fake prince

Chapter 407

Chapter 407

Su Ziji returned to his own boat, without words for a long time, feeling extremely restless.

It is said that it is good to obtain the ink painting technique of the Liu school of Wei Bazhong, and the promotion of the Jianggong Zhenzhuan method, but it is still not as good as the secret of the Yin Guan school.

"One side of the cave can actually prevent the souls of the inner disciples from being imprisoned by the underworld, but the number of places is limited."

"No wonder there are outer doors and inner doors."

"That's all. It turns out that no matter whether it is the cave or the blessed place, the spiritual energy is limited. Only those who have obtained the qualifications of the inner sect can absorb a breath of spiritual energy. The so-called return from the acquired to the innate."

"To reach this stage in martial arts, I don't know how much it has been refined."

"That's all, alchemists and demon towers really shock me."

Su Ziji had actually heard that alchemists were tirelessly chasing down monsters. He used to think that it was evil, even a little extreme, and even killed monsters that didn't eat people.

Now it seems that it is just to kill monsters and take pills to refine medicine.

"This is just an individual, but the Yin Guan sect has gone one step further. Killing demons has become the interest of the sect, and both demon pills and demon souls can be turned into raw materials."

"The aura of the Yin Guan faction is all built on the bones of the monster clan."

"This is already the core interest of the sect. Regardless of good or evil, it can no longer be persuaded. Therefore, the Yin Guan faction and Liu Zhan have no tolerance for hunting down the monsters like this."

Su Ziji thought about it, and breathed a sigh of relief: "I have a deep relationship with Longnu. If I leak it, I'm afraid I will immediately become the enemy of Yin Guanpai and Liu Zhan."

"And it's even more impossible for me to let Yin Guanpai and Liu Zhan kill the Dragon Girl."

The information he got was incomplete, Su Ziji only vaguely knew that if he killed the dragon girl, it would be of great benefit to Yin Guandongtian, and he could complete a certain plan.

"My lord, this is an article I wrote. I wonder if I can ask you to take a look at it?" Su Ziji looked at Jing in thought, when someone came suddenly, and with the sound of talking, he knew it was Jian Qu.

"You're here, let me take a look." Regarding Jian Qu's articles, Su Ziji has always been a little helpless. He has enough knowledge and literary talents, but there is always a sense of resentment between the lines.

He asked Jian Qu to change his style before, and it's not that he didn't want to change it, but he wrote a few articles, and Su Ziji thought it was impossible after seeing him.

Even though the style has been seen to be changed as much as possible, the feeling is still there, like maggots on the tarsus, which can't be wiped off no matter what.

This is troublesome.

After deciding to take Jian Qu and Cen Rubai to Shun'an Mansion, Su Ziji arranged homework for Jian Qu, and wrote at least one article every day along the way. to review.

Jian Qu was very grateful for Su Ziji's proposal, knowing that it was for his own good, and the gap between the two widened. One was a high school champion in a new discipline, and the other was a candidate who failed again. Let the new champion give advice. This is a good thing that many people can't ask for.

If he hadn't already worshiped under Su Ziji, it would be difficult to have such an opportunity, so he naturally cherished it very much.

Just like now, not long after boarding the boat, he has already arrived with the article.

Su Ziji nodded and took the article over, taking advantage of the sun that had not completely set, read it carefully, and frowned after reading it.

Jian Qu didn't dare to say anything, for fear of disturbing Su Ziji.

"Mr. Jian, your article is still the same as before." As soon as Su Ziji said this, he saw Jian Qu's helpless smile.

He pondered for a moment, then said: "But I already know why your article is like this."

These words immediately made Jian Qu's eyes brighten. The reason why he has been unable to change the problem of the article is because he can't find the root cause that no matter how the article is changed, the style is the same.

If we can find the root cause, as long as we work hard to correct this problem, we will always be able to overcome it.

When the two were talking, a boat not far away suddenly approached, and a person jumped out of the boat, with wide sleeves and long robes, thin and neat, it was none other than Liu Zhan.

Liu Zhan came here this time not only because of the previous meeting with the king of Qi, but also because of the palpitations that Su Ziji gave him when he asked him for advice.

At that time, I didn't understand it for a while, but when discussing the matter, I figured it out.

As a real person, he believed in his intuition, and because he didn't find out the reason for his palpitations, he became more and more confused.

So he came to Su Ziji with a feeling of pity and vigilance.

As soon as he came up, he saw a disciple of Su Ziji handing an article to Su Ziji.

And he happened to hear what Su Ziji said.

He came at the wrong time, Su Ziji was teaching others homework?

But immediately turned around and left, Liu Zhan felt that there was no need. He had his own pride and confidence in his talent and learning, and he didn't feel that he was stealing a teacher.

Fortunately, the two of them were talking about the critical moment at this time, so they didn't notice him, so Liu Zhan just listened to Su Ziji's suggestion to the disciples openly.

"You know, the orthodoxy of Confucianism is, to put it bluntly, just the words benevolence and propriety, but why are there so many sects?"

"In terms of its essence, it is impossible to ask for it in reality, and the Dao cannot be practiced in the world, so there is no way to ask outside, so ask Tianxin."

While saying these words, Su Ziji dipped his hands in the tea and wrote these words on the table.

"There is no way to seek outside, so ask Yu Tianxin?" Jian Qu repeated this sentence, and couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

Su Ziji did not immediately interrupt his thoughts, but waited for him to finally wake up, and then said: "Seek from the sky, so there is Neo Confucianism, seek from the heart, so there is heart to learn."

"Now Neo Confucianism and Psychology have their roots here."

Liu Zhan didn't listen to the words after "Boom".

Originally, I only overheard Su Ziji's suggestion to the disciples, but it seemed as if there was a thunder in my ears.

Although Liu Zhan is the head teacher of the Yin Guan Taoist sect, he can become a scholar of Guan Wen Dian and has good contacts among scholars and bureaucrats. Naturally, he is no stranger to Confucianism. He understands the distress and pursuit of many generations of great Confucians, but he just can't see the way.

There is nothing in this book, you can't see the way (the way of managing the world), and I can't see the way (become a fairy), but now it has been smashed by a word.

"The great way is difficult, so ask for the sky and the heart!"

This sentence almost tells the whole past, present and future of Confucianism.

Confucianism was founded in the past to revive Zhou rituals so that the world will be unified.

But generation after generation of struggle, but still can not achieve.

If you can’t implement it, you have to explore it hard. Some seek it from the sky, and Neo Confucianism is born, and some think it should be returned to the heart, and Xinxue is born.

To put it bluntly, people who can't see the way work hard from generation to generation.

"On this sentence, it is unprecedented. Could it be that this son has surpassed a hundred generations in terms of knowledge?"

He suddenly seemed to see something, which flashed by, and it was the inspiration after being explained in a word.

Unfortunately, it was not caught in time.

This made Liu Zhan's mouth bitter, thinking, there is such a big gap in talent between people?

(End of this chapter)

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