fake prince

Chapter 428

Chapter 428

Almost at the same time, a group of men in black rushed in at the door and slashed at the soldiers.


Everyone else was notified, but Zhang Sui was not notified. A slightly drunk person, seeing a cold light cutting towards him, only had time to dodge subconsciously. Although he escaped the fatal blow, his head was not cut in half, but The shoulder was grazed by the light of the knife, and a blood stain penetrated a finger deep, and he immediately screamed out of pain.

And the person who attacked him suddenly was the guard who thought he had a little friendship. This guard had a grim face at the moment, and he was merciless in his strikes.

Fortunately, someone yanked Zhang Sui violently, and at the same time avoided the battlefield in this small area.

With a grunt, he rolled under the table, only to breathe a sigh of relief, and almost cried because of the wound on his shoulder, but the physiological tears were frightened back by a human head that rolled to the ground with a grunt.

The owner of this human head was viciously turning against him and wanted to cut his head in half. In the end, the one who lost his head was the other party.

It has to be said that for Zhang Sui, this was both a relief and a bit too exciting.

At first, I thought that being a guide would require some effort and a few days of hard work on dry roads, but it was a good job to be able to show my face in front of the imperial envoy Luo, and to form a good relationship with the new champion who was obviously promising.

Who would have imagined that a new champion, who had just entered the officialdom, could be assassinated by such a mobilizing force?

And it wasn't an assassination by an outsider, it was "one of our own"!

As an eighth-rank official, being able to get mixed into the imperial envoy team depends on his brain. After the initial shock, Zhang Sui secretly cried out.

"This is obviously offending people!"

"It doesn't matter whether these people are here for Mr. Su, or for the affairs of the Shun'an Mansion. If you don't want someone to take office, or if there are people behind you who want to stir up trouble, you can't follow them!"

"Follow me, my little life must be lost on this road!"

"If I can survive this time, I have to find a reason to go back. It is only serious to go back to the imperial envoy." Thinking like this, he kept shrinking into the corner.

"Kill!" The two sides collided together, and they fought desperately. The screams kept ringing out. Although they were guards, they were still the champions of the court when they attacked and killed the officials of the imperial court. Survived, it is a battle to the death.

The guards had outstanding skills, but they were not soldiers after all, and they didn't train in battle formations. More importantly, when some guards slashed at the soldiers with their knives, the soldiers groaned, but they heard the sound of armor leaves. The knives cut into them, but not deep.

"When did the enemy wear thin armor inside?"

This situation made the guards feel cold. The man in black who rushed in from the outside originally planned to cooperate with the people inside to cover Su Ziji and his group, but when he rushed in, he found that most of the people inside had been cut down.

These men in black who rushed in were more like "dogs" who had been closed and beaten.

Su Ziji said in a deep voice, "Leave none, kill them all!"

At this moment, almost all the guards were dead, Shi Chang tore off his robe, and his armor clattered: "Biaoxia takes orders!"

Listening to the fighting outside, Xun Sichen's face was livid inside the screen, and he asked Su Ziji, "You already knew?"

As he said that, he smiled bitterly again: "That's right, when we entered the store just now, our people came in, and your people said that they were camping for a bullock cart so as not to get lost. That's when they changed into inner armor, right?"

"We... we didn't die unjustly."

Under the same martial arts, the role of equipment is irreplaceable.

In the martial arts world, there used to be a hero Ding who "has a sword in his heart but no sword in his hand". He claimed that his swordsmanship has reached the highest level. Anything can be a sword in his hand, a branch, a soft strip, or even an embroidery silk thread. This announcement shocked the martial arts and spread it all over the world.

As a result, on the third day, he was attacked by the even inferior swordsman Gu Shiba. With one strike, Ding Daxia's wooden sword and human head were chopped into two pieces, which became a joke in the martial arts for 400 years.

In fact, Ding Daxia may deal with ordinary swordsmen. It is true that a branch or a sliver can be a sword, but for people of the same level, he is courting death.

It is a basic operation for a soldier wearing armor to kill three or five soldiers not wearing armor.

Therefore, the current rule of martial arts is that the stronger the martial arts, the more the pursuit of magical weapons, or soft armor with advanced defense, and it is not too cool to kill the same masters.

Xun Sichen had no hope for the men in black. They were originally recruited local ruffians and bandits, and all the guards were dead. How many more rounds can they support?

Hearing the screams outside, Su Ziji didn't answer, he was distracted, and said calmly: "You and I have been dating for a while, although it's only a few days, but we are still friends. Now that you have surrendered, we I can forgive you."

Originally, he thought that Xun Sichen hated him because of this incident, but when he heard Su Ziji say that, he suddenly gave a wry smile.

He was really alone, and he was afraid that he would agree immediately. After all, it was really uncomfortable to be used as cannon fodder, but he was not alone.

"Master Su, you are only one wife, but my family has seventeen members."

"Do you know why I threw a steamed bun to that beggar just now? It's not that I'm kind. If I see other beggars, I'm afraid I won't even give them a look."

"Just because my two sons and daughters are only a few years younger than them, and they just know how to walk and call people. When I see them, I can't help but think of my youngest son, my wife, and me. mother..."

Speaking of this, Xun Sichen slowly drew his sword: "I surrendered, and my relatives will die. If I die, they can live, and there will be pensions. For them, I have no choice but to fight to the death. "

"It's a pity." Su Ziji watched, seeing a trace of fortitude flashing across Xun Sichen's face, he could only sigh.

If you can subdue him, you really don't want this person's life.

After all, it is a talent, given a few more years, given the opportunity to make contributions and grow, it may not be impossible to become a member of the generals, which is a pity.

"That's right, even Bai Qi, Han Xin and his like died a lot during the charge."

"If you can't decide to live, you can only die."

Seeing that Xun Sichen had already charged up, the light of the saber pierced the air, he rushed in ferociously and fearlessly, and the saber was ruthless, this is the saber technique in the army, Su Ziji swept past him, and at the moment of interlacing, the sword moved forward Leaning, rushed three feet and stopped suddenly.

The person is still, five inches in front of the sword tip, there is a faint blood light, the figure is moving and then stilling, this short-term change, the period is too short, it seems that nothing happened just now, it is just an illusion.

With a soft sound, Su Ziji, who had changed his position, put his sword back into its sheath coldly, with a calm expression on his face.

However, Xun Sichen couldn't stop his momentum when his saber fell, and he staggered forward. The blood gushed out from his neck, and quickly soaked his shirt.

It didn't spray on the person who did it, but the beggar who didn't know when to hide in the corner was sprayed all over his head and face.

"Did you regret it before you died? Unfortunately, it's too late." Seeing Xun Sichen's body twitching, Su Ziji sighed, saying that he was not afraid of death, but it is said that 95% of people who really committed suicide would not try it a second time.

(End of this chapter)

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