fake prince

Chapter 403

Chapter 403


For safety reasons, it is of course impossible for the pier to go directly to the capital. Even if it is the end of the canal, it is still some distance away from the capital, lest someone use the canal to launch a surprise attack.

The war in the former Wei Dynasty fell into disrepair, and some silted up. It was repaired in the third year of Chengshou. The river is tens of feet wide and more than ten feet deep. It can enter the sea and be transported along the inland river.

Affected by this, there are row upon row of shops near the wharf, the scale of which is no less than that of a county town, and there are also garrisons.

At this time, it was just dawn, and the place was already full of people, some people who followed the imperial envoy Luo Pei out of Beijing, and some relatives and friends who came here specially to see them off.

Most of them came for the imperial envoy Luo Pei, but some of them came for Su Ziji who was going to Shun'an Mansion by boat.

Because the Shun'an Mansion that Su Ziji was going to was just along the waterway that Luo Pei was going to take, although he still had to walk a dry road after landing, this waterway could go with Luo Pei.

They were all on official business by order, so the Ministry of Officials and the Ministry of Rites simply arranged to set off together.

The ceremony to send off the imperial envoy on the pier was just over, and the people in the Ministry of Rituals stopped their music and surrounded several people to say goodbye in the middle. A person who looked like a second-rank official said with a smile: "Lord Luo looks a little old, and his complexion is still old." Alright, even though the emperor is very kind and entrusts you with a heavy responsibility, you must take good care of your body."

"I'm worried about Dong Xiang, I'm really uneasy!" Luo Pei listened with a smile, and after saying something, he walked on the bridge and boarded the boat, his eyes still on Su Ziji.

Su Ziji is very busy at the moment, just now he greeted the imperial envoy Luo Pei and Luo Pei's entourage who were traveling with him just now. After all, the journey will be far away, and he will travel for a long time, so he has to make a living.

On the other hand, Jian Qu and Cen Rubai were the only ones who took them to Shun'an Mansion. The wild Taoists wanted to stay in the capital, on the one hand, to take care of Ye Buhui, and on the other hand, someone must keep an eye on the situation in the capital. Su Ziji who is outside is in the hands of it.

This person is very important, Su Ziji is worried about choosing someone else, only the wild Taoist can make him feel at ease. Besides, the wild Taoist is fully responsible for some business matters, and it is impossible to leave the wild Taoist suddenly.

And the two foxes were also left behind, because they took official boats all the way, Su Ziji thought that he would encounter monsters and Taoists more times outside the capital, and they would inevitably cause more troubles.

It's not that when I went to the southwest, I really needed the fox to scout for information, so I might as well stay with Ye Buhui.

One fox turned into two foxes, which really gave Su Ziji a headache. He wanted to find time to ask them what was going on, but they seemed to know each other. How did they find them?

But after the imperial decree came, he was too busy with other things, so naturally he couldn't take care of these.

"I hope the two foxes stay together and don't cause any trouble." Rubbing between his brows, seeing Jian Qu directing several civilian men to carry a few boxes of things onto the boat, and passing by him, Su Ziji was standing on the pier , and looked in front of her, staring at herself eagerly, no matter how hard she looked, Ye Buhui, who was obviously very reluctant, could only reach out and pull her hair.

"Don't worry about me. The imperial decree made it very clear. It is to go to Shun'an Mansion and act as an agent to observe how the county is operating. It's not that it has taken root there since then. It may take a year or a few months. It won't be long before I can come back."

"There is no problem with safety."

Unlike last time, now Su Ziji has monopolized an official ship, and there are twenty armored soldiers on board, but not all of them follow Su Ziji. When they get off the boat, ten people will follow them to Shun'an Mansion , protection along the road.

After Su Ziji finished speaking, he looked at Ye Taoist again.

Ye Taoist hurriedly said: "My lord, don't worry, I will take good care of my wife!"

He also said: "I can continue to operate the business in Beijing. My lord, you take some of the bank notes for emergency use. If you are short of money, just pass the letter to me. I have ordered a few pairs of pigeons to be trained. He took three of them."

Su Zi bowed his head, and finally nodded to Zhou Yao who accompanied Ye Buhui: "Miss Zhou, I will ask you to take care of me."

At this time, several ox carts arrived slowly, and a question came.

"Princess, we are here."

A young girl's voice responded, and she opened some car curtains with her snow-white fingers. It can be seen that there are densely packed boats everywhere at the pier, more than half of which are passenger and cargo ships.

These ships set sail, either flowed into the sea along the river, or entered the canal retrograde, and docked along the fixed route. It was very prosperous, but Princess Xinping was absent-minded, and quickly locked the official ship.

Because the imperial decree stipulated a very tight time frame, less than two days were given, and Princess Xinping was in a hurry to see her off after learning about it, and even changed her clothes at random.

The result came, and I was awkward for a while, I didn't want the bullock cart to pass, and I always felt that if I showed up to see him off, it would be like losing.

"Damn it, why did the father drive him out as an observer, and also act as an agent for the county?"

"Princess, it's all here. Do you want to go there or not? Have you thought about it?" Seeing Princess Xinping let the ox cart stop in the distance, Fang Zhen, who was getting off the ox cart behind her, walked up to her In front of the bullock cart, he asked silently.

"Hey! Wait a minute, the fleet will take a while to leave, let me think about whether I want to go there or not." Princess Xinping fanned the wind with her hand irritably, while the nuns and maids at the side were all watching. Keep your mouth shut, no one dares to say a word.

"I passed by, and my concubine found out, will you blame me again?"

Because the news was suppressed by the palace, so far it is only known that the mother and concubine seemed to be reprimanded by the emperor for leaving the palace. Princess Xinping felt a little uncomfortable, with self-blame, annoyance and indignation.

If someone else went out of Beijing, she probably wouldn't be able to come and see her off, but when she thought that it was Su Ziji, the bastard who made her embarrassing herself and her mother and concubine, go out of Beijing, Princess Xinping felt that she had to come.

She thought to herself: "Going out of Beijing is not a good job. Although I was awarded an official in advance, I have just been selected as the No. Get angry at me!"

Princess Xinping was so entangled because she had complicated feelings about Su Ziji.

Fang Zhen didn't know about the princess' entanglement, and he was also very entangled, that is, should he leave the princess behind and go to see Su Ziji?

But when I thought about the oral order I received when I came out, I knew it couldn't be done.

Although he didn't dare to think about what the emperor thought, why did he care about the contact between Princess Xinping and Su Ziji? If he cared, why did he let Princess Xinping come to send him off?

It's not that Fang Zhen couldn't think of it, but he didn't dare to think about it deeply, because as long as he thought about it deeply, his hairs would stand on end and his back would feel chilly.

Fang Zhen wished that Princess Xinping could go back home, but he knew that he couldn't. As the person who accompanied the princess, he could only wait and wait for her to make a decision.

Princess Xinping didn't struggle for too long. Seeing that Zhou Yao was fine, Ye Buhui and Su Ziji were saying goodbye, she suddenly sighed angrily: "Forget it, I won't go up."

I don't know why, Princess Xinping always has a guilty conscience towards Ye Buhui.

 Sorry, there is an error in the update timing, and it will not happen in the future



(End of this chapter)

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