fake prince

Chapter 427

Chapter 427

Whether it is the Great Wei or the Great Zheng, there are a large number of post pavilions, which are widely distributed and have post houses. According to the rules of the court, officials themselves can rest and stay in the post pavilions, and requisition cattle and horses.

Horses must be for military use, so ox carts can be requisitioned. Su Ziji is treated from the sixth rank, but he is also an observer, which can be doubled.

20 people were driving bullock carts, the front and rear were very close together, forming a small convoy, and headed for Shun'an Mansion.

Because there is no need to pass through the capital city of Mingde Mansion, you have to go straight ahead from the official road, and you have to take small roads and climb mountains and mountains on the way, so I bought some food and water before, and prepared them for the road. If you don’t catch up with the hotel , Prepare to spend the night in the wild.

When they reached Guyang Road, at nightfall, they were surprised to find a hotel in front of them.

"I didn't expect there to be a hotel in this sparsely populated place! Seeing that it is still lit with lanterns, it must be opened by someone. My lord, let's check in at the front!"

The head of the guard took a look and suggested to Su Ziji.

Being able to stay in a hotel, Su Ziji naturally didn't want to sleep in the open, so he nodded: "Yes."

And the people on the bullock cart following behind looked at each other with joy, and some were simply happy that they could finally relax on the soft bed.

When looking at the sky, the rain is sporadic and slightly cool.

The owner of the shop came out early to welcome people and cars, and rushed to meet them. He was smiling, but when he saw that it was an official, he immediately knelt down on the ground and murmured: "So it is an official, my villain greets you..."

"It's nothing, let's all get up." Su Ziji knew the store owner's scruples, and said gently: "You are the owner of the store, and I am a customer. If you come, you will be rewarded with ten taels of silver first. We will settle down for a night, and serve wine and food. Hot water, let me know when it’s running out.”

Seeing an ingot thrown over, the boss took it and looked at it. It was an official silver of twelve taels. I killed a pig I raised and got fresh ingredients."

At this time, the price of rent is about 500 to 30 renminbi a night, about 20 renminbi for more than [-] people, and a fat chicken is only [-] renminbi, and high-quality pork is [-] renminbi per catty. It can be said that ten taels of silver is more than enough to pay the bill. , the people who immediately followed all showed joy, this time there is a good fortune.

Immediately, someone moved the water tray to wash everyone's face. In a moment of panic, Su Ziji said to Shi Chang: "Take people with you, and tie up the ox cart so that you don't get lost."

"Yes!" Shi Chang led the people to clean up the chores, and the guards naturally went in first.

At this moment, a boy and a girl, all unkempt, about eleven or twelve years old, came in and begged: "Masters, give me a stutter, my sister hasn't eaten all day."

Giving a bite to eat makes people can't help but sigh with emotion, this incident of meeting a beggar in a hotel, even in this wild place, can actually happen.

The clerk frowned at a glance, and yelled at him to drive him away, but Xun Sichen, who came in first to check the situation, stopped the clerk: "No need."

He walked to the side again, took a big steamed bun that was just served, and threw it into the beggar's arms.

"Go and eat!"

Su Ziji walked in one step later, just in time to see this scene, he couldn't help laughing.

"Lord Su, it's rare that there is a cubicle there, why don't we sit there?" Just as he was about to sit down in the lobby, Xun Sichen pointed to a table in the corner separated by a screen, and said.

It is said to be a cubicle, but it is actually in the lobby, only separated by a screen. I don't know where the owner learned to be elegant.

Xun Sichen explained: "You and I eat here, but they can't let go."

Su Ziji glanced at the people who came in one after another, and nodded: "Then go inside."

Experienced people have already checked everywhere, and even checked the tea, and there was nothing wrong with it, so everyone sat in a staggered manner.

Zhang Sui had acquaintances in the team, so he didn't answer Su Ziji's invitation to go to the cubicle, but sat here in the lobby.

Because it was late for them to check in, even though they slaughtered pigs and chickens, they didn't eat much, only steamed buns, sauced meat, tea, and wine. The guards didn't dare to drink while on the road, so as not to cause trouble, and there was enough tea for free.

Everyone talked and laughed, ate and drank, and soon finished eating.

It will take time to clean up the empty house in the back. While the shop owner and the guys are busy in the back, everyone is drinking tea and resting in the front.

Cen Rubai just went out for a while, at this time he took a roll of things from somewhere and handed it to Su Ziji.

"This is?"

"My lord, this is the situation in Shun'an Mansion. I summarized it on the boat before. You can take a look at it now."

Cen Rubai said: "Shun'an Mansion is indeed at a deficit of 70 taels. Now the prefect is Qi Hongxin, who has been newly transferred, and he is also worried about this matter."

"These are not hidden things. You will know immediately when you go. Now you know in advance, so you can think about how to start in advance."

Su Ziji didn't care about the loss, he was surprised when he heard the name "Qi Hongxin", and asked, "Qi Hongxin, but you have been an official in the capital?"

Cen Rubai seemed to have noticed something, but he didn't show any abnormalities. He nodded: "Ten years ago, he was an official in the capital. Later, he was sent out to be a county guard, and then a magistrate. In short, he has been going around in the county mansion and has never been promoted. However, in fact, he has a clear reputation as an official, and his reputation is very good."

In the previous dynasty and this dynasty, counties were also divided into several grades. The magistrate of a large county was a county magistrate, from the sixth rank and a second-class Jinshi, while the chief of a small county was called the county magistrate, and from the seventh rank, everyone could do it.

The same is true for counties. Large counties are called magistrates and small counties are called sheriffs.

For more than ten years before Qi Hongxin, he either served as the sheriff of a small county, or was moved to a large county to be the magistrate of a prefecture. In short, he was always wandering in the same rank.

After receiving an affirmative answer from Cen Rubai, Su Ziji immediately began to think.

"Qi Hongxin happened to be my last target. The emperor transferred him to Shun'an Mansion as the magistrate, and also sent me to Shun'an Mansion to join him. What's the purpose of this?"

"What I did before should not be hidden from the emperor. Is this a chance for me to take revenge?"

"Or, are you taking the opportunity to observe me?"

Seeing that everyone was full of food and drink, everyone was talking and laughing, Su Ziji was in a daze when a crisp sound suddenly came from his ear.

Looking around, it turned out that Xun Sichen's face was pale, and he threw the teacup directly, drinking: "Do it!"

The guards sitting staggered with the soldiers drew their knives and stabbed the person sitting beside them. The light was cold, but the people who were suddenly attacked by them reacted faster than the guards. They always gave way first and then drew their knives. .

"You... ah!" A guard was still grinning, but he missed the shot, but the soldier dodged and slashed half a foot straight from the shoulder.

The guard's face was full of disbelief, he opened his mouth, but spat out a mouthful of blood, and fell down.

People from the two teams who were originally partners actually fought with each other. In an instant, there was a scene of miserable screams in the lobby, which was so horribly horrific.

(End of this chapter)

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