fake prince

Chapter 406

Chapter 406

At this time, the ship's route changed slightly.

"This river is the Jigen River." Luo Pei had traveled many times, and now he pointed to the mouth of the river and said, "Twenty miles to the east, you will enter the canal. The water is relatively stable, and you can dock anywhere."

"Speaking of which, this is the legacy left by Wei Shizu in his later years."

"Wei Shizu really deserves to be an emperor through the ages. When he ascended the throne when he was young, it only took a few years to pacify the powerful officials. After more than ten years, he leveled the world, dug canals, opened imperial examinations, and subdued the barbarians. All nations came to court. I am deeply moved."

Su Ziji responded: "In particular, the opening of this canal, which connects the north and south waterways to form a water network, took 25 years to complete. In addition to the division of labor between counties and counties, there is not much work started every year. It did not mobilize many teachers and waste money."

"You're right to the point. As an official, don't mobilize the crowd." Luo Pei nodded, stared at Su Ziji, and said for a long time: "You have this feeling at your age, and you are worthy of being the number one scholar."

Su Ziji smiled, this is only after reading history, with the lessons of history, he is wise. Luo Pei was interested, and also talked about the pros and cons of politics.

Su Ziji sometimes speaks some poems, and also has to deal with Luo Pei's topics, but his previous education was not a vegetarian, even if he didn't have any special research on water control, he can talk about it according to the principles he has read, and it will become more and more difficult. speculate.

At this time, a town can be seen in the distance, smoke is rising from the kitchen, there are coachmen shouting and whipping on the post road along the river, and a few farmers in the rice fields are returning home.

Seeing that it was getting late, Su Ziji stopped talking and bid farewell to Luo Pei.

Liu Zhan smiled, filled in the poem just now on the painting, signed it again, and gave it to Su Ziji, saying: "What Master Luo said is that now you are an official, young and vigorous, and you have to pay for it." It’s about nourishing your energy.”

"This painting has the meaning of calming down, please keep it."

Su Ziji smiled and bowed, took it, saw that the boat was only three feet away, jumped back to his own boat.

Luo Pei stared in a daze, and Liu Zhan also stood with his hands down.

"Really Liu!" After a long time, Luo Pei sighed: "This man's talent is really enviable. If you talk about reading, I can be regarded as the seed of reading."

"In addition, it was not long after the founding of the country, and the examinations were easy, and he was only 32 years old when he became a Jinshi."

"And Su Ziji is only 17 years old."

"That's all. Even when it comes to political affairs, although you can clearly see the strangeness, you can still see it through."

"If such a talent does not go the wrong way, I am afraid that I will have my current position in ten years."

Liu Zhan thought for a while and said: "I can't refute this, but things in the world are changing rapidly, and the flow of energy is often unexpected. Su Ziji is too young, and you are proficient and easy to reason. You can climb to your throne in ten years." Location is not necessarily a blessing."

Luo Pei smiled: "What you said is that Mu Xiuyu will be destroyed by the forest wind. Let's not talk about this matter. Do you still go to Panlong Lake with me this time? Canonize the dragon girl, what's your suggestion?"

Liu Zhan waited until now, just for this sentence, he pondered: "I still have some things to do, or I will be separated halfway, but you are ordered to inspect the three provinces, and go to confer the title of Dragon Girl."

"I think that the Dragon Girl is a ghost and a god, and the most important thing for the canonization is a peaceful atmosphere, so that they can be auspicious to each other."

"We should inspect the three provinces first to correct some shortcomings. It is more appropriate to go with this merit and virtue."

Luo Pei nodded repeatedly when he heard this, and sighed: "That's true, the hearts of the people are the hearts of heaven, the so-called auspicious days, how can they be as good as the people's hearts and well-being?"

Looking at the sky again, he smiled: "It's getting late, we can't talk today, so I won't hold you back, and we can talk about it tomorrow calmly."

As soon as he gave up, Liu Zhan resigned.

After Liu Zhan returned to the boat, he entered the cabin and saw a group of people having a meeting. The eunuch of the King of Qi, Luo Ji, glanced at him and asked Liu Zhan to sit down. Then he continued to ask: "Everyone is here Well, the King of Qi has hated Su Ziji for a long time, but is there any way to kill Su Ziji? Can you let him fall into the water halfway and kill him in the water?"

Liu Zhan was surprised. Qi Wang and Su Ziji had a grudge, but they had never heard of it.

But thinking about it, now when he thinks back to the meeting just now, and when he was painting, he suddenly felt palpitations, and he is still a little puzzled, he doesn't understand why he suddenly has palpitations.

After hearing this, without making a sound, I heard Mr. Chu Gurong Chu say: "It's not right."

Chu Gurong sighed: "Official matters, there is a prince, it's nothing, but this Su Ziji is not a weak scholar with no power to restrain a chicken, when Lin Yuqing escaped from the capital and rushed to the river bank to board the boat, , Su Ziji chased and killed him alone, and had a fierce fight with Lin Yuqing."

"Although the investigation revealed that Lin Yuqing was killed by random arrows, it is undeniable that Su Ziji also killed many people during the pursuit. I am afraid that his martial arts are not low. The prince also feels this matter."

As he spoke, he asked Liu Zhan, who was silent beside him: "Does the real person feel it?"

Sitting there, Liu Zhan saw several people looking at him at the same time, and nodded: "Su Ziji does have martial arts, or not low."

This matter was not as expected by the eunuch, he was not surprised when he got such an answer, and then asked: "Is he responsible for Taoism?"

That's the point of his question.

Liu Zhan thought about it for a while, and although Su Ziji made him feel a little concerned, he did not notice traces of Taoism on the other party.

After being silent for a while, he shook his head: "I never felt it."

As soon as these words came out, not only the eunuchs, but even Chu Guyong secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Chu Gurong once sent someone to look at Su Ziji from afar, but he didn't find traces of Daoism on his body. He was worried that this person's cultivation base was not high, so he might be mistaken. Now that even Liu Zhan said the same, then It should be true.

This Su Ziji is just an ordinary person with strong martial arts!

As long as he is still an ordinary person, with higher martial arts, it is not so difficult to deal with.

Chu Guyong asked again: "Since this is the case, the real person must have seen Su Ziji, so he should have a way to kill him, right?"

Unexpectedly, Liu Zhan stood up and said to them lightly: "It is your business to kill Su Ziji according to King Qi's will."

"I only uphold the public heart and help you get rid of the dragon girl. I will not participate in this matter."

After saying that, he bowed slightly and turned around.

"What a real Liu!" The eunuch was immediately annoyed by this walk, and when he walked out, he slapped the table: "I don't know how to flatter you!"

"Why get angry with him?" Chu Gurong seemed to have expected it long ago, and closed his fan: "He's already boarded the boat. Now that he's boarded the boat, how can he relax?"

This is a double entendre.

The eunuch frowned: "But he doesn't help, relying on the people you and I can use now, I'm afraid it will be very difficult to kill a person with martial arts without anyone noticing. If someone is sent to attack, there will be armored soldiers on the official ship. Alarming them, it is easy to cause trouble."

Chu Guyong smiled: "Actually, there is no need to worry about this matter. We can completely strike at Mingde Mansion, which is the only way to Shun'an Mansion after the river. , even if hundreds of people are sent to surround and kill them, it won't alarm others."

"The most important thing is that even if you escape, we are still waiting in Shun'an Mansion."

(End of this chapter)

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