fake prince

Chapter 411 Ask

Chapter 411 Ask

Chu Guyong's dead body sank slowly in the water.

If no one interferes, it will take a day or two to surface and become a floating corpse. Of course, the people on the boat will not wait a day or two to salvage it.

Like a fish, Su Ziji, who was floating freely in the water, had already heard the commotion on the surface of the water. He followed the current and swam back to his boat. When there were no one around, he jumped onto the boat.

He didn't go to the cabin immediately, so as not to expose the water stains along the way, Su Ziji's body shook, his spiritual power overflowed, and his wet clothes immediately dried from the inside out.

"The Taoism is not bad." Su Ziji returned to the cabin. Although he was dry, he couldn't wear it anymore, so he took off his clothes and changed. Hearing two "chirps", Su Ziji was startled, and hurriedly took off his clothes. After wearing it, I followed the sound to find it, and sure enough, I found two foxes, one big and one small, under the bed in my cabin.

The fox's white fur was stained with dust, but when he looked at him, he didn't care to shake it off. Judu showed a shy expression in a humane way, with his two paws resting in front of his eyes, and peeked through the gap. It's cute and innocent to make, and it's naive to make it.

Su Ziji's original emotions suddenly fell into helplessness: "Didn't I tell you to stay in the capital? Why did you come here?"

Moreover, how did they hide from themselves and have not been discovered until now?

But seeing them lying down at the same time, licking each other's fur, and screaming hungry, Su Ziji knew that if he asked himself, he might not be able to ask anything useful.

Since they followed, they were obedient on the surface and were driven away, so they didn't necessarily return to Beijing, on the contrary, they might have followed more covertly in the dark.

Instead of that, stay.

Thinking of the help the little fox had given him, and the bigger fox obviously knew it, Su Zi couldn't be indifferent to them.

"Now I know I'm hungry? After hiding for so long, I deliberately showed my traces at this time. It's because I knew that I found out that I had left the capital, and it would be impossible to drive you back, right?"

Su Ziji was impartial, poked the heads of the two foxes one by one with his fingers, and said helplessly.

Sure enough, as soon as the words came out, the two foxes showed a guilty look, and at the same time they barked even more happily, pointing their paws at their stomachs.

Su Ziji originally wanted to starve them and teach them a lesson, but seeing their similarly pitiful fox eyes, he felt that he had lost his grace by being fussy with these two little things.

No matter what, he is just a fox. He is a man, how can he haggle over every detail with two foxes?

"That's all!" Sighing again, Su Ziji told them to wait honestly in the cabin where he lived. He went out to the stove and brought back a few chicken legs on a plate.

There are quite a few on the stove, because it is an imperial envoy ship, and there are public funds allocated to spend on the itinerary. It can be said that there is no need to save on the journey.

"Eat, stay here honestly when you're full, don't run around, there are more than 20 people on this ship, except me, you all try to hide as much as possible, you know?"

Su Ziji put down the plates and told them.

I don't know if the two foxes listened to it, but they immediately started to eat deliciously. No matter how I looked at it, I felt that they only had chicken legs at the moment, and nothing else.

Are the two guys really troublesome, and the fox is so troublesome?Su Ziji sighed again, and didn't want to sleep anymore, so he sat on the couch and closed his eyes to rest.

"Chirp! Chirp!" The big fox looked up at the young man on the couch, and called at the little fox.

If Su Ziji could understand the fox's language, he would probably be speechless and realize that the translation of what it is calling is this: "Look, this Su Ziji is completely the same to you and me. In his eyes Li, you and I are both foxes, there is no difference."

"You are a fox raised for the nobles by this generation of the clan. Before you are sure that he is that person, you can't think about those who are there or not!"

Although the words were correct, the tone was really irritating. The little fox was not much different from her in the first place, although it was true that she was slightly smaller in size, just hearing this made her angry.

"If I turned into a human, I would be a lady, but now I am a fox."

"If you dare to say that, you are asking for a beating."

So, when Su Ziji had to open his eyes in the "noise" to look at the past, he saw the two foxes who had been eating well started fighting again, slapping each other with their paws, and even lowered their voices to chirp , as if beating and cursing.

This is not the first time that Su Ziji has seen two foxes choke each other. He was really shocked when he saw them for the first time, but when he found out that they were actually fighting back, but they didn't really make a move, he put them back together. For the sake of playing with the small animals, naturally it doesn't matter.

It was also at this time, although they had no choice but to make them no longer sleepy, but this scene was indeed ridiculous.

Su Ziji just laughed, when he heard someone coming from the corridor outside, he stopped in front of the cabin door in a moment, and reported: "Master Su, Lord Luo, please go over immediately."

"Oh? Do you know why?" Su Ziji asked.

The people outside replied: "It seems that someone fell into the water just now, and the drowned person was a person of some status. Master Luo rushed over and ordered someone to investigate the matter. Because someone mentioned that you had a dispute with me during the day, so we need to Please go over and ask."


In ancient times, this matter was not paid attention to, and the official status was clearly distinguished. If you have to call him over to inquire about this kind of matter, it must be what Luo Gonggong said.

"Understood, let me get dressed and go right away." Su Ziji said.

But he didn't need to wear it at all. He got off the couch and told the two foxes to hide with the chicken legs in their mouths. Su Ziji pushed the door and went out. He saw several soldiers standing outside, seeing him come out, Just salute.

Su Ziji nodded: "But go to the imperial ship?"

"Lord Luo is now on the boat where the accident happened, so you are like a villain." A soldier said.

After the man left the official ship, he took a small boat and quickly arrived at the side of the accident ship. Su Ziji waited until he was firmly on the boat before jumping on it.

It was midnight at this time, and the night was dark. On the deck, there were more than a dozen soldiers holding torches, illuminating this area almost as if it were daytime.

It's just that no one made a sound, except for the crackling torches burning, there were not many redundant sounds. There was a wooden board on a deck in front of everyone, and there was a person lying on it at the moment. To be precise, it was a corpse.

Because he killed this person with his own hands, Su Ziji didn't even need to look carefully, he knew that Chu Gurong's expression must be desperate and ferocious, even full of disbelief, that would not be very good-looking.

Although Luo Pei came here, his expression was calm. Although he looked angry, he obviously didn't pay much attention to this matter, but had no choice but to put on a show.

Originally, he didn't care about the drowned person, and he didn't even intend to come, until someone reported that the dead person was an important retainer of King Qi, so he had to pay attention to it.

However, the eunuchs and retainers of Prince Qi's mansion actually got mixed up in the imperial envoy team he led, which made Luo Pei dissatisfied and at the same time a little uneasy.

After all, even though he was a little distant, he was still a sure-footed henchman of the King of Shu. This man surnamed Chu was not dead, and he found his trace. That was the handle he was holding. But this person is dead now, and the death is still a little strange. It's troublesome.

The king of Shu and the king of Qi have always maintained a false peaceful appearance, and neither of them has blatantly torn their faces. If something happens because of this person, and it ruins the prince's plan, it is his own fault.

(End of this chapter)

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