fake prince

Chapter 423 Suspicion

Chapter 423 Suspicion

Beijing Suburb · Pavilion

The two "persons" who had just talked to were walking out.

They are also wrapped in black cloaks, but Cao Yiyan gives people the impression that he is gentle and elegant, a gentleman like jade, and he is much more low-key alone.

The body wrapped in the black cloak seemed to dislike the sun very much, and the exposed skin was even more pale, and the whole person felt vulnerable to the wind, as if it could be blown away by the wind.

Cao Yiyan smiled, although the smile was light, showing a kind of gentleness, but the eyes that fell on the person beside him were a little inquiring.

For the Tianji Demon who wears a mask and can't see its specific appearance every time I meet, even though I have dealt with it many times, every time I see it again, I still inevitably feel curious about what its appearance looks like under the mask.

This time it was even worse, its eyes that were exposed outside in the past, and the eyes that were squinted now, with the keenness of a martial arts master, one could see that it was not the same person.

Of course, the appearance of a big monster like Tianji Yao is not fixed, it may change its appearance at intervals, and its breath is too recognizable, there is absolutely no possibility of being faked, even though Cao Yiyan has a little doubt, but once talking, They all went back.

Although the monsters are all about the same when they are fierce, the big monster's personality and aura are also very distinct. As long as it is a big monster that has been known, let alone one, there are ten or hundreds of them, and they will not be mistaken.

But if you know it, you know it, and it doesn't prevent Cao Yiyan from wondering why it suddenly changed its appearance again.

Could it have something to do with it suddenly coming to find me?

"I will consider your suggestion. This time, it is thanks to you that I got the news and let me know. I will never forget our alliance agreement."

Send it out of the pavilion politely, Cao Yiyan said.

The expression under the mask of Tianji Yao couldn't be revealed, but there was a flash of clarity in those eyes, as if he had seen through Cao Yiyan's politeness.

With a flash of figure, it disappeared from the spot, and Cao Yiyan really couldn't feel its breath, so she was slightly relieved.

Even if it is an alliance, forming an alliance with a monster is actually no less than seeking skin with a tiger.When in contact with it, it is inevitable to be vigilant at all times, and it cannot be clearly noticed by it.

It is really not easy to show the sincerity of forming an alliance with it, but also to guard against the possible troubles that it may suddenly turn against the water.

"Your Highness, monsters are not to be trusted." The young man who had been silent just now persuaded softly.

Cao Yiyan could still hear these words, and nodded: "That's true. Originally, the monster clan contacted me regularly and rarely, but this time he came to me suddenly and told me the news, showing some urgency. , there must be a conspiracy in it."

"Or maybe it's in big trouble."

Cao Yiyan said again: "The so-called alliance between me and it is actually just to get what we need. We never thought it would last long. Monsters are prone to capriciousness. I have always been vigilant."

"It's just that the Yaozu is still useful. Among other things, many of the clues to clean up and take over Lin Guo this time are clues provided by the Yaozu. Otherwise, it would be difficult for me to catch them all."

"As for this sword, Chunhan, it's a nail. I wanted to take it under his family, but I didn't want to, but I refused, so I had to pull it out."

"Whether it's from the monster clan or the Jianghu people, they are all just small ways, not the righteous way of the country. I still understand this."

Only then did the young man show a relieved expression, and smiled respectfully: "His Royal Highness can be vigilant against the monster race, and I can rest assured. In fact, if your highness needs to go out of Beijing to investigate something, leave it to me, or be faster than the monsters." Can be faster."

"Although monsters have supernatural powers, they are far inferior to the power of our country when it comes to infiltrating and exploiting all over the world."

"After all, in order to restore the country, we have prepared a lot for a rainy day."

Cao Yiyan nodded, thinking about what Tianji Yao said just now, thinking to himself: "If what Tianji Yao said is true, then the fact that Qingqiu won Wei Shizu's treasure may be true."

"I seem to have seen this item in Wei Wei's secret file, but I didn't carefully record what this treasure is, but the memory is not fake. I forgot where I saw it. There should be such a thing."

"Go back and check."

"Although telling me this news in such a hurry, there should be a conspiracy, no good intentions, or wanting me to be cannon fodder for this wayfinding, but how do you know that I can't really get the thing?"

"It can be wrong to think that I am the kind of impulsive and reckless person, but I am not a timid person who only knows how to retreat."

"It seems that this matter still needs to be investigated first."

"As for Yingguo, it's hard to tell if loyalty is true or not, and it's too straightforward to admit the Lord. You can let them do one or two things first to see if they are effective."

"Take this opportunity to investigate again." Cao Yiyan thought so, and said to the young man, "I do have something that I want you to do."

"Just now the monster envoy said that a treasure of the ancestors was left behind in Qingqiu. If it is true, the treasures of the ancestors are the most important treasures of the country. As subjects, we must take them back. How could it be possible for the fox in Qingqiu? control?"

"But if it's false, it's a conspiracy to lure me to enmity with Qingqiu."

"What I asked you to do is to search for some books, information or folk rumors about Qingqiu. The more the better, see if there are any traces related to Shizu."

"Let's spy on the exact location of Qingqiu."

"Yes, I will do it now!" The young man immediately responded, seeing someone coming, saying that the battle was over, some people from the Jianghu ran away, the rest were killed, and the battlefield was also cleaned, the young man ordered someone to escort Cao Yiyan away Go, and go to work yourself.

Cao Yiyan didn't object, and let them escort him back to the other courtyard.

It is also in the suburbs of Beijing. When spring and summer come here, there are many brilliant wild flowers blooming along the road. When the ox carts pass by, the fragrance of flowers blows by the wind, but it is clean and quiet, with wild charm. It is a good place to stay.

Although Cao Yiyan is not a person who pays much attention to enjoyment, in the past, he often wore a half-worn green shirt and pretended to be a Juren from an ordinary family, but if he could live more comfortably, he would not refuse.

When the person who escorted him back arrived at the gate of the house, he ordered him to leave.

And Cao Yiyan pushed open the door and walked in.

As Liu Zhan's nominal big disciple, he could naturally feel that those people had indeed left obediently, and there was indeed no one around here following him.

"It looks pretty good now." But Cao Yiyan would not be so stupid if it made him completely believe in this group of Ying people who immediately worshiped as his disciples at the first sight.

The house was still relatively quiet, when Cao Yiyan came to the study, there was already a servant waiting with lowered eyebrows.

"Call Wei Zhong, I have something to order." Cao Yiyan said, sitting down and taking out a book to read.

The servant answered "Yes" and immediately withdrew.

(End of this chapter)

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