fake prince

Chapter 414

Chapter 414

Jian Qu took it over and looked at it, and found that there were several dates, places and people, followed by lines of notes in small characters.

Just listen to Su Ziji's explanation: "If you memorize the content above, burn it. After you return to Beijing, find someone to spread it secretly. It must be spread so that everyone knows it, and nothing can be left behind."

"But, my lord, here...there is also an affair about you..." Jian Qu took a closer look, his hands trembling a little.

He already understood that this is a rumored material.

There are all kinds of rumors above, most of which are not about politics but about personal morality. There are more than ten people involved, among which King Qi, Princess Xinping, and Su Ziji are all on the list.

There is very little about Princess Xinping, only to add a little color to some scandals about Su Ziji.

Spending a lot of money for a brothel, meeting an unknown peasant girl, Hongyan, and being invited by Princess Xinping to write poems several times. Among them, the protagonist, the focus of the topic, revolves around Su Ziji.

King Qi's is even more bizarre. When he was a teenager, he had an affair with a woman who was fabricated in the palace. After the woman died, the side concubines and concubines that King Qi successively accepted all had her shadow. Just like the mouth, like a jigsaw puzzle, the love is here.

Then there were some rumors that seemed to be true but were actually false. Jian Qu had occasionally heard Qian Dashuai mention about Xungui's romantic affairs before. They were all gossips that had been popular in the market for a while, but at this time they were also put on the spotlight. Here, to spread rumors together, it turns out that those stories have a follow-up.

Seeing Jian Qu's appearance, Su Ziji didn't explain clearly, fearing that he didn't dare to do it at all, so he could only explain: "I have learned that the people of King Qi are going to use pornography to tarnish my reputation. Whether it’s true or not, once it gets out, it’s hard to explain.”

"If you don't explain it, you will be regarded as guilty again."

"However, there is no way to solve it. The most feared thing about rumors is that multiple things will explode at once. As long as it is not the same thing, but scattered into multiple things, not only will the rumors not intensify, but it will distract attention. It is not uncommon. "

"Moreover, all the damage of rumors is authenticity."

"I created my own rumors, and there were reversals. In the end, I clarified that someone was jealous, or offended someone and was slandered."

"In this case, if there are rumors, others will preconceive them as slander."

"As for why I'm not alone, this is fishing in troubled waters."

When Jian Qu heard this, she immediately understood.

To start ahead of time and do what the enemy has to do ahead of time can be understated, making the listener preconceived and bored. In this way, even if someone wants to use similar things to tarnish the son's reputation, it is useless.

This is the so-called preemptive strike.

Hearing such an explanation, Jian Qu naturally had no worries before, and knew that this task was very important to Su Ziji, if there was a mistake, he might not be the first to act first, but dig a hole for himself.

"Young master, please don't worry, I will return to Beijing early tomorrow morning, so I won't delay your business." After reading this information several times, memorized it firmly, lit it with a candle again, and burned it to ashes. Only then did he solemnly reassure Su Ziji.

"Then you go to rest first, and you will return to Beijing when you land."

After Jian Qu left, Su Ziji sat quietly for a while before he calmed down and went to look for the fox.

Sure enough, following the direction he noticed just now, he soon found two balls of white fur, one large and one small, from the corner of the wall.

Before he left, the two foxes had just had a fight, but now it looked like they were sleeping with their paws hugged together.

Su Ziji, who wanted to ask them something, saw that they were sleeping soundly, finally shook his head and walked away.

Suburbs of Beijing

A three-entry house with green bricks and green tiles looks no different from the surrounding houses. In the past, the door was rarely opened, and occasionally people went out, and they were in a hurry.

But this is not surprising. In this area, there are some people who hide their beauty in golden houses, and some people who set up other courtyards here and only come here to relax occasionally. It is from buying a house that only leaving old servants to watch the master never show up. Also, such a house naturally stands out from the crowd and is inconspicuous.

"My lord, I'm going to take a rest, so you can take care of it and don't cause any trouble." A man in a black robe even in the house, it inspected carefully, secretly relieved, and walked back on the pebble road, showing a look of satisfaction.

No one knows that the man who lives in this house is not the squire as outsiders think, but the Tianji demon who joined forces with Cao Yiyan.

It is so close to the capital, and the alchemists stationed in the capital did not find out, because the house was built, and things were buried under it. Every brick, every tile, every plant and every tree were built according to the formation method, which is enough to isolate the people inside. Demonic aura, not to be discovered by outsiders.

It can be said that as long as the monsters inside do not destroy the barrier themselves, the monsters of all sizes in this house will basically be safe and sound, and they can live here with peace of mind.

"Little man understands." The little demon promised, they all looked similar to humans, even their living habits were the same, and seeing the master went, this demon would drink and eat meat in the courtyard, so happy.

"Ah!" It's just late at night, and Tianji Demon, who was sleeping in the bedroom, rushed into his body with a trace of black air, and suddenly opened his eyes, a glint of light flashed in his eyes, sat up, raised his arms , Yaoqi rushed out.

As the evil spirit rushed out, the whole house shimmered and blocked it.

"Pfft!" But with a crisp sound, Shimmer was torn open, and the evil spirit seeped out.

"Ah!!" Tian Ji Yao did not know what kind of nightmare he had, and howled again in pain, scales were exposed on his body, but he gradually woke up.

"My lord, what's the matter?" The monster who was eating meat outside was immediately startled, and quickly got up and asked.

Tianji Yao panted, and scanned the surrounding area: "It's nothing."

No, not without incident.

Although the pain of suffocation and death has subsided a lot, it still lingers in my feeling.

"Something happened, something happened to my avatar."

"But I don't think about it now."

Tianji Yao only took one look at it, and found that the barrier that the house had set up when it was first built had been broken by itself when it was impulsive!

And not far away, terrifying fluctuations are waking up, as if they are about to shift their attention here.

Before he had time to think about it, the Tianji Demon appeared in front of the monster outside in a blink of an eye: "The breath of isolation has leaked, let's leave here immediately!"

Thinking of leaving directly with spells, alchemists will definitely be attracted, and he ordered: "Leave in a bullock cart, you go prepare the cart!"

"Don't bring your belongings, it's too late, just leave!"

Fortunately, only he and this confidant are here at this time, if there are more monsters, the monster aura is soaring, I am afraid that there will be no time to leave.

Just saying that, Tianji Yao suddenly let out a muffled snort, and black blood seeped from the seven orifices.

The avatar is destroyed, and the backlash comes!

(End of this chapter)

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