fake prince

Chapter 416 Eventful Autumn

Chapter 416 Eventful Autumn

Beijing·Peach Blossom Lane

In Su's house, the male master is not there, and the female master closes the door to thank guests, and no one she knows well is seen.

Of course, this outsider did not include Zhou Yao, who Ye Buhui had just met, and Du Chenglin, who had a half-teacher status.

Although Ye Buhui didn't socialize very much with the wives of officials in the capital, the family members of the gentry and women nearby met her and had several gatherings.

But after going there a few times, he realized that he actually didn't like that kind of occasion, so Ye Buhui stopped embarrassing himself, and only did things related to playing chess every day.

Although I miss Su Ziji from time to time and worry about him, but in the rest of the time, in order to relieve loneliness, I often invite Zhou Yao, the daughter of the Zhou family, to sit at home for a while.

The current public opinion in the capital is still cautious about making friends with female family members. Su Ziji is not in Beijing, so Zhou's father and Zhou's mother feel more at ease and don't stop them.

Whenever Zhou Yao came over, she always brought her qin with her. Although Ye Buhui didn't like to play the qin or knew how to play it, she could still hear the quality of the qin and admired Zhou Yao's qin skills very much.

It's strange to say that one of the two only likes to play chess and the other only likes to play the piano, but they can still get together often, which makes Du Chenglin, who also comes here occasionally, a little puzzled.

But the so-called close friends in the boudoir, or friendship, is so wonderful, there is no need for special similarities, as long as you get along comfortably, you can talk about yours, I will do mine, each busy in his own way, and you can also hug each other to keep warm.

It rained until midnight, and when he got up in the morning, Ye Buhui called people to clean up and waited for the guests to come to the door, while watching the drizzle outside the window, silently lost in thought.

Originally there were foxes with her, but when she came back on the day of her farewell, she found that the fox was gone. She searched around but couldn't find it. Because of her criminal record, she felt that the two foxes might go with them when they went to the pier. .

Sure enough, dinner was ready at night, and it was delicious chicken legs, but the fox didn't show up.

This must have followed to the pier and secretly boarded the boat.

Ye Buhui had nothing to do about this, he could only sigh, secretly angry in his heart, when the fox came back with her husband, she had to teach Xiaobai a lesson.

To that big fox, Ye Buhui treated it according to the standards of Xiaobai friends, so naturally it was not easy to scold him equally.

"So Xiaobai will be scolded twice!" Ye Buhui thought angrily.

Not long after breakfast, distinguished guests came to the door one after another.

Zhou Yao came first, and Du Chenglin arrived after a while.

Since I came here once yesterday, Du Chenglin was not surprised to see Zhou Yao playing the piano quietly when he came here today, and he didn't even bother, and started playing chess with Ye Buhui directly.

Normally, Ye Buhui could barely fight Du Chenglin for a while, but today, Ye Buhui's condition doesn't seem to be very good.

"I lost!" Ye Buhui looked at the endgame, admitted defeat with a wry smile, and couldn't help but confide his troubles to Du Chenglin after the meeting.

"Uncle Du, I don't think my chess skills have improved at all recently. No, it's better to say that I have regressed than not improving."

"Uncle Du, tell me, have I lost my spirit because I always think about winning?"

"If you don't want to win in chess, don't you love to think about losing? You don't have to be so entangled." Du Chenglin laughed when he heard it: "Don't listen to those people who say that there is no chess in their hearts and there are chess in their hands. It's all nonsense. think."

"Maybe it was influenced by Buddhist teachings, they always pretended to be empty, but in fact, none of them can play chess."

"It is said that there are warriors who have also learned this set. Why do they have a sword in their hands without a sword in their hearts? They also said that this is the realm of the sword god, but they were hacked to death."

"The same martial arts, with weapons can kill without weapons, good weapons can kill bad weapons, this is the iron law."

Du Chenglin smiled: "This is actually a normal situation for you. I have experienced it before. This is a bottleneck and I haven't figured it out yet, so it seems to be regressing. But once you break through, you will really enter the ranks of first-class chess players. , you can compete for the title of Chess Master."

"It's actually a good thing that you didn't participate this year."

What was not mentioned later is that this so-called breakthrough is not so easy, and it can even be said that there is no law at all.

Some people may break through in the next moment, or they may stop at this point for the rest of their lives, unable to break through.

"So that's how it is." Ye Buhui thought deeply.

They were talking here, Zhou Yao just listened but didn't speak, she played the piano a little bit, with a pretty expressionless face, in fact, if you look closely, you can see a slight bitterness.

"It's already here, why do you have to be so preoccupied? It's hard to come out to take a breath and play, but you still don't have a good time, why bother?" The mysterious voice in my heart was laughing at her.

Zhou Yao didn't want to come, but she had to come because of the mysterious voice.

To Su Ziji, Zhou Yao made use of him, she already felt apologetic, but to Su Ziji's wife, Ye Buhui, she felt even more apologetic every time she was warmly entertained by him.

The husband and wife are such good people, because of her own selfishness, she was dragged into a mud pit that she shouldn't have fallen into, and was worried about by a mysterious voice that seemed to be connected with the monster clan. The reason why Zhou Yao didn't want to come over.

But she still came.

When he first met that chess master Du, the mysterious voice let out a "huh" and then laughed twice.

Although she didn't know what the other party was laughing at, Zhou Yao was indifferent and didn't even ask.

But at this moment, the ridicule of the mysterious voice made Zhou Yao stop playing the piano.

It knew that this was Zhou Yao's anger.

From being ridiculed by himself at the beginning, only caring about Shao Sisen's affairs, to now being ridiculed by himself, he can show a slightly angry face. This kind of obvious grief is slowly being restored, so that the mysterious voice did not continue to speak.

I don't know if I suddenly have a conscience again, knowing not to poke people's wounds anymore.

At this moment, Du Chenglin frowned and turned to look in one direction.

Although it was separated by the city wall and at such a long distance, the aura that belonged to the big monster rushed to the sky without restraint, and Du Chenglin immediately noticed it.

Even he has noticed that the alchemists in the capital, who have always been vigilant in this regard, are afraid that they will be dispatched at once to investigate the situation.

"Fortunately, Liu Zhan is not in the capital." Du Chenglin thought happily, "Yu Qianzhi will definitely check it out, and this person's methods are much gentler."

Almost at the same time, Zhou Yao, who had been acting as the background board, also looked in the direction Du Chenglin was looking at.

With just one glance, the voice in my heart was surprised: "It actually leaked the evil spirit, something must have happened there, there is no need to stay here anymore, you go to say goodbye to the master, and go to that direction to have a look."

Zhou Yao had no choice but to obey.

After she found a reason to tell Ye Buhui to leave, she left in a hurry.

Du Chenglin frowned, staring at her receding back, without saying a word for a long time, this girl, it can't see through, it seems a little abnormal, but when you look carefully, you can't feel the evil spirit.

"In the past two years, the secrets of the heavens have been confused. Even though I don't practice this, I can feel that it will be troublesome soon."


Toothache, swollen face, go to the doctor, Chapter 3 may be released in the afternoon, and I apologize to everyone

(End of this chapter)

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