fake prince

Chapter 404 errands

Chapter 404 errands

Not mentioning it, Fang was really relieved, seeing Su Ziji boarded the official ship, and another unremarkable ox cart was parked on the side of the road at the pier, the young man in the ox cart looked thoughtfully, a little disappointed.

"Waiting for Gu Gu in vain, I didn't expect that my younger sister, Gu Gu, has always been bold and reckless, but now she is cautious."

"Sigh, this matter can be manipulated, and I planned to release rumors. I don't want my father to protect Su Ziji like this, so he simply sent Su Ziji out of Beijing, directly destroying the king's plan. It is really hateful!"

Thinking that he knew all the truth, King Qi felt that his father was really eccentric and in a bad mood, so his expression naturally became unhappy. He looked at it for a few times, then looked away, and said to an eunuch: "This king can't come out. Jing, you will take the place of Gu to preside over it, if there is an errand, Dragon Palace will give priority, if there is a chance, kill Su Ziji!"

After thinking for a while, he said, "Liu Zhan has already agreed to go with him, so he can use it, and Chu Gurong will also go with him. He is mainly in charge of Su Ziji's errands, and you will arrange them."

"My lord, don't worry, I'll leave these two matters to my servants, and I will definitely not lose anything!" The eunuch has been with King Qi since childhood, and now he is the head eunuch of King Qi's mansion. He is even more loyal, and usually handles it for King Qi. Some dirty work, now answer immediately, full of confidence.

Only three gunshots were heard, and the official ship started slowly again.

"Master Liu!" Su Ziji arrived at the imperial ship and saw Liu Zhan standing on the bow of the ship smiling towards the pier.

Liu Zhan has the official position of a scholar of Guanwendian, which is a fifth-rank rank, which is higher than Su Ziji's official position of editing and writing and acting as a county magistrate. There is no grade.

Liu Zhan hurriedly avoided, but did not accept Su Ziji's gift, and said to Su Ziji very politely: "Master Su, you don't have to be so polite, you also carry the imperial decree, you have the imperial order, and you are also an imperial envoy, you cannot judge your honor by rank." humble."

When Su Ziji saw him, he didn't insist on saluting again, but he still smiled: "I don't dare to call myself an imperial envoy, I'm just an observer. Master Liu really flatters me."

The two looked at each other and smiled, as if they hit it off.

Su Ziji was very impressed with Liu Zhan. This is an alchemist with profound Taoism. Luo Pei, there is still another mission, Su Ziji is not sure.

Last time at the place of inheritance, Liu Zhan's attitude was obviously hating the monster race and killing the young dragon, but Luo Pei's attitude towards the Dragon Lord was different. Last time Liu Zhan was able to deceive Luo Pei's trust and support. Whether the same trick will be repeated this time is unknown.

Su Ziji himself is more and more involved with the young dragon, so naturally he is different from Liu Zhandao and does not conspire with each other.

But thinking of Liu Zhan's Taoism, Su Ziji felt itchy again.

It was not the time before, and he didn't have the status to get in touch with Liu Zhan and ask for advice, but now, he was the number one scholar and received an official title, Su Ziji felt that it was time, so he hurried forward to greet him.

At this time, there was a burst of music from the inner cabin of the imperial envoy ship, and a woman was singing along with the music, and it sounded very refreshing when it came across the water.

Liu Zhan stared at this boy. He was just 17 years old, and he was still a little childish. Who would have thought that he had already won the first prize? It made him a little bit startled—it was a bit shocking to be able to participate in the pacification of the Southwest, and it was said that it was also related to Qian Zhidong's fall.

It's just the emperor's intentions, but it seems a little unpredictable.

Logically speaking, for Xinke Jinshi, the best is to develop in the center, or Hanlin, or attendant officer, followed by Liubu and Yushixing.

The worst will arrive in the county to serve.

Although it is said that the prime minister must start from the state and county, and the fierce general must be sent from the army, but once it is actually in operation, it is often impossible to join the cabinet if it is not in the center.

This is because being an official is [-]% personnel and [-]% professional merit. In the center, it is easy to improve the level by making contacts.

So the further you go, the more you enter the county, the more hopeless you will be for the rest of your life.

According to the news, the emperor may not be punishing Su Ziji.

While he was in a daze, Su Ziji said a few polite words, "Master Liu, I heard that you have advanced Taoism before. I don't know if I have the honor to ask you for advice on Taoism?"

What is this?

Liu Zhan has often encountered officials asking him for advice on these things. He said that this is part of the grand law, and he didn't think it was so strange, so he agreed immediately.

But when he was about to respond, he suddenly froze and stopped immediately.

Liu Zhan said apologetically, "Unfortunately, recently I have reached a bottleneck in Taoism. I don't understand myself, so it's not good to discuss this with others at this time."

"As for painting and calligraphy, I still have some experience. If Mr. Su doesn't dislike it, maybe we can discuss one or two."

"Why, you two want to discuss Danqing and calligraphy?"

Seeing that the fleet had set off, Luo Pei, who had nothing to do to walk around, just heard the conversation between the two, and suddenly said with interest: "In that case, let's go to the boat hall, I can be a spectator. Comment for the two of you."

He pointed at Liu Zhan and smiled: "The real person is a master at Danqingyi. He wanted to ask you for a painting before, but he failed. Now that he mentioned this matter today, you can't escape!"

After all, he was an acquaintance who had worked with Liu Zhan before, so he spoke with intimacy.

Of course, Luo Pei was also very polite to Su Ziji, the new champion.

He also said: "The last time I went to Shuanghua Mansion, when I was greeted at the restaurant, I was still thinking that almost all the talents in the mansion have arrived, but I only know less about Yuan! I can watch you discuss Danqing and calligraphy with a real person, this time I will feast my eyes!"

So polite, you actually call yourself me, not my official.

Su Ziji could feel that Luo Pei seemed to have a good impression of him, and he also smiled: "I didn't have a chance to get close to you before, but now I'm on the way, and I will inevitably ask you for advice along the way. I just hope that my lord will not bother me. It is."

Luo Pei laughed and said, "What's the matter? However, you are the champion of the new department, and you are the top scholar of this year. I may not be able to teach you about reading."

Su Ziji complimented Luo Pei while being modest.

Liu Zhan looked at the two helplessly: "Don't you want to watch me paint? Let's go!"

Knowing that Liu Zhan has a strong personality and doesn't like this kind of official entertainment, Luo Pei doesn't mind, but just shook his head and said to Su Ziji, "Let's go, let's go to the boat hall."

He also ordered people to hurry to prepare painting tools, drawing paper, brushes, inkstones and other things.

This imperial official ship, because it is an official ship traveling on rivers, is slightly inferior in anti-wind and waves compared to ships that can go to sea, but it is much better in terms of enjoyment.

(End of this chapter)

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