fake prince

Chapter 410

Chapter 410

Su Ziji listened outside, his heart was awe-inspiring, and he was a little stunned.

He said that this time he was temporarily sent out of Beijing, so he was so urgent that he returned the errand. From the eyes of others, it seemed to be a beautiful errand, but because Su Ziji knew that the emperor's attitude towards him seemed a bit strange, this errand was about to be sent. There is a quotation mark.

Sure enough, there is indeed a trap in this matter.

"However, the emperor may not want to do anything to me. In his position, if he really wants to kill me, there is no need to make such a detour. There should be other purposes."

"The biggest possibility is that what this person said is true, it is to see where the limit of my ability is, so the people of King Qi filled this position, and the emperor approved it."

When Su Ziji was thinking, the people inside were still discussing, and they had already talked about colluding with officials.

"Also, even if the loss of the county treasury is the responsibility of the predecessor, there is no serious crime if it is not done well. It's just that the evaluation is not high, but I still have a plan."

"The people who want to swallow up Lin Guo's hidden line and property in Dazheng are not only Wei Guogong and An Guogong's mansions, even the King of Shu is also interested. Cen Rubai was once Lin Yuqing's disciple, and he is one of the few people around him who is still alive today. Man, there are a lot of people trying to get him right now and pry his mouth open."

"Although we won't really give him up to others, we can definitely use this person as bait to attract people to help."

"We don't need to do it ourselves. We just need to contact the officials of the lower provinces and counties to let the wind out. Our people will secretly instigate them to issue official documents directly."

"Su Ziji just refused to hand over the arrest because he didn't have an arrest document, but the provincial government directly issued an official document. I want to see if he has the toughness to dare to disobey on the spot."

Chu Guyong smiled, and his voice seemed to come out from between his teeth: "If you disobey, it is a crime, and you can report it to the court for punishment. Even if this person recovers his status in the future, if he has this crime, his title will be lowered by one or two grades."

"If he doesn't disobey, we will be able to win people, and if we can't even protect our own disciples, who will continue to follow? Naturally, we will not be able to condense our wings, and then we will naturally not be the match of the prince. Life and death will be in the hands of the prince."

Killing people, trapping people, cutting one's own reputation, each of these can be regarded as poisonous tricks.

Su Ziji was listening outside, and couldn't help feeling chills.

Didn't come here at this moment, just heard it, when the matter really develops to that time, it will be difficult to make temporary countermeasures, if you are a counselor, you can give a round of applause, since you are an enemy, you must not stay!

Although he felt it was ridiculous to say that he must not stay, but when he realized that he had murderous intentions, Su Ziji immediately acted in accordance with his own heart.

Hearing footsteps coming from inside, towards the cabin door, Su Ziji turned over and got on top of the boat.

Looking down, I saw that a servant had come out of it.

He didn't move, and after a while, he saw the servant coming back with some fruit refreshments, so he knew that the people inside might want to continue the discussion.

The sky was so dark that it was convenient for Su Ziji to lurk here. Like the most patient hunter, Su Ziji quietly waited for the opportunity to come.

Half an hour later, the hatch opened again, and Chu Gurong came out from inside, walked calmly to the deck, followed by three people, all a few meters away for close protection.

"It's very strict, but you don't have official status, so you can give it a try." Su Ziji's heart moved.

"Go away!"

Chu Gurong, who was about to face the water, found a servant who was a few meters away from him, walking towards him, he was annoyed in his heart, and turned his head to stare.

As a result, just this one glance made Chu Guyong's pupils shrink.

The three servants were all sent by the prince to his side. Although they had the role of monitoring, they served and protected him more, so they could be regarded as trustworthy people.

Usually, these three people are very respectful to Chu Gurong, and they don't dare to show any dissatisfaction on their faces, but when Chu Gurong looked back at this time, he saw that the eyes of the three of them were looking at him with anger .


"How dare you whip me, go to hell!" The only person who approached with an angry face did not allow Chu Guyong to react, and suddenly stretched out his hand and pushed.


As the water splashed, Chu Guyong fell directly into the water and sank.

"You, you dare to push Mr. Chu into the water!" The two servants, who had suddenly remembered all kinds of bad things that Chu Guyong had done to them, were so angry that they looked at their companions who did it in horror and screamed.

But the person who breaks through his rationality and takes action now looks at Chu Guyong falling into the water with a dull expression. The anger that could not be suppressed, like being poured on the head by a bucket of cold water, is extinguished in an instant, and the anger is gone, occupying the whole mind, just do it Let go of the fear and regret of such a wrong thing.

He didn't understand why he suddenly thought of the matter of being scolded by Mr. Chu for a small mistake the day before yesterday and pulled him down for [-] whips, and suddenly a surge of anger rushed up, he lost his mind, and pushed down.

"Help me, save me quickly." The man took a few steps back, and when he looked up, he found that his two companions had run away in terror, screaming for help.

As a member who doesn't know much about water, this person closed his eyes and jumped down immediately after gritting his teeth.

But at the position he jumped into, Chu Guyong had long since disappeared.

When Chu Guyong fell into the water for the first time, he didn't panic. After all, the water quality was good. Although he couldn't swim across this big river, it was more than enough to splash around for a while and wait for the rescuers to arrive.

"Hateful, what's the matter with this person?"

"I'll let my father-in-law take it when I go back, and I have to check it carefully."

Just thinking about it, he jumped into the water and floated up, but at this moment, the ankle of his right foot sank and was caught by a hand.

Before Chu Guyong could show his panic, his whole body was pulled by a strong force, and he rushed straight to the bottom of the river.

When Chu Guyong was forced to sink halfway, he was already struggling violently, and the feeling of suffocation almost made his head burst.

"Who, who wants to kill me?" Facing the dark water, Chu Gurong was suffocated by the horror, making him struggle desperately, but he felt that the pair of iron clamps below held his legs tightly and kept sinking.

"Let go of me, let me go." But when he opened his mouth, he spit out an uncontrollable string of bubbles, and the resentment on Chu Gurong's face was extremely strong, and his face was distorted.

But in just about a minute, there was only despair and fear left. Chu Guyong wanted to beg for mercy, but he couldn't speak at all underwater. The strong suffocation made him roll his eyes violently, and his eyes slowly protruded.

But at this time, a voice that should not have appeared in the water sounded in my ears: "Mr. Chu, how is it? You have treated me so kindly, and I will personally send you a ride, so I can repay you."

"It's you, it's you!" At the moment of dying, Chu Gurong remembered whose voice it was, but it was too late, he desperately wanted to stretch out his hand, grab and loosen himself, and the figure who was watching coldly. unsuccessful.

The icy cold water pulled him into the abyss of death, completely surrounded by emptiness and darkness.

(End of this chapter)

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