fake prince

Chapter 413

Chapter 413

Seeing the blue veins on Luo Pei's forehead throbbing, wishing to kill him immediately, Su Ziji turned back to the boat, couldn't help but "puchi" halfway, and laughed.

"If you encounter such a mad dog, what can you do if you are an imperial envoy?"

But after laughing, Su Ziji restrained his smile. No matter how mad this eunuch is, he has neither talent nor knowledge, nor does he know the current situation. Isn't the family broken?

Even inferior people understand the principle of being close to a gentleman and far away from a villain, but some people have made a wrong judgment, and some even think that a villain is useful and able to do private work.

"You can be close to a gentleman and far away from a villain. In fact, it doesn't depend on whether you use it or not, but the impact on the court and the world if you use a villain."

"The reason why a villain is a villain is that he has little talent and learning, and his character is vindictive. If he offends the slightest, he will ignore the consequences."

"This kind of eunuch may be loyal to the emperor, but his nature is too narrow, too impulsive, free to mess around, and the power is a little willful. I don't know how many families have been ruined, and the situation is difficult to deal with."

"Not to mention the huge losses caused by wrong decisions."

"So when appointing and dismissing officials, the first thing to look at is the impact."

Just thinking about it, when he raised his head, he saw Jian Qu and Cen Rubai coming out from the side of the boat, who obviously got the news, their eyes were a little strange.

But Cen Rubai's inquiring expression disappeared in an instant, and then a wry smile appeared.

This man who was able to enjoy himself while hiding in Tibet, giving people a sense of idleness and wild cranes, gave Su Ziji a deep bow at this moment.

"It's Cen's fault that he didn't want to go out of the capital with him, but he caused such a disaster to Young Master!"

Su Ziji understood, this was not only an apology, but also a thank you for protecting him during the day.

At the same time, I also understood that I was afraid that the matter that I was called by the imperial envoy just now would make this person speculate about something, so I acted like this.

"It doesn't have to be like this." Su Ziji rushed to help.What he did before was not for Cen Rubai, at least not all for the other party.

"Since you are under my door, I will protect you myself."

"But since Cen has been recognized, if he continues to stay, I'm afraid it will hurt the young master. It's lucky to be able to leave Beijing on the young master's boat."

Although Cen Rubai originally planned to find a decent job with his master and take refuge, but his identity was exposed, so if he continued to follow, wouldn't that be harmful?

He sighed: "Cen's coming this time is both an apology and a farewell."

"You want to go?" Su Ziji frowned, disapproving, and reminded: "Before you are discovered, you will leave after leaving Beijing. I will not stop you."

"But you have been recognized now. Stay on my official ship, and I can still protect you. Now that you get off the ship, you will probably be taken down immediately."

"Although you can fish into the sea when you leave the capital, you are also far away from the emperor's feet, and the danger is doubled. You can't just plan to return to the capital, right?"

"Since the wind is tight now, it's safe to follow me. You don't have to say goodbye. Because of this trivial matter, I let the disciples escape on their own. What kind of official am I? What do I do? You really underestimated me!"

Having said that, Cen Rubai naturally couldn't bring up the matter of leaving again, and Su Ziji's attitude really moved him a little, and a trace of emotion appeared on his face, which always wore an unruly smile.

"Since the young master said so, then I will obey my orders! I will never forget the kindness of the young master!" Cen Rubai bowed deeply again to Su Ziji, and said seriously, before taking a step back: "I don't dare to disturb you any more. I just quit."

Watching Cen Rubai leave, he pondered for a while, Su Ziji knew that this person defined himself as an aide who worked hard, not a retainer, since Cen Rubai only called the son or the lord, not the lord, You can see it.

However, in the world, unless there is too much difference in level, how can there be any reason to accept the head and worship?

Even Jian Qu has not changed his name to the lord now.

Human nature.

Jian Qu was also watching from the side, but at this moment, she withdrew her gaze and looked at Su Ziji with a complicated expression.

"Young master is indeed a good master." He then sighed.

Su Ziji just shook his head and said: "This is a good master's house, and the requirements are too low."

Jian Qu disagreed with Su Ziji's statement, and followed him into the cabin, saying, "My lord can do it by himself, so naturally he doesn't think it's a big deal, but there are many loyalists in this world, and there are also many who can protect them." , but to protect an ordinary disciple who has just defected and has not yet pledged allegiance, such a thing, not everyone can do it, and is willing to do it."

"Too much is to treat these outsiders as pawns, pawns that can be sent to death, just to see if it can bring benefits. But you, son, are obviously more open-minded. It is true that you can trust this person who was once Lin Yuqing's disciple and protect him. rare!"

Su Ziji just smiled when he heard this.

He knew that the reason why he chose to protect Cen Rubai was not as grand and upright as Jian Qu said, but because of various reasons and related interests.

But everyone has different experiences, even if they see something happen with their own eyes, they are only willing to believe what they believe.

In some respects, Jian Qu still has a naive side, or deep in his heart, he still longs to meet a monarch who can be loyal and loyal without worrying about cunning and lackeys.

"However, this is also good." Thousands of people have thousands of faces. With the continuous expansion of power, there must be more and more subordinates. If they all look the same, it is not good.

Different people have different usages.

While speaking, the two had returned to Su Ziji's cabin.

After entering the door, Su Ziji remembered that there were two foxes hidden in his cabin.

However, he has excellent hearing, and just by listening, he heard the sound of long and steady breathing from the corner, one after another, these two foxes actually fell asleep?

"Sit." Su Ziji signaled Jian Qu to sit down, he closed the door behind his back, walked to the opposite side and sat down.

Seeing that Su Ziji didn't know what he was thinking of, Jian Qu asked, "Young Master, the one who died was King Qi's?

After getting an affirmative answer, he immediately understood: "I'm afraid this journey will not be peaceful. I wonder if you have any tasks to order, what can I do?"

Although he didn't change his name to the lord, he was indeed different from Cen Rubai.

Su Ziji smiled: "There is indeed one thing for you to do, Mr. Jian, you need to go back to Beijing."

"Back to Beijing?"

Because it hasn't been long since they set off, if they land nearby, they can go back immediately and return to the capital soon, but Jian Qu is not at ease so that Su Ziji will only bring a troublesome Cen Rubai with him.

"Young master, you are the only one..."

"This time going to Shun'an Mansion, if you don't encounter any danger, it doesn't matter if you have one more person or one less person. If you encounter danger, it doesn't matter if you have one more person or one less person."

"On the contrary, if you go back to the capital and complete this task, it will give me more help."

With that said, Su Ziji took out a piece of paper from the scroll beside him and handed it to Jian Qu.

(End of this chapter)

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