fake prince

Chapter 409

Chapter 409

The night was dark, the moon was covered by dark clouds, and on the silent river, there were only some unknown sounds that occasionally sounded.


"Hey, why do I seem to hear a fox calling?" Su Ziji, who was sitting by the window and at the table reading Panlong's mind method, was startled, half sat up, listened carefully, but there was nothing.

Su Ziji relaxed, and thoughtfully, he pointed his finger at the map of Yin Guandong on the table: "Not long ago, someone was very malicious, and I felt uneasy."

"I was a little palpitating just now when I was reading."

Originally half lying on the couch, he got up suddenly, put on his coat and shoes, Su Ziji thought to himself: "This should not be an illusion, is something going to happen tonight?"

Without thinking about it again, he suddenly opened the window, and walked through it as lightly as a cat or fox.

The official ship was patrolling, but it passed through silently in the night and landed on the side of the ship, and the Taoism began to circulate in the body, so it was as silent as a goose feather in an instant.

He guessed that the malice might have something to do with the person in the daytime, and the current ship of this person also belongs to the official ship series, which is located behind his official ship, so Su Ziji didn't have to think about it at all, took a deep breath, and stared at the water. Stepping, only listening to the soft sound of "噗噗", actually stepped on the water surface, covered more than ten meters, then jumped lightly, and jumped onto the boat behind.

"Hey, the superficial touches in martial arts, combined with Taoism, actually complement each other."

The night just covered Su Ziji's figure. Although there were people on the boat patrolling from time to time, no one could find Su Ziji's trace. Almost like a ghost, he turned over and arrived at a window of the boat, and jumped on it lightly. Hanging there upside down, the voice inside gradually entered my ears.

The window screen was shaken by the candlelight, and a few figures also shook slightly, and I heard the voice during the day: "Su Ziji is a person who hides his secrets. If you don’t have other thoughts, no one will believe it.”

Su Ziji was startled, touched the window paper, and read on.

There were several people discussing matters in the cabin, and the person I saw in the afternoon was pale and blue: "Last time, the turmoil in Lin Yuqing, the Zhang House, Zhao House, Sun House, etc., were just for revenge, and some properties of the Lin House, and Wei Guogong Mansion and Duke An's Mansion are not just for money, but for Lin Guo's secret line in this dynasty."

"This is also what the prince is also interested in. I guess, the hidden information of Lin Guo that the prince wants to get may be controlled by this person. If the prince entrusts us with the matter, we have to do it well."

"If the ambush in the Mingde Mansion succeeds, we will pry his mouth open. We must not let him die on the spot. Killing him quickly will make him cheaper."

There is really no need to hide the malice in these words.

A man with a high-pitched voice that sounded like an eunuch pondered for a while, and said: "Mr. Chu is right. This man really holds the secret, so he can't be killed directly. The information that our people can't get, may be here. There is a breakthrough in people."

"Before leaving, the prince told me that although I am in charge of these matters, it is entirely up to Mr. Chu. Whatever Mr. Chu thinks, feel free to say it."

Su Ziji was startled, Mingde Mansion was in ambush?This group of people really came directly at themselves, lord, who is it, the king of Shu or the king of Qi?Listen more carefully.

Hearing the eunuch continue to ask: "Apart from the ambush in Mingde Mansion, does Mr. Chu have any other plans?"

"Of course there is. Even if the ambush fails, there are still several plans." Chu Gurong waved his fan: "I wonder if Eunuch Luo has heard of Su Ziji's relationship with Princess Xinping?"

The eunuch laughed: "It's more than just hearing about it? To tell you the truth, Mr. Chu, our family has seen it with our own eyes."

"Today at the pier, Princess Xinping went to send Su Ziji off in person in an ox cart. The car stopped not far from our house, but Princess Xinping was so bold that she was timid at the last moment. She only watched Su Ziji get on the boat from a distance. , did not show up!"

Speaking of this, there is still some pity: "She really showed her face, and things are easy to handle. One side is out of Beijing, and the other side is shrinking. It is also difficult to operate it."

"Princess Xinping actually came to see me off at the pier?" Su Ziji outside was slightly startled when he heard this, he really didn't know about it.

"However, even if she went, it wouldn't be because of an affair between a man and a woman. These few people can't think of it." Shaking his head, Su Ziji was speechless. He and Princess Xinping were not even friends, they were entrapped However, it's not bad if she sees him and doesn't want to bite off a piece of meat. How can she like him?

Feeling that what these people were thinking was too absurd, Su Ziji had to frown and continue listening.

I just heard Chu Gurong say: "Even if one party goes out of Beijing and the other party counsels, it is not impossible to operate. Although there is no evidence that they have violated ethics, there is no evidence for ambiguity. You only need to fabricate some plots and find someone to spread the word." That's it."

"How can ordinary people in the world ask the truth and confirm the truth? They only need to listen to the scandal and treat it as gossip after dinner."

"It's nothing at all. Su Ziji is the number one scholar. Even if he has an affair with the princess, it's still a good story about a gifted scholar and a beautiful woman."

"However, Su Ziji's status is special, and he can't be contaminated at all. Even if Su Ziji goes out of Beijing, he can continue to spread rumors. At that time, if there is a bad relationship, the possibility of Su Ziji's return to Zongcheng can be completely cut off, so as not to worry about the prince. .”

Hearing this, Su Ziji's heart sank. This was almost his own way to deal with Lin Yuqing, and now it was on him again.

Again, who is this prince?

Hearing this, the eunuch laughed sharply: "Mr. Chu's plan is very poisonous, but our family likes it. Although the prince's biggest enemy is the King of Shu, Su Ziji is also a thorn. It is best to pull it out."

If the enemy is the king of Shu, then the prince is the king of Qi.

Su Ziji's heart trembled, and he felt his body sinking. Qi Wang was full of wings and had a great potential. He didn't want to directly confront him, but he couldn't avoid it.

Inside the cabin, when it came to the position, Chu Gurong smiled: "The emperor's order is to go to Beijing to experience training, and our people in the official department filled Su Ziji as the agent of Shun'an Prefecture. If it is, it is equivalent to Su Ziji's Cong Liupin."

"This position seems to be a good job. Being able to manage the treasury is a lot of money."

"But in fact, it is a trap enough to pull people into the quagmire. Shun'an Mansion is now short of 70 taels of silver. Although this is nothing to the court, it is nothing to the newcomer. It’s a trouble that can’t be shaken off once you touch it.”

"The people who go in now are just filling the hole, afraid that they won't even hear a sound if they fall in."

"But the emperor actually approved it, and asked Su Ziji to send this errand, which shows that the emperor may not really care about it, and he probably just wants to see his heels. It can damage his future and make the emperor disappointed in him."

"A mere new champion who has no status and lost his Sacred Heart will naturally find a crime and deal with it."

(End of this chapter)

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