fake prince

Chapter 415 Incarnation

Chapter 415 Incarnation

Just after he came out of the residence, there was a sudden flash in the dark sky, a bang, and a blast of thunder shook the space.

Even the big monster is probably afraid of thunder.

It's not that it's not suitable to stay at this time, the Tianji Demon is afraid that he doesn't want to go out when the thunder is rumbling.

But the situation is like this, I can only wrong myself.

Going out in an ox cart, opened the curtains, and looked at the rain that was falling one after another outside, a trace of deep disgust flashed in the eyes of the Tianji Demon, which was not covered by the mask.

"This kind of rainy day is really annoying, there is wet rain everywhere, tsk!" The dislike of water is a strange feeling that suddenly emerges at this time.

Previously, as a great monster, the Tianji demon only hated and feared Lei, but this is actually the instinct of many monsters, and even after becoming a great monster, it is unavoidable.

But Tianji Demon never hated water before, and even liked it very much. Now this change is very strange, at least the monster who was temporarily acting as a coachman in front of him thought it was very strange.

This kind of strangeness is also different from the uneasiness when being notified to evacuate quickly, it is a kind of feeling with a slight disobedience that makes it have to mind asking more questions.

But there is a huge difference in strength, this question was not asked after all, and the content was changed when the words came to the mouth.

"My lord, do you just keep going down this road? Is there any place to go?"

Tianji Yao said: "Then go..."

I just wanted to talk about a place, when suddenly the depths of my soul exploded with a "boom", and then there were countless pollutions that made it frown, blending with its soul.

Although this is not the first time this situation has been encountered, it is still unbearable.

Tianji Yao endured wave after wave of shocks and frowned: "Let's walk casually... It's dawn, don't deliberately avoid the crowd, just walk straight."

"Yes!" Knowing that this was to hide from the crowd, the driving monster immediately responded.

The Tianji Demon in the car gritted his teeth amidst the sound of hooves, and broke out in cold sweat on his forehead. The constant pain coming from the depths of his soul made him just groan, and the subsequent voice was forcibly swallowed.

What followed was a nightmare of despair and pain.

Or rather, a memory of death.

It seems to have personally experienced the death of an ordinary person, a death of despair at the bottom of the water.

The pain of suffocation experienced by being grabbed by the ankles and forced into the bottom of the river, the despair when struggling in vain, and the shock and resentment when knowing who killed oneself, all kinds of emotions are like tarsal bones. The maggots immediately surrounded and wrapped it up.

But Tianji Yao knew that this was an inevitable process, so he didn't dodge, but seemed to open his arms, embracing these energies, together with negative emotions, into his soul.

The pain of death became more and more real.

It wasn't until the mask was soaked with sweat that Tianji Yao finally completed another transformation.

The mask he almost never took off was ripped off the next moment, and the exposed face looked exactly like the dead Chu Guyong, except that his face was a little paler.

Only those eyes, with a faint green light flickering, can't be seen by ordinary human beings.

"Sigh, it's been hard, and my incarnation has finally become a guest of the palace."

The Hou Mansion is as deep as the sea, and only Tianji Yao understands how difficult it is. It requires a little soul in the baby, and it will be almost completely cut off later.

Not only is Chu Guyong completely ignorant, even Tianji Yao himself never contacts him, so as not to create a connection and make a change. He only waits for his fruit to mature and become a trump card at a critical time.

"If King Qi ascends the throne in the future, I will wait until I reach a higher level. Even if I don't ascend the throne, I can still obtain a lot of merits to help me grow--now I have absorbed the remnant soul, and the strength I have absorbed can be equivalent to my ten years of cultivation. .”

"Unfortunately, he was killed. If he lives to the end of his normal life, I don't know how much it will help him."

At first, Tianji Yao could still think rationally and calmly.

But as the speed of fusion in the depths of the soul accelerated, some resentment and hostility were mixed in the seemingly rational expression.

The dreamlike feeling made him unable to tell which one was real and which one was fake for a moment.

This is the disadvantage of this secret method. Different lives, if you are not careful, you will get lost. Even if you don't get lost, it is actually a kind of pollution to your soul.

Especially this kind of violent death, when the hostility penetrates into one's soul, it becomes a cause and effect, or it takes decades to slowly fade away, or it has to fulfill its wish-revenge.

to clean up this pollution.

"Dragon Lord evolved various methods back then, and opened up many techniques, but unfortunately, none of them were completed."

"The side effects are too great."

After a long time, it regained its stability, woke up, and murmured: "Chu Gurong, don't worry, I will definitely avenge your revenge, because you are me."

"Su Ziji, I have nothing to do with you, why did you kill me?"

Tianji Yao also knew that it wasn't for no reason, but that the two met each other, but Chu Gurong didn't expect Su Ziji to be so fast, ruthless, and accurate.

As for whether it was Su Ziji, the voice in his memory, in fact, Tianji Yao himself couldn't immediately think of who it was, after all, the two of them had never met face to face, but since Chu Guyong thought it was Su Ziji, it should be him.

Although Chu Guyong is a human being, when it dies, it will return to its original nature, and its spiritual sense will be particularly clear.

Tianji Yao carefully experienced the process of death, his expression changed, and he said to himself: "There is still a fox smell in the water. Could it be that the death of Chu Guyong is also related to the fox?"

"That's right, Su Ziji seems to have raised a fox. Although he doesn't know how to get in and out freely in the capital, it is definitely not a fox."

"Su Ziji is of the blood of the prince. He could still feel it when he was a scholar, but now he is deep and unpredictable. Quaker is flourishing."

"Could it be Qingqiu who also wants to help Longting?"

"It's possible, hmph, to deal with nobles, you can't go directly, but you must first cut off their wings and make them gradually decline. This has been done in the past dynasties."

"Su Ziji, I can't do anything to you for now, but I can attack your party members."

In fact, Tianji Yao didn't want to confront Su Ziji at all, but just wanted to, and snorted again, black blood flowed from the seven orifices, and he twitched in pain.

"Damn, hate, it seems that I have to do it." Thinking of this, Tian Ji Yao's pain subsided, and he just sneered: "However, I worked hard and took the lead."

"At King Qi's office, I'm not just Chu Gurong, even Cao Yiyan, the prince of the previous dynasty, I have a deep friendship with him. As long as I want, I can use my knife!"

Thinking of this, there was a "boom", and rolling thunder flew in the air like a wheel running over a bridge hole, and Yu Qianzhi, who hurried over, couldn't help looking at the sky and pressing his forehead, even he was a little bit desperate.

"The heavenly secret has changed again. In this case, who can calculate the heavenly secret?"

Without the celestial secret, most of the power of the Taoist is actually lost, and there is no longer a transcendent identity.

(End of this chapter)

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