fake prince

Chapter 425 Making Friends

Chapter 425 Making Friends

Su Ziji stood on the side of the ship, and came back to look at it carefully.

Xun Sichen is in his early twenties, and his family should be a hereditary warrior, but his family background is not that good. Although Su Ziji hasn't gotten along well enough to ask about private matters, he can tell a lot from the details of his contact. .

Those military officers with good backgrounds and reliance, even if they are still low-grade at the moment, their words and deeds can bring out some sense of superiority and sense of proportion.

But Xun Sichen gave people the impression that while he was talented, he was also cautious and calm in dealing with things, which didn't seem like a person of his age.

But even though there may be heavy pressure in life, Xun Sichen is still quite self-controlled and keeps up.

Such a contradictory and transparent person, given the opportunity, may not fail to rise step by step in time.

For a military officer, he is good at martial arts, has a humble background but can make use of his strengths and avoid his weaknesses, can read and write and has been studying in private, and has good self-control, but he is not aloof and unable to get along with his colleagues.

How to look at it, how to become a talent.

Su Ziji knew that his intentions were not good, but he still pretended not to know, allowing Xun Sichen to come to him every day to ask him for advice.

In the end, it's just a little bit of talent.

Xun Sichen came here today, unlike the previous few days, he didn't bring any articles, but looked lonely, as if he was here to talk.

Su Ziji greeted him to sit directly on the deck, and asked the back chef to serve some wine and food.

Xun Sichen listened to Su Ziji's understatement of how he came from a poor family to the present, and he couldn't help being fascinated. When he heard that Su Ziji had a wife and was still a green plum, he couldn't help sighing: "So you It’s great that the family is just for the wife.”

It's envious but not like it.

Xun Sichen then picked up the wine bowl again and took a long gulp. Because of his capacity for alcohol and the low alcohol content, not only was he not drunk, but his eyes became clearer.

"There are seventeen people in my family, hey!"

This sigh made Su Ziji laugh.

"A large population means that the family is prosperous. It's a good thing. Why are you sighing? Could it be that it's hard for one person to support the family?"

"Master Su doesn't know something. My father died early, and my uncle passed away a few years ago. Although they all have pensions, a family of seventeen, old and young, relying on me alone, is really..."

Xun Sichen smiled wryly.

At this time, someone on the boat in front shouted: "The white gull has arrived!"

Arriving at Baioudu, it means that the waterway has come to an end.

Disembark from here and travel for a few more days to pass through Mingde Mansion to reach the destination Shun'an Mansion.

"It seems that it's time for you and me to part." Su Ziji withdrew his gaze and said to Xun Sichen whose expression became more and more gloomy.

"I'm going to Shun'an mansion now, and I don't know when I will be able to return to the capital. If I come back one day, if brother Xun is also in the capital, we can get together again."

As he said that, he asked people to clean up and prepare to go ashore.

"Master Su." Xun Sichen stopped Su Ziji from behind.

Su Ziji was silent for a moment before turning to look at him.

Xun Sichen also hesitated for a while, before asking: "Actually, I also have an errand to take the dry road, and I just passed Shun'an Mansion. I wonder if I can go with Mr. Su?"

Su Ziji laughed when he heard this.

"Of course, we can gather at the ferry later."

After getting this answer, Xun Sichen heaved a sigh of relief, but at the same time he felt a heavy burden in his heart.

He didn't even dare to look at Su Ziji more, excused that he had to pack his luggage, and hurried back to the original big boat in a small boat.

Watching him leave by boat, Su Ziji, who looked away, shook his head towards Cen Rubai who came over, signaling that he didn't have to follow, and went to the imperial envoy's boat to bid farewell to imperial envoy Luo Pei.

"You have won the number one scholar. No one doubts that you are excellent in learning, but this official career is not as simple as learning. In the past, new scholars had to observe politics for three years. When you go to Shun'an Mansion, try to see and ask as much as possible." Luo Pei still had a good impression of Su Ziji, and urged him.

"Thank you for your kind words, I will keep them in mind." Su Ziji replied, but this farewell was not the purpose of coming here, and by the way, he asked Luo Pei for a guide who was familiar with the dry roads of Mingde Mansion and Shun'an Mansion.

"Then let Zhang Sui give you a ride." Although Luo Pei was a little strange, it was just a trivial matter, and he would naturally not refuse this kind of favor, so he agreed straight away.

Then they asked someone to call this petty official named Zhang Sui, but he was only an eight-rank clerk, and because he was from the Mingde Mansion, it was perfect for him to lead Su Ziji and his party.

This person is born clean, most of the civil servants have facial features, and his opponents generally have requirements for appearance and temperament, and most of them will prefer the type of good-looking, fair-looking, refreshing and bookish, Zhang Sui is such a type.

Although he is about 30 years old, his appearance is just correct, not outstanding, but he feels good.

As soon as he heard that he was asked to be a guide, regardless of whether he wanted it in his heart, Zhang Sui looked like he was willing to go.

"When it is delivered to the place, you can take a merchant ship to catch up."

Thinking that his fleet would stay for a few days every time he went on patrol, Luo Pei was naturally not afraid that Zhang Sui would not be able to keep up, so he readily handed him over to Su Ziji.

Su Ziji thanked again, leading Zhang Sui, there was no need to go back to his official ship, soon the ship berthed at the ferry, and went directly off from the imperial envoy's official ship.

"I was worried before that I only took ten armored soldiers to Shun'an Mansion. Is it because there are too few people? I didn't expect to go along with the Xun guards. Now there are ten more people, and 20 people are enough to protect Mr. Su and arrive at Shun'an house."

Standing on the deck, watching Su Ziji get off the boat, he joined Xun Sichen's team as one. Luo Pei, who had just learned from Su Ziji that he was going to go with him, stroked his beard and nodded with a smile.

Liu Zhan watched the group of people go away, saw the sky darkened, the sky became dark and gloomy, the river became dark, and the sound of beating the shore was a bit palpitating, he kept silent and said, "This may not be the case."

"Oh?" Luo Pei was taken aback, not understanding what kind of emotions this fellow Master Liu was having.

Liu Zhan didn't speak, but just pondered: "Depending on the situation, Luo Ji wants to attack. I don't want this eunuch to come up with such an idea. That's right. No matter how my colleagues plot against him, it's impossible to guard against. It's more sure than an attack."

"I don't know if Su Ziji can escape this disaster."

"I don't know much about facial physiognomy, but I can tell that this Su Ziji doesn't look like he's dying, and he doesn't know if King Qi still has a backhand."

Thinking that the eunuch Luo Ji became more annoying after Chu Guyong's death, Liu Zhan didn't want to contact this person again.

He turned around and entered the cabin. The cabin was not big, but it was very clean. He sat on the couch, and was worried that Luo Ji's bad move would ruin his plan to kill the dragon girl.

Just thinking about it, I was stunned, and looked in one direction through the cabin.

(End of this chapter)

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