fake prince

Chapter 424 Warrant

Chapter 424 Warrant

When Cao Yiyan quickly flipped through the second volume, a man rushed over, stepped in, and bowed: "What do you want, my lord?"

This person is Cao Yiyan's manpower in the capital. Cao Yiyan has planned for many years, so naturally he gathered a group of people, but they all perform their own duties and are busy with things. Wei Zhong can handle some temporary extra chores for him, but not many.

But this person is indeed very suitable for inquiring about information. Judging by his mediocre appearance, it is almost impossible to find him in the crowd. It can be seen that he is indeed talented in this field and suitable for this bowl of rice.

Seeing him arrive, Cao Yiyan put down the scroll and said, "I have two things for you to do."

"The first thing is to investigate the situation in Yingguo. Although this group of Yingguo people claim to be righteous men of the Great Wei, they are not. I don't know how loyal they are. I need you to verify it."

"The second thing is to touch Qingqiu's situation."

"Although the entrance to Qingqiu has never been discovered by a real person, even Liu Zhan couldn't find the entrance, but since the legend of Qingqiu spread in the Wei Dynasty, it means that there must be monsters from Qingqiu."

"You can go out, you can go in. But that's not the point. I need you to investigate carefully, whether Emperor Shizu of Great Wei really had contact with Qingqiu monsters, and whether any treasures were really left behind in Qingqiu."

"Remember, the above two things are just for you to find out the situation. Don't act rashly. If you find anything, you must return it to me. You can't act without authorization."

Wei Zhong's name is taken from the word "Wei Zhong". Being able to use these two characters as a name shows his loyalty to Wei and Cao Yiyan.

After listening to the order, he immediately responded, even though he knew that these two things might be dangerous to investigate, he was not afraid.

Cao Yiyan nodded in satisfaction, and waved him back.

When Wei Zhong went out, Cao Yiyan looked at a landscape painting on the wall with his hands behind his back for a while, and felt that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't draw a painting as majestic as Liu Zhan's own.

He looked at it for a moment, then turned around and said to himself: "I have to say that the puppet Zheng established the country for 30 years, and the foundation has gradually become stable. Now even if there is an additional cornerstone of Yingguo, it will be difficult to shake."

"Those who died in the second generation in history must have civil strife or abuse of national power."

"The Taizu of Pseudo-Zheng is very cautious about this today. The only way now is to incite civil strife between the two kings of Qi and Shu, or the rise of Su Ziji, and they can kill each other."

"In short, the world cannot be peaceful." Cao Yiyan gritted her teeth and thought deeply, "Perhaps, I can be introduced to King Qi, and I will have a better chance of breaking into King Qi."

Back to half an hour ago, the Tianji demon landed in a bullock cart parked not far away, and ordered the coachman monster to drive away.

"Although Cao Yiyan sent each other good words, I can feel that he has become wary of me." Tianji Yao leaned on him and let the bullock cart leave, his expression seemed calm and calm, but in fact he said impulsively And when it dissipates, what remains is the regret on the surface.

"What's wrong with me? I'm getting more and more impatient?" A bit confused, Tianji Demon's eyes flashed gloomy, and when he stretched out his hand, a warrant appeared in his palm, and he frowned and looked at it carefully.

This warrant was brought to him by the king of Qi for discussion, but they broke up unhappy, and the king of Qi suddenly sent someone to him.

Because he went to see Cao Yiyan, he hadn't thought about the contents of the warrant.

When I watched it before, I just glanced at it hastily, and now I unfolded it and continued to watch, Tianji Yao was still in a bad mood.

There was really no way to make him feel better.

Originally, Tianji Yao wanted King Qi to give orders, so that King Qi could bear the responsibility. If something happened in the future, it would not be him who would suffer the backlash.

But after negotiating with King Qi, it made it realize that King Qi is really not easy to fool.

I didn't agree at the time, and even though I agreed later, how different is this agreement from disagreement?

Tianji Yao looked at the contents of the warrant and shook his head.

"It's tasteless."

This thing is simply tasteless, tasteless to eat, and a pity to throw away.

It turned out that King Qi just entrusted it to observe the Dragon Palace.

Even if King Qi didn't give the warrant, Tianji Yao would naturally be able to go if he wanted to observe the Dragon Palace, but if he didn't give an order, he would just go there and take a look. Whatever he did was the responsibility of Tianji Yao himself. , isn't it the same as never looking for it?

I even took a risk for nothing, why bother?

Thinking of this, Tianji Yao suddenly let out a muffled snort, his face turned pale, and his body trembled.Someone suddenly slashed his head with an ax and dug deep into the cracks in the bones, the pain made his whole monster twitch.

Fortunately, the pain came quickly and did not go away very slowly. After about a cup of tea, the pain gradually eased and disappeared.

However, even though the torture of headache was over, there was a hint of redness in Tianji Yao's eyes.

"Hateful, such a secret method has such a sequelae."

Tianji Yao is also clear that when Long Jun developed all kinds of techniques, they were all new creations. No matter how great his skills are, there are always loopholes. No wonder Long Jun.

But with personal experience, I know how difficult the consequences are.

"The released souls are full of hostility, but they are unwilling to settle down. They must be pulled out."

"There is no need to go any further." Tianji Demon said to the monster driving in front, "Turn around and go directly to the pier from the path."

"My lord, are we going to leave the boundary of the capital by boat?" the monster in front asked.

Tianji Yao said, "Yes, the destination is Shun'an Mansion."

Feng'an Qu

The continuous official ships sailing along the water is very spectacular.

Sometimes Su Ziji stood on the bow of the boat and looked towards the two banks, and when he saw the curious and awe-inspiring people looking towards the boats in the river, he felt a sense of trance.

At this time last year, he was just an ordinary scholar. How could he ever think that he would wear an official uniform, be guarded by armored soldiers, and monopolize an official ship for a day?

Thinking of today at that time, I am afraid that I am already satisfied.

After all, at that time, he was still worried about whether he could be admitted as a scholar or a scholar, he was still worried about the gangs in a small county, and he was worried about dozens of taels of silver.

But when he really passed the examination of scholar, passed the examination to understand Yuan, and went to Beijing to win the number one scholar, he was still not satisfied in his heart.

The sky is high enough for birds to fly, and the sea is wide enough for fishes to leap. The world is so big, how can we easily be satisfied with the status quo after such a hard time?

Sure enough, the most difficult thing to fill is human ambition and desire.

"Shun'an Mansion, others think that I have entered the quagmire, but I think this is an opportunity."

"Lord Su!" A call interrupted the association, and Su Ziji knew that Xun Sichen was coming without reporting it. He stopped this indulgent thought, turned around, and looked at the young guard who had jumped onto the official boat.

A few days ago, this guard happened to meet him on the imperial envoy's ship, and they chatted and made friends with him.

Of course Su Ziji knew the purpose of this person's visit, but he was not disgusted with this person's personal relationship.

(End of this chapter)

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