fake prince

Chapter 412

Chapter 412

Thinking of this, although Luo Pei was bored, he had to be patient, looked at the eunuch who was staring at the corpse, and cleared his throat.

"Um... Mr. Luo, when Mr. Chu had an accident on the boat, there were witnesses and the murderer was caught when he tried to escape. It is very clear that there is a murder case. Don't you agree that there is something else hidden?"

Just when he arrived just now, the eunuch with the same surname seemed to be insane, shouting "impossible" with a crazy expression on his face.

This is really a bit strange, Luo Pei thought, there might be something wrong here, does this dead Chu Guyong have some special mission?

Otherwise, a eunuch from Prince Qi's mansion would not be so gaffe.

Luo Pei accidentally guessed the truth.

This is also because Luo Ji is too out of control, as long as he is not stupid, he can guess some of them once the cause and effect are connected.

But these Rogers can't take care of them anymore.

The moment he saw Chu Guyong's body, he was already a little crazy.

Although Luo Ji presided over the matter of getting rid of the dragon girl, Mr. Chu, the brain trustee, actually made the decision. Chu Gurong died unexpectedly. This errand has been done like this, how should I explain to the prince?

With King Qi's disposition, he might be given one or two chances to make amends when dealing with ordinary diners, but in his eyes, eunuchs can barely be regarded as human beings when they can be used.

And as loyal as Luo Ji, even if he is not afraid of this end, even if King Qi forgives him, he will have no face to return to Beijing.


The real culprit that caused all this, he didn't believe it was that servant, although this servant was not born in the family, but it was only because Dazheng was only established for 30 years, but he had served for more than ten years.

Whether it is national laws, family laws or interests, it is impossible to betray.

Taking ten thousand steps back, even if it was done by a servant, even if I, who was present at the scene, didn't believe it, how could the prince far away in the capital believe it?

Even if it was an accident, in order to get a chance to make up for it, he must drag out a candidate that the prince can trust, so that the prince can spray his anger on him.

Because of this, when Luo Pei asked this question, Luo Ji suddenly raised his head, looked past Luo Pei, and looked fiercely at Su Ziji who had just arrived, and reiterated his guess, the suspect pointed directly at Su Ziji, hoarse as night Under the light of the torch, Xiao Xiao's voice was chilling and disgusting.

"It must be Su Ziji's fault. During the day, Mr. Chu had a dispute with him. He must be angry and waiting for an opportunity to retaliate!"

"My lord imperial envoy wants to handle this matter fairly, so I hand over this Su Ziji to our family for interrogation!"

"Su Ziji has martial arts, and the official ship is not far away at night. In the dead of night, he can do whatever he wants! I had vaguely seen a figure appearing on the ship before. I think that person is very similar to Su Ziji..."

"Ridiculous, shut up!" Luo Pei was still listening at first, but the more he listened, the more he felt that it was ridiculous, and now his face turned livid and he roared.

"Your Majesty Su is the number one scholar appointed by the emperor, he is also the editor of the Imperial Academy, and the agent of the Shun'an Mansion, and he also has a holy will, and he is an observer."

"Just based on your one-sided words, let this imperial envoy take down the observer appointed by the emperor? You can figure it out! This imperial envoy thinks you are too sad, so it is understandable to talk nonsense, and I will not pursue your slander. crime, but if you slander the imperial court officials again, don't blame the imperial envoy for turning his face and being ruthless!"

"Idiot!" Su Ziji couldn't help but look sideways. All along, the people he met had basic sense and talent, but now he realized that it was just a factor of his circle of contacts.

Now the eunuch's narrow, ignorant, and extreme character is undoubtedly revealed, and this is often the mentality of more than half of the eunuchs.

What is your identity now?

Not to mention the prince's bloodline, just the number one scholar, Yuan Xiuzhuan, Shun'an government agent Juncheng, and observer envoys, even if the prince of Qi came personally, they couldn't be easily won, and procedures had to be followed.

What's more, a mere eunuch?

No wonder King Qi wanted to appoint a think tank to the eunuch.

If King Qi is not the prince now, he still has the possibility of inheriting the great position, and replaced it with a dust-settled prince, such as today's younger brother--Luo Pei, just based on these words, he immediately ordered someone to kill the eunuch .

However, extreme people just hit the nail on the head, and it was indeed their own doing.

And Liu Zhan, who had been silent all this time, frowned when he heard the eunuch's words. Looking at the corpse, he also had doubts in his heart.

When he came over, just in time for the pusher's servant to be fished out of the water, the servant spat out some water, and just complained, saying that he just slipped his foot and brought Mr. Chu into the water, and then begged for mercy.

Although this is tantamount to admitting that he is the murderer, Liu Zhan always feels that this is wrong.

"Although Chu Guyong's actions are vicious and detrimental to Yin's morality, but King Qi will not fall, and at least ten years of wealth and honor will be enjoyed. How could he simply die here?"

Suddenly, his heart moved, he took a light sniff towards the sea, grabbed it with his hand, put it under his nose and smelled it again, a faint fox smell immediately made his eyebrows twitch slightly.

"Is it the hands and feet made by the demon clan?"


"It turns out that Su Ziji was misunderstood before, and the death of Chu Guyong has nothing to do with him?"

Glancing at Su Ziji who was whispering with Luo Pei, Liu Zhan thought to himself.

"This eunuch is really abominable." After being called over and witnessing a "slander" by the eunuch, Su Ziji showed anger and depression appropriately, which made Luo Pei sympathize with him.

"There's no need for Su Xiuzhuan to be depressed. This eunuch is a mad dog, and it's common for him to bite anyone he sees."

"This official has participated in handling the affairs of the imperial palace with the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It was a trivial matter, and it would not be fatal to deal with it. There are also many eunuchs of this type who blindly framed and bitten the matter and made things bigger. They had to kill them all. .”

"It's the same with this eunuch now, don't worry Su Xiuzhuan, I will write a letter to King Qi to explain this matter."

From Luo Pei's point of view, the eunuch's companion died, and he couldn't explain it to his master. He knew that he would not get well in the future, so now he is biting people like a mad dog.

Luo Pei is not surprised that this kind of eunuch came out of Prince Qi's mansion, the eunuch's job is actually to serve, how many eunuchs who serve attentively and attentively, will be full of problems once they are promoted to management.

Some things are not big, out of affection, we will tolerate them.

Only a few eunuchs can stand out in this temperament.

Luo Pei even regretted calling Su Ziji here, so he said, "Come here, please come down, Eunuch Luo, the corpse is temporarily kept, waiting for the autopsy when it lands."

"Su Xiuzhuan, you are bothering me because of such things, you should go back and rest!"

"Luo Pei, you dare, you dare...you will regret it if you treat our family like this!" Luo Ji was pulled down and screamed, even Luo Pei hated it to the bone.

(End of this chapter)

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