his group looked at each other, climbed to a high place to hide their figures, and only stared at Zhang Dai and the officials in charge of the granary. First, let's see how they confront each other.

However, there was no confrontation as the fox thought. As soon as the granary official came out, he saluted Zhang Dai obediently.

Zhang Dai didn't even look at it, and said coldly: "Xu Zhiming, Zhang is an imperial envoy who came here to investigate the case!"

When Xu Zhiming greeted him, he was like a rabbit in his heart. Hearing this, he felt a little nervous, and looked at Xu Zhifu who was behind the imperial envoy. Saint Ann!"

"Saint Gong'an!"

"Long live Long live Long live!"

After three kneelings and nine kowtows, Zhang Dai said coldly: "I follow the emperor's order to monitor and inspect the granaries in various places, and all officials are involved. I will obey the orders and will not disobey."

Paused: "Did you understand?"

"The lower official understands, please come in with the imperial envoy, and the lower official will go and get the account book for you to look at." Xu Zhiming knelt and listened, and immediately replied respectfully.

At this point, everyone is fine, Zhang Dai nodded, waved his hand, and rushed in with the armored soldiers.

This granary is subdivided into 58 warehouses, each of which can hold 2000 shi, and can hold 12 shi of grain in total. According to the plan, first of all, it must be built on a high place, and then divided into twelve drainage areas, so that once it rains, it can be quickly Flood discharge.

Walking in, this very clear division is all displayed in front of Zhang Dai's eyes.

Zhang Dai glanced at these locked warehouses, and after a while the ledgers were handed over, he was about to check them one by one according to the ledgers, so there was no rush at the moment, he read the ledgers first.

Xu Zhiming was respectful and did not delay at all. He said he wanted to submit the account books, so he quickly fetched the account books and presented them one by one.

"Master Zhang, our granary originally has 11 shi in the account, and 3000 shi has been deducted for disaster relief, leaving 3 shi."

"Master Zhang, don't worry, there is not a single stone missing!"

Xu Zhiming licked his lips, glanced at Zhang Dai, and said dryly.

"If there is any shortage, you can only know if you check the granary, but it's not a matter of saying." Zhang Dai said lightly, and his tone seemed to be unfriendly.

Xu Zhiming choked for a moment, became more honest, and smiled apologetically: "Your Imperial Envoy is right."

Zhang Dai glanced at the silent magistrate Xu, and said, "Don't waste time, take me to the granary now and count the grain."

"Yes, my lord, please come with me."

There is no reason why the granary is not allowed to watch. Besides, people came here to check the account books of the granary, so Xu Zhiming agreed very readily.

But Xu Zhiming agreed so swiftly that Zhang Dai frowned slightly, feeling a sense of uneasiness in his heart.

Is there nothing wrong with this granary?

The informant's information is wrong?
Zhang Dai thought in his heart, the movement was not slow at all, the armored soldiers were guarding around, he and Xu Zhifu followed Xu Zhiming and headed towards the first warehouse.

(End of this chapter)

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