fake prince

Chapter 408: A Goose

Chapter 408 Three Stupid Gooses

In terms of Taoism, I may be better than myself, but this is because I have encountered and practiced it, but Su Ziji, an ordinary scholar, is not only noble, but also looks promising, and also has such talents in all aspects, making him After practicing Taoism, is it okay?

"Could it be that the sudden palpitations I felt before were because I had a premonition that this man is a genius, and if he practices Taoism, he will become a serious disaster?"

"That makes sense."

"This kind of comprehension, I am afraid that only discussing one or two things will allow him to see the essence and get started directly."

Thinking of all the hardships he had experienced when he was learning Taoism, the pain of being puzzled and unable to grasp the fleeting inspiration resurfaced again, making Liu Zhan look at Su Ziji a little wrongly.

"I can't see through this person." He withdrew his gaze and sighed depressedly.

The so-called heaven and heart of seeking!

In fact, they all want to explore a way, but for orthodoxy, let alone not finish it, even if it is done, it is all heresy.

Neo-Confucianism was regarded as heresy by the Song Dynasty at that time, and Xinxue was actually not recognized by the Ming Dynasty.

It’s just that generations of Confucianists can’t see the dawn. When they have new theories, they always have to pursue one or two. This is why many people follow Neo-Confucianism and Psychology.

It's a pity that you will still find out after a while, and it won't work.

In fact, Su Ziji had already seen Liu Zhan coming, but because of this feeling, he just thought about it. Although he didn’t deliberately avoid Liu Zhan, he just pointed out: "Your way is not to follow the right path. If you want to take a different path, it’s not only It is not only caused by your disposition, but also your way."

"So you subconsciously don't want to change."

"But regardless of whether you can leave or not, if you want to do this, there is absolutely no reason for you to be a Jinshi."

Su Ziji saw that Jian Qu nearby and Liu Zhan not far away were both frowning in thought at the same time, and couldn't help shaking his head.

He simply gave up his seat to Jian Qu, so that he could write immediately when he was inspired, while he walked to the side of the boat that was far away from the two of them, leaned on the railing, and looked into the distance.

"What did you say to them to make them both look like goose gooses?" Cen Rubai said with a hint of ridicule.

Su Ziji turned his head and took a look at the always chic newcomer: "I just read Mr. Jian's article and commented a few sentences. Why, Mr. Cen seems to be very boring. Do you want to play a game?"

Unexpectedly, he refused directly: "Hey, I always like to regret chess, and I can't control myself. If I play a game with someone, the other party will avoid me like a snake next time. I don't want to just find a good master." Family, just because of playing chess, you are far away from me, let's forget it!"

Su Ziji couldn't help chuckling once again.

This kind of person who always likes to expose himself does not seem to be really stupid, but he has such a personality, and he is a person who likes to have fun while suffering.

In the distance, there are birds flying together, swooping down from time to time and passing by low.

Su Ziji saw that Cen Rubai seemed to be engrossed in watching, and looked dumbfounded, he shook his head again, and said to himself, these are not two stupid geese, there must be three of them.

As if everyone likes to catch up with the crowd, only one Liu Zhan came, and at this time another boat came over, leaning on the boat he was on.

"Chu Guyong, I'm here to look for Master Liu. I don't know if Master Liu is on the boat?" A clear voice came from the boat.

Su Ziji looked over and saw a man in green shirt bowing the boat, nodding with a smile on his face.

Su Ziji just frowned, motioning him to look not far away: "Renren Liu is lying on the boat, right there, you can go find him directly."

In fact, Chu Gurong didn't come to look for Liu Zhan, but also had another purpose, which was to take a closer look at Su Ziji.

Seeing him, I found that this Su Ziji was as he had guessed, he was not ordinary at first sight, with a single-body demeanor, if he was a prince, no one would doubt him.

Originally, he didn't plan to confront him directly, but he accidentally glanced at the man standing next to Su Ziji, and after a few more glances, suddenly thought of something, his eyes lit up, and he asked the person beside him in a low voice: "Is this person Cen Rubai?"

Cen Rubai?Isn't that the person that many dignitaries are secretly searching for?How come here?But since Mr. Chu said it, he took a closer look and couldn't help being surprised: "It seems to be really him!"


How could the disciples beside Lin Yuqing appear beside Su Ziji, who had a grudge against Lin Yuqing?

However, if this is the case, it is not surprising why many dignitaries could not find this person before, because even I never thought that this person would appear beside Su Ziji, so when I searched, there was no one at all. Search among the people from Su Zi.

Now that I see it, there is really a feeling that it is easy to find nowhere to find it.

Chu Guyong also thought so, he suppressed this sudden surprise, and immediately asked the boat that had been moved to pull aside again.

One jumped up and saw that Su Ziji and the person suspected of being Cen Rubai had turned and walked away, hurriedly stepped forward, and asked: "Wait a minute! I don't know if Mr. Su knows who this person is?"

This person was malicious, Su Ziji looked back and saw this person pointing at Cen Rubai beside him, frowned again, and replied lightly: "He is my doorman."

Seeing Su Ziji's obviously cold expression, Chu Gurong stepped forward: "You must not know, this person may be the aide of Mr. Lin Guo."

"If he is really an aide of Mr. Lin Guo, many people are looking for him now, which is a big trouble."

"My lord, please hand over this person. This is also for your own good. Presumably, your lord doesn't want to cause unnecessary trouble when you go out of Beijing this time?"

The seven-rank officials in front of the prime minister's gate, not to mention those under the king's gate of Qi, have always paid three points of respect to all officials, and sometimes they talk with dignitaries in a suave manner, talking and laughing freely.

Chu Gurong felt that he was very polite, but Su Ziji sneered, waved Cen Rubai into the cabin, and then asked Chu Gurong lightly: "Which Yamen are you? You want me to hand over my servants, do you have any official documents?"

Chu Guyong choked suddenly.

This is of course not!

Cen Rubai was clearly innocent. Although everyone was looking for him, it was only in the name of investigation. He was not a criminal, so where did he get the arrest document?

"If not, then which Governor-General Shangshu are you, or which honorable person? Or the prince and grandson?" Su Ziji sneered at the end.

"What, I'm not even an official? If you come to a cat or a dog and let me hand it over, then I'm too timid to be the master."

Su Ziji sneered, waved his sleeves and left.

Chu Guyong was ridiculed so bluntly, his face turned blue and white, and then he felt that his thinking was wrong. Su Ziji is now the number one scholar, and he is an official from the sixth rank. Officials give some face, but to be honest, I am nothing.

Then he gritted his teeth, turned around and left, not even looking for Liu Zhan, but hated him so much in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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